An overview of the historical, technological and stylistic aspects of electronic dance music with specific reference to the trance genre

dc.contributor.advisorHerbst, Theoen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVermeulen, J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOrtmann, Biancaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M Mus)--Stellenbosch University, 2007.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present thesis provides a broad overview of a number of important aspects of electronic dance music (EDM), however with a more specific focus on the trance subgenre. Although the latter subgenre only started to gain a significant following since the early 1990s, its popularity has since grown with such rapid strides that it currently represents one of the dominant forces in the EDM sphere. In contrast with many studies that have focussed on the use of narcotics often associated with EDM and specifically trance music, the present study takes as its focus the music itself. This is done in the hope of providing a basis for further, more detailed research on the present tropic. As such, the study first looks at the historical development of EDM and the consequent rise of trance music and its various subgenres. With this having provided a suitable context, the study then examines more closely some of the technological means that play an important role in EDM and trance music. Additionally profiles are provided of three representative trance music disc jockeys (DJs), namely Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren and Tiesto, also making mention of their views regarding EDM and trance music and the equipment they use in producing their music. The study lastly examines some of the more general, yet characteristic musical elements of EDM and specifically trance music, and proceeds to illustrate some of these by providing an analysis of a chosen trance music track, namely Paul van Dyk's E-Werk Club Mix of For An Angel.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderhawige dissertasie bied 'n bree oorsig oor 'n aantal belangrike aspekte aangaande elektroniese dansmusiek (EDM), en fokus in hierdie verband spesifiek of die trance 1 subgenre hiervan. Ondanks die feit dat laasgenoemde subgenre eers in die vroee 1990's noemenswaardige aanhang begin geniet het, het die gewildheid daarvan sedertdien 'n wereldwye omvang aangeneem wat dit verhefhet tot een van die heersende rolspelers in die huidige EDM-milieu. In teenstelling met verskeie studies waarin die klem val op die gebruik van verdowingsmiddels wat dikwels met EDM en trance-musiek verbind word, vorm die musiek self egter die kem van hierdie studie. Dit word gedoen in 'n poging om moontlik die fondasie te le vir verdere, meer diepgaande navorsing oor hierdie onderwerp. As sodanig stel hierdie studie in die eerste instansie ondersoek in na die historiese ontwikkeling van EDM en die latere opkoms van trance-musiek en sy onderskeie subgenres. Dit <lien vervolgens as konteks vir die nadere bestudering van party van die tegnologiese middele wat 'n belangrike rol speel met betrekking tot EDM en trance-musiek. Bykomend word 'n profiel geskets van elk van drie verteenwoordigende trance-musiek D.Fs2 , by name Paul van Dyk, Armin van Buuren en Tiesto, en word daar melding gemaak van die sieninge wat hulle ten opsigte van EDM en spesifiek trancemusiek huldig, asook van die toerusting waarvan hulle gebruik maak in die vervaardiging daarvan. Laastens word daar gekyk na die meer algemene tog kenmerkende musikale eienskappe waaroor EDM en spesifiek trance-musiek beskik, en word van hierdie eienskappe dan toegelig by wyse van 'n analise van 'n gekose trance-musiek snit, naamlik die E-Werk Club Mix-weergawe van For An Angel deur Paul van Dyk.
dc.format.extent178 leaves : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTrance (Underground dance music)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen_ZA
dc.titleAn overview of the historical, technological and stylistic aspects of electronic dance music with specific reference to the trance genreen_ZA
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