A toolkit to aid in the education and training of supply chain members for the efficient distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine : a South African case

dc.contributor.advisorGoedhals-Gerber, Leila Louiseen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVan Eeden, Jouberten_ZA
dc.contributor.authorStofberg, Suzanneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: COVID-19 is an ongoing pandemic and South Africa is one of the many countries affected by it. Although the country has vaccinated citizens in the past, it now faces the challenge of vaccinating citizens against COVID-19, taking into consideration the vaccine’s cold chain requirements and ensuring vaccines reach vaccination sites safely and uncompromised. The functionality and understanding of the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain is relatively new, because of its recent emergence, and the aim and purpose of this study is to allow distribution companies to have a better understanding of the requirements, education, training, and factors that need be taken into consideration when transporting, handling, or storing a COVID-19 vaccine. This research study has five main objectives: firstly, to understand the functionality and components of a vaccine supply chain and the vaccine industry and secondly, identifying the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain stakeholders. Thirdly, to comprehend and clarify cold chain protocols for COVID-19 vaccines procured by the South African Government and the international best practices that can be implemented and applied to ensure vaccine safety and increase cold chain efficacy. Fourth, to identify and clarify the skill and training requirements of individuals at different employment levels and lastly using the inputs of these objectives in creating an educational toolkit that can be used by supply chain members regarding the effective distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in South Africa. The study was exploratory and cross-sectional in nature and made use of both primary and secondary data. Research questions were answered and research objectives were met through information and data gathered from either a literature review, a stakeholder analysis or an interview process. The information from these sources served as an input to the educational toolkit, which is the outcome of the study. There are four tools in the educational toolkit namely, the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain stakeholders, the COVID-19 vaccine categorization and cold chain equipment, the COVID-19 vaccine handling, storage and delivery protocols and the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain required skills, training and education. These tools can be used by supply chain members to educate employees and serve as a basis for determining vaccine supply chain requirements. Although the toolkit should not be used as the only source of information, regarding the subject, its output can add value to the safe and effective distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in South Africa.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: COVID-19 is ’n voortdurende pandemie en Suid-Afrika is een van die vele lande wat daardeur geraak word. Alhoewel die land al in die verlede burgers ingeënt het, staan dit nou voor die uitdaging om burgers teen COVID-19 in te ent, met inagneming van die entstof se kouekettingvereistes en om te verseker dat entstowwe inentingsplekke veilig en sonder kompromie bereik. Die funksionaliteit en verstaan rondom die COVID-19-entstofvoorsieningsketting is relatief nuut, vanweë die onlangse verskyning daarvan, en die doel van hierdie studie is om verspreidingsmaatskappye in staat te stel om 'n beter begrip van die vereistes, opvoeding, opleiding en faktore te hê wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer 'n COVID-19-entstof vervoer, hanteer of geberg word. Hierdie navorsingstudie het vyf hoofdoelwitte: eerstens om die funksionaliteit en komponente van 'n entstofvoorsieningsketting en die entstofbedryf te verstaan en tweedens om die COVID-19-entstofvoorsieningsketting-belanghebbendes te identifiseer. Derdens, om kouekettingprotokolle vir COVID-19-entstowwe wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering verkry is, te verstaan en die internasionale beste praktyke te identifiseer wat geïmplementeer en toegepas kan word om entstofveiligheid te verseker en kouekettingdoeltreffendheid te verhoog. Vierdens, om die vaardigheids- en opleidingsvereistes van individue op verskillende indiensnemingsvlakke te identifiseer en te verduidelik en laastens die gebruik van die insette van hierdie doelwitte in die skep van 'n opvoedkundige gereedskapstel wat deur voorsieningskettinglede gebruik kan word met betrekking tot die effektiewe verspreiding van COVID-19-entstowwe in Suid-Afrika. Die studie was verkennend van aard en het van beide primêre en sekondêre data gebruik gemaak. Navorsingsvrae is beantwoord en navorsingsdoelwitte is bereik deur inligting en data wat deur óf 'n literatuuroorsig, 'n belanghebbende-analise of 'n onderhoudproses ingesamel is. Die inligting uit hierdie bronne het gedien as 'n inset tot die opvoedkundige gereedskapstel, wat die uitkoms van die studie is. Daar is vier instrumente in die opvoedkundige gereedskapstel, naamlik die COVID-19-entstofvoorsieningsketting-belanghebbendes, die COVID-19-entstofkategorisering en kouekettingtoerusting, die COVID-19-entstofhantering, berging en afleweringsprotokolle en die COVID-19-entstofvoorsieningsketting vaardighede, opleiding en opvoeding vereistes. Hierdie gereedskap kan deur voorsieningskettinglede gebruik word om werknemers op te voed en dien as 'n basis vir die bepaling van entstofvoorsieningskettingvereistes. Alhoewel die gereedskapstel nie as die enigste bron van inligting gebruik moet word oor die onderwerp nie, kan die uitset daarvan waarde toevoeg tot die veilige en doeltreffende verspreiding van COVID-19-entstowwe in Suid-Afrika.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 154 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCOVID-19 (Disease) -- Vaccination -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCOVID-19 vaccines -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectVaccines -- Storage -- Temperature control -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectVaccines -- Transportation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleA toolkit to aid in the education and training of supply chain members for the efficient distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine : a South African caseen_ZA
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