The numerical investigation of wave slamming on a polar supply and research vessel

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The SA Agulhas II is a polar supply and research vessel owned by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment of South Africa. She facilitates and supports research in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. The SA Agulhas II was designed to polar class 5 and experiences harsh seas and ice conditions during her voyages. The ship was designed with a raised transom which results in significant slamming during open water navigation. This can cause local damage to the hull as well as increased fatigue damage to the structure of the vessel. The ship was designed to manage ice passage which may be sub-optimal during open water navigation due to the increased slamming which results from the raised transom. An investigation into a monitoring scheme with the use of full-scale measurements and simulation software is instantiated to detect slamming pressures experienced by the hull of the vessel. The full-scale slam load measurement estimation is established with the use of plate theory and strain measurements on sections of the hull plating at the transom. The strain measurements are used to determine an estimate of the pressure loads experienced on the hull during slamming events. The results show promise in the technique used after some improvements in noise attenuation and error adjustment due to simplifying assumptions. A computational fluid dynamic model and simulation procedure is developed to analyse the validity of using simulation software to predict loading and vessel responses as well as inform hindsight investigations of the vessel responses to her environment. The simulation software does not capture the response of the vessel well in some seaways and hydrodynamic pressure estimates are not determined well for small sea states.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die SA Agulhas II is ’n pool verskaffings- en navorsingsvaartuig wat deur die Departement van Bosbou, Visserye en die Omgewing van Suid-Afrika besit word. Sy ondersteun navorsing in die Suidelike Oseaan en Antarktika. Die SA Agulhas II is ontwerp vir polere klas 5 en ervaar strawwe see en ystoestande tydens haar reise. Die skip is ontwerp met ’n verhoogde agterskip wat lei tot aansienlike branderklap tydens oopwaternavigasie. Dit kan plaaslike skade aan die skeepsromp veroorsaak, asook verhoogde vermoeidheidskade aan die struktuur van die vaartuig. ’n Ondersoek is geloots waar ’n volskaalse moniteringskema en simulasie gebruik word om die lokale druk van branderklap op die staalstruktuur te bepaal. Die volskaalse klapladingmetingsskatting word vasgestel met die gebruik van plaatteorie en vervormingsmetings op dele van die skeepromp plate by die agterskip. Die vervormingsmetings word gebruik om ’n skatting te bepaal van die drukladings wat op die skeepromp ervaar word tydens brander branderklap insidente. Die resultate toon belofte in die tegniek wat gebruik word na ’n paar verbeterings in geraasdemping en ’n foutaanpassing as gevolg van vereenvoudigde aannames. ’n Berekeningsvloeidinamika model en simulasieprosedure word ontwikkel om die geldigheid van die gebruik van simulasiesagteware te ontleed om laai- en vaartuigreaksies te voorspel, asook om agterna ondersoeke van die vaartuigreaksies op haar omgewing in te lig. Die simulasiesagteware vang nie die reaksie van die vaartuig goed in sommige seewee vas nie en hidrodinamiese drukskattings word nie goed vir kalm seetoestande bepaal nie.
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2023.