Artistic experimentation through decolonial sound projects for clarinet

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Stephanusen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorPauw, Esther Marieen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorLiebenberg, Visseren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the sounding capacity of the clarinet through decolonial projects. This study’s sound projects are infused by a decolonial imperative that invokes the conglomerate concept of modernity/(de)coloniality (Walter Mignolo, 2012: 90). Mignolo’s term, together with his notion of decolonial aestheSis operate as turbines from which to explore the sounding capacity of the clarinet, an instrument that is conventionally situated in a largely Western music practice. In my research, the clarinet, as well as the researcher, encounter endogenous sounds and thereby engage in processes of sound translation. The method of investigation used is that of artistic research and specifically artistic experimentation that relies on generating knowledge from practice and reflecting on the generated knowledges, as possible avenues for exploration. The avoidance of a potentially opportunistic use of a decolonial imperative for a sound translation process directs this study towards the researcher’s creation of an index of clarinet sounds. This index is codified as a list of newly improvised sounds and from this index a collaborative creation process for a new composition emerges. The new composition, created with the composer Pierre-Henri Wicomb, is composed, notated and performed by the researcher. Throughout this study, various decolonial encounters are staged ranging from interaction with musicians and dancers, discussions with colleague artistic researchers, as well as two research performance events, one in front of a small group of participants at the Percival Kirby Collection of Indigenous instruments, and the other in front of a much larger audience at the Stellenbosch University Museum. The experiments presented through this research delink the clarinet from Western performance practice and its discourses, so that novel avenues for exploring the sounding capacity of the clarinet, and the situatedness of the clarinet player, arise. Resulting knowledges and further questions from the various research processes crystallise into consideration of how a decolonial imperative confronts, questions, and enhances the sounding clarinet, together with how these processes morph with the identity of the clarinettist-researcher. The research finds that a decolonial imperative does indeed transform the sounding capacities of the clarinet, so that the clarinet practice of the researcher itself, as well as its contexts of influence, are shifted into forms of sonic migrancy. Aspects such as these are documented and clarified through self-reflexive writing in the dissertation. The research presented in the thesis is paired with film footage of sound experiments, as undertaken throughout the research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing onderneem om die klankkapasiteit van die klarinet deur middel van dekoloniale projekte te ondersoek. Verskeie klankmoontlikhede wat energie aan die dekoloniale imperatief ontleen, neem as vertrekpunt die gekombineerde konsep moderniteit/(de)kolonialiteit (Walter Mignolo, 2012: 90), asook Mignolo se dekoloniale estese. Sodoende word die klarinet, met sy oorwegend Westerse klassieke praktyk, aan endogene klanke van Suid Afrika deur ’n klankvertalingsproses gekoppel. Die metodologiese vertrekpunt behels artistieke navorsing en artistieke eksperimentering as proses- gedrewe interaksies, tesame met refleksiewe denkprosesse wat navorsingsvrae vanuit die praktyk skep. As ’n oplossing vir die probleem van ’n opportunistiese kaping van die dekoloniale in die klankvertalingproses, word ’n indeks van nuutgeskepte klanke aangebied, wat as inspirasie dien tot ’n kollaboratiewe skepping. ’n Nuwe klarinetkomposisie is gekomponeer, genoteer saam met die komponis Pierre-Henri Wicomb en uitgevoer deur die navorser. Dekoloniale ontmoetings sluit ondermeer ook in interaksies met mede-musikante en dansers, gesprekke met ’n kollegiale kring van artistieke navorsers, en ’n ontmoeting met inheemse instrumente in Percival Kirby se versameling. Tesame met ’n openbare uitvoering in die Stellenbosch Universiteitsmuseum, dui hierdie klank-eksperimente op die klarinet se ontkoppeling van konvensionele kontekste om in hierdie studie verbreding van praktyke te vind. Die navorser bevind dat hierdie klankvertalingsproses die self van die musikant as klankbewuste identiteitswese wysig, vorm, verryk, en uitdaag, aspekte wat ondermeer self-refleksief in die tesis aangespreek en verwoord word. Hierdie navorsingsprojek wys uiteindelik dat ’n dekoloniale imperatief die klarinet se klank kon transformeer binne, rondom, en ook weer terugkerend na die praktyk, sodat ’n proses van klank-migrasie plaasvind. Die navorsing word aangebied in ’n proefskrif tesame met video-skakels wat aanlynmateriaal aan die leser beskikbaar stel.af_ZA
dc.format.extentviii, 107 pages : illustrations, musicen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectClarinet -- Musicen_ZA
dc.subjectArtistic -- Research -- Musicen_ZA
dc.subjectArtistic experimentationen_ZA
dc.subjectDecolonial sound -- Imperativeen_ZA
dc.subjectImprovisation (Music)en_ZA
dc.titleArtistic experimentation through decolonial sound projects for clarineten_ZA
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