Investigating the geometry of dithiadiazolyl rings

dc.contributor.advisorHaynes, Delia Annen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStrydom, Marisaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Chemistry and Polymer Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study, the internal geometry of 1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl (DTDA) rings, and how it is affected by charge and dimerisation, was investigated through the synthesis of compounds, spectroscopic titrations, a database study, and a computational study. Attempted coordination experiments between a DTDA radical and metalloporphyrins did not result in any crystalline coordination compounds. Analysis of the solid materials that were produced revealed crystals containing phenylamidinium and HSO 4í, or protonated diacid porphyrin and HSO 4í. It is proposed that the radicals hydrolyse to amidinium, SO 2 and sulphur due to the presence of water. The SO 2 is oxidised to H 2SO 4, which then demetallates the porphyrins. Spectroscopic titrations of the same DTDA radical and metalloporphyrins provided contradicting results, as EPR spectroscopy titrations indicated coordination, but UV/Vis spectroscopy titrations did not. A study was done on DTDAs reported in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The S-S bond lengths in DTDAs were found to increase in the order cation < neutral < anion. DTDAs with a non-integer charge were identified. The S-S bond lengths in DTDAs were also found to increase in the order monomers < cis-cofacial dimers = twisted-cofacial dimers < trans- antarafacial dimers < trans-cofacial dimers. The S-S bond lengths of cis-cofacial dimers were found to be longer for rings with larger substituents. The organometallic structures were compared to the trends determined from the organic structures. One structure with an anion and five structures with potentially partially anionic DTDA rings were identified. A computational study was performed to substantiate the conclusions of the database study. The S-S bond lengths of DTDA-H and DTDA-Ph monomers in optimised geometries were found to increase in the same order as in the crystal structures in the CSD. Energy calculations revealed the relative stability of monomers increase in the same order. The trend for calculated S-S bond lengths in dimers with different modes was the same as observed in the CSD. The order of relative stabilities between the modes of dimerisation differed between the DTDA-H and DTDA-Ph dimers, indicating that the substituent could impact the stability of dimers and should be considered in calculations. Calculated dimerisation energies for DTDA-H dimers indicated twisted-cofacial dimers are more stable than cis- and trans-cofacial dimers. T he dimerisation energies of DTDA-Ph dimers were found to depend on the geometry of the monomers. Calculated molecular orbitals visualised the SOMOs of the monomers that are anti-bonding over the S-S bonds, which endorsed the observations from the database study. Overall, this study contributes to the understanding of DTDAs and the effect that electron density has on the geometry of the DTDA ring.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die interne geometrie van 1,2,3,5-dithiadiazolyl (DTDA) ringe, en hoe dit deur lading en dimerisasie beïnvloed word, ondersoek deur die sintese van verbindings, VSHNWURVNRSLHVH WLWUDVLHV ƌ GDWDEDVLVVWXGLH HQ ƌ WHRUHWLHVH VWXGLH Pogings van koördinasie eksperimente tussen ƌ DTDA radikaal en metalloporfiriene het geen kristallyne koördinasie verbindings tot gevolg gehad nie. Ontleding van die geproduseerde vaste materiale het kristalle aan die lig gebring wat of fenielamidinium en HSO 4í, of geprotoneerde porfirien en HSO4í, bevat. Daar word voorgestel dat die radikale hidroliseer na amidinium, SO 2 en swael as gevolg van die teenwoordigheid van water. Die SO 2 word geoksideer tot H2SO 4, wat dan die porfiriene demetalliseer. Spektroskopiese titrasies van dieselfde DTDA radikale en metalloporfiriene het teenstrydige resultate gelewer, aangesien EPR spektroskopie titrasies koördinasie aangedui het, maar UV/Vis spektroskopie titrasies nie. n Studie is gedoen oor DTDAs berig in die Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). Daar is gevind dat die S-S-bindingslengtes in DTDAs toeneem in die orde katioon < neutraal < anioon. DTDAs met 'n nie-heelgetallading is geïdentifiseer. Daar is ook gevind dat die S-S- bindingslengtes in DTDA's toeneem in die orde monomere < cis-kofasiale dimere =gedraaide- kofasiale dimere < trans-antarafasiale dimere < trans-kofasiale dimere. Daar is gevind dat die S-S-bindingslengtes van cis-kofasiale dimere langer is vir ringe met groter substituente. Die organometaalstrukture is vergelyk met die neigings wat uit die organiese strukture bepaal is. Een struktuur met 'n anioon en vyf strukture met potensieel gedeeltelik anioniese DTDA-ringe is geïdentifiseer. n Berekeningstudie is uitgevoer om die gevolgtrekkings van die databasisstudie te staaf. Daar is gevind dat die S-S bindingslengtes van DTDA-H en DTDA-Ph monomere in geoptimaliseerde geometrieë toeneem in dieselfde volgorde as in die kristalstrukture in die CSD. Energieberekeninge het getoon dat die relatiewe stabiliteit van monomere in dieselfde volgorde toeneem. Die neiging vir berekende S-S-bindingslengtes in dimere met verskillende modusse was dieselfde as waargeneem in die CSD. Die volgorde van relatiewe stabiliteit tussen die modusse van dimerisasie het verskil tussen die DTDA-H en DTDA-Ph dimere, wat aandui dat die substituent die stabiliteit van dimere kan beïnvloed en in berekeninge in ag geneem moet word. Berekende dimerisasie-energieë vir DTDA-H-dimere het aangedui dat gedraaide-kofasiale dimere meer stabiel is as cis- en trans-kofasiale dimere. Daar is gevind dat die dimerisasie-energieë van DTDA-Ph dimere afhang van die geometrie van die monomere. Berekende molekulêre orbitale het die SOMOs van die monomere gevisualiseer wat anti-bindind oor die S-S-bindings is, wa t die gevolgtrekkings van die databasisstudie ondersteun het. Saamgevat dra hierdie studie by tot die begrip van DTDAs en die effek wat elektrondigtheid op die geometrie van die DTDA-ring het.af_ZA
dc.format.extent154 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPancake bondingen_ZA
dc.subjectVolumetric analysisen_ZA
dc.titleInvestigating the geometry of dithiadiazolyl ringsen_ZA
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