Fire Investigations for Informal Settlements

dc.contributor.advisorWalls, Richard Shaunen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorFlores Quiroz, Nataliaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fires in informal settlements (IS) are a significant problem in developing countries. According to the South African national statistics, 5544 IS fire incidents were reported during 2019. Although informal settlement fires only account for 11.6% (on average) of all fires, they cause approximately 40% of the total number of fatalities. It is with this backdrop that this dissertation seeks to develop an understanding of real IS fires. We need to know: what is causing fires? How do fires spread? What stops fires from spreading? How are fires put out? How many people are affected in an incident? How do inhabitants respond during an incident? To start answering these this work considers (a) the development of a framework for fire investigations in informal settlements (FFIIS), (b) the analysis of a real IS fire incident, (c) the application of the FFIIS to large post-flashover IS fires, and (d) work to understand the fire causes in IS fires. First, the FFIIS that applies well-known forensic fire investigation principles and guidelines is developed in order to (a) identify the fire origin and the fire cause, (b) obtain data on human behaviour in fire, (c) understand the fire spread sequence, and (d) evaluate the effectiveness of suppression and response efforts. Then, a real IS fire that was recorded by a transit CCTV camera is analysed. The analysis allows for the study of (a) the fire spread, (b) the human behaviour, and (c) firefighters’ response and operations. After this, the FFIIS is applied to three real fire events. The application of the FFIIS allows one to develop hypotheses that more accurately define the area of fire origin and pattern formation sequence. Understanding the limitations and the quality of the information that can be obtained when applying the FFIIS is fundamental to improve the guidelines proposed. The work carried out reveals the difficulty in obtaining information pertaining to the fire cause of IS fires. Hence, to gain a better understanding of this topic a different approach was taken, whereby the fire risk perception of IS inhabitants is analysed. The analysis suggests that (a) the survey’s risk target had a strong influence on the risk perception, (b) the inhabitants’ fire risk perception of their settlement is similar to that of firefighters in previous research, (c) the risk mitigation proposals are mainly focused on decreasing the consequences of the fire, (d) the national fire statistics are not capturing the causes of real fire incidents, and (e) improvement of the documentation process after a fire event could provide critical information to implement prevention measures. A better understanding on IS fires, through the investigation of past fire events, can be used to facilitate the design of prevention plans that respond specifically to informal settlements requirements, develop or validate fire spread models, enhance firefighter response and training, plan for incidents, and develop community fire awareness. This work may be applicable to other low- income communities such as refugee camps, markets, IS in other countries with different conditions, and similar settlements.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Brande in informele nedersettings (IN) is 'n beduidende probleem in ontwikkelende lande. Die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Statistiek het rapporteer in 2019 dat daar 5544 IN-brande aangemeld is. IN- brande gemiddeld net 11,6% van alle brande, maar is verantwoordelik vir tot 40% van alle brandverwante sterftes. Die navorsing ondersoek dus die begrip van IN-brande in werklikheid. Die volgende vrae is belangrik: wat is die oorsaak van die brande? Hoe versprei die brande? Hoe kan die verspreiding van die brand voorkom word? Hoe word die brande geblus? Hoeveel mense word deur hierdie brande geraak? Hoe reageer die inwoners tydens 'n voorval? Hierdie werk beantwoord die voorgenoemde vrae deur (a) die ontwikkeling van 'n raamwerk vir die brandondersoek in IN, (b) die ontleding van 'n werklike IN-brandvoorval, (c) die toepassing van die raamwerk wat ontwikkel is vir 'n “post-flashover” IN-brand en (d) om die oorsake van brande in IN-brande beter te verstaan. Eerstens word die raamwerk, wat gebruik maak van welbekende forensiese brandondersoekbeginsels en -riglyne, ontwikkel om (a) die oorsprong en oorsaak van n vuur te identifiseer, (b) data verkry van die menslike gedrag tydens die brand, (c) om die brandverspreidingsvolgorde te verstaan en (d) om die doeltreffenheid van die brand onderdrukking en reaksiepogings te evalueer. Daarna word 'n IN- brand, vasgevang op kringtelevisie kamera, ontleed. Die analise bied n geleentheid aan om die volgende te bestudeer: (a) die brandverspreiding, (b) die menslike gedrag en (c) die brandbestryders se reaksie en bedrywighede. Hierna word die raamwerk toegepas op die brandgebeure. Die toepassing van die raamwerk verskaf die geleentheid om hipoteses te ontwikkel wat die oorsprong van die vuur akkuraat defineer asook die patroonvormingvolgorde. Dit is fundamenteel vir die verbetering van die voorgestelde riglyne om die beperkings en kwalitiet te verstaan. Die studie beklemtoon die moeilikhede omtrent die verkry van inligting omtrent IN-brande. Dus was 'n alternatiewe benadering gebruik wat fokus op die brandrisiko persepsie van die inwoners. Die ontleding wys op die moontlikehede dat (a) die opname se risiko teikengehoor die groot invloed het op die risiko persepsie, (b) die inwoners se brandrisiko persepsie van hul nedersettting dieselfde is as die van die brandbestryders van vorige studies, (c) dat risiko vermindering voorstelle fokus op die vermindering van die gevolge van die brand, (d) dat die nasionale brand statistiek nie die oorsake van brande aan teken nie en (e) dat die verbetering van die dokumentasie verwerking na 'n brand kritiese informasie kan lewer wat kan help met brandvoorkomingsmaatreëls. Deur vorige brandgebeure te ondersoek verkry navorsers 'n beter begrip van IS-brande wat kan gebruik word om die ontwerp van voorkomingsplanne te fasiliteer wat spesifiek op informele nedersettingsvereistes reageer, brandverspreidingsmodelle ontwikkel of bekragtig, brandbestrydersreaksie en opleiding verbeter, beplan vir voorvalle, en gemeenskapsbrandbewustheid te ontwikkel. Hierdie werk kan van toepassing wees op ander lae- inkomste gemeenskappe soos vlugtelingkampe, markte, IN in ander lande met verskillende toestande, en soortgelyke nedersettingsaf_ZA
dc.format.extent157 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectInformal settlements (Squatter settlements) -- Firesen_ZA
dc.subjectFire investigationen_ZA
dc.subjectFires and fire preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectFire risk assessmenten_ZA
dc.titleFire Investigations for Informal Settlementsen_ZA
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