Forms of address in Tshivenda

Matloga, Eric Matladi
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of address form in Tshivenda. Chapter one concentrates on aims of study, data collection and the organisation of study. Chapter two concentrates on various studies which deal with forms of address in different communities. They introduce forms of address as a routine between people who are embedded in the socio-cultural context of society. Chapter three deals with the informal use of forms of address. This includes names, pronouns and kinship terms. Different names deal with Tshivenda names and Non- Tshivenda names, and the way they are used in different context as a form of address. The controversial use of a pronoun as a form of address is also taken into account as well as kinship terms as a form of address in family where forms are applied in informal situation. [Where the place is unstructured and they are applied in the traditional way.] Chapter four investigates the formal use of address in a structured situation, this covers titles, occupations, special address forms and innovations. Titles are used in a more structured situation. They show social rank or official position such as Doctors, Professors etc. Occupational terms are connected with a person's job. These are terms like nurses, teachers etc. The special forms of address are used in certain occasions where the sender uses an unpopular form of address, uses new techniques and they are practised by elite class, who tries to change the status quo. Chapter five gives the main conclusions of the thesis.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die gebruik van aanspreekvorme in Tshivenda. Hoofstuk een konsentreer op die doelstellings van die studie, die versameling van data en die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk twee konsentreer op verskillende studies wat handel oor aanspreekvorme in verskillende gemeenskappe. Hulle sluit in aanspreekvorme soos gewoonlik gebruik tussen mense wat vas gewortel is in die sosio-kulturele konteks van die gemeenskap. Hoofstuk drie handel oor die gebruik van informele aanspreekvorme. Dit sluit in name, voornaamwoorde en verwantskapsterme. Dit sluit in Venda en nie-Venda name in verskillende kontekste. Die gebruik van 'n voornaamwoord in aanspreekvorme word ook belangrik geag sowel as verwantskapsterme in familie waar vorme gebruik word in informele situasie. Hoofstuk vier ondersoek die formele gebruik van aanspreekvorme in 'n strukturele situasie. Die sluit in titel, beroepe, spesiale vorme en innovasie. Titels word gebruik in In strukturele situasie. Hulle verwys na sosiale posisie of amptelike posisie soos dokters, professors ens. Die spesiale vorme word gebruik in omstandighede waar die sender die ongewone vorm gebruik vir die ontvanger. Innovatiewe vorme gebruik nuwe tegnieke en hulle word beoefen deur die hoer klas, wat probeer om die status quo te verander. Hoofstuk vyf gee die bevindinge van die tesis.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Venda language -- Address, Forms of, Venda language -- Usage