High-speed 5-axis machining for tooling applications

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the modern metalworking industry, production moulds often have complex geometry, with undercut regions, small corner radii, sharp edges, deep cavities, or large cores. Conventional manufacturing process chains to machine these complex features are often lengthy and inefficient due to multiple steps. This article presents current results obtained through industry projects and experimental work using 5-axis high-speed machining with high-end CAD/CAM systems to improve process efficiency. Cost optimisation and lead time shortening can be clearly shown. This is of particular importance for South African manufacturing companies, where multi-axis HSC technology although not totally unknown is significantly under-used.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die moderne metaalnywerheid word produksiegietvorms dikwels gekenmerk deur komplekse geometrië, bv. ondersny areas, klein hoek radiusse, skerp rante, diep holtes, en groot kerne. Konvensionele vervaardigingsproseskettings om hierdie komplekse kenmerke te masjieneer is dikwels langdurig en ondoeltreffend weens veelvuldige stappe. Hierdie artikel dui op resultate verkry vanaf industrie-verwante projekte, sowel as eksperimentele werk, waar ’n 5-as hoë spoed freesmasjien gebruik was tesame met top reeks CAD/CAM stelsels om prosesdoeltreffendheid te verbeter. Koste optimisering en verkorting van lei tye kan duidelik getoon word, wat van besondere belang is vir Suid-Afrikaanse vervaar-digingsmaatskappye wat van multi-as hoë spoed masjieneringstegnologië gebruik maak.
CITATION: Saxer, M., De Beer, N. & Dimitrov, D. M. 2012. High-speed 5-axis machining for tooling applications. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 23(3):144-153, doi:10.7166/23-3-517.
The original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
Machining, Metalworking industries, Manufacturing processes
Saxer, M., De Beer, N. & Dimitrov, D. M. 2012. High-speed 5-axis machining for tooling applications. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 23(3):144-153, doi:10.7166/23-3-517.