A digital twin architecture for a water distribution system.

dc.contributor.advisorBasson, AHen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKruger, Ken_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGoosen, Ockert Johannen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies in the water sector is providing water utilities with the necessary tools and insights to combat WDS-related challenges such as water management (e.g. leak detection) and future planning to meet increasing demand. A key enabler in Industry 4.0-related technologies is the concept of a digital twin. Digital twins may provide water utilities with improved insight into their WDSs and enable services that can facilitate data-driven decision-making. This thesis proposes and evaluates a digital twin architecture for a water distribution system (WDS) based on the Six Layer Architecture for Digital Twins with Aggregation (SLADTA). The digital twin architecture aims to facilitate the unique challenges and characteristics present in WDSs. Aspects include the complexity of heterogenous monitoring devices installed on WDSs and potential physical and management-related reconfigurations of WDSs. This thesis evaluates whether digital twin architecture designed according to SLADTA can overcome these challenges and provide the framework to develop a WDS digital twin with the desired characteristics. Several modifications were made in the process of mapping SLADTA (previously implemented in the manufacturing and renewable energy infrastructure domains) to a WDS-focused digital twin architecture. The thesis evaluates the WDS digital twin architecture using two case studies, each with several experiments, to determine whether the proposed architecture can meet the determined WDS digital twin requirements. The case studies also explore how the aggregation philosophy, inherent in SLADTA, can be implemented on WDSs. The first case study implements the WDS digital twin architecture for a laboratory scale WDS. The laboratory scale WDS replicates the real-world complexity of heterogeneous data sources by containing a variety of monitoring devices commonly used in industry. This case study also shows the ability of the WDS digital twin to integrate services, such as anomaly detection. In the second case study, a large-scale, simulated WDS is used to evaluate the WDS digital twin architecture’s ability to accommodate reconfiguration. WDS-related reconfiguration includes changes to a WDS’s monitoring capacity, changes to a WDS management organisations’ boundaries or zone and adding new WDS infrastructure to an existing digital twin. Additionally, the WDS digital twin architecture’s ability to incorporate WDS domain services, such as modelling of the hydraulic behaviour in a WDS, is investigated. The performance of the WDS digital twin architecture presented in this thesis is, therefore, demonstrated in a real-world, but laboratory-scale, case study and in a complex, but simulated, case study. The case study implementations show that the proposed architecture is capable of meeting the functional requirements that were derived from WDS operator needs.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die inkorporering van Industrie-4.0-tegnologieë in die watersektor voorsien waternutsdienste van die nodige gereedskap en insigte om WDS-verwante uitdagings soos waterbestuur (bv. lekopsporing) en toekomstige beplanning om in toenemende vraag te voorsien. ‘n Belangrike instaatsteller in Industrie-4.0-verwante tegnologieë is die konsep van 'n digitale tweeling. Digitale tweelinge kan waternutsdienste verbeterde insig in hul WDS'e verskaf en dienste voorsien wat datagedrewe besluitneming kan vergemaklik. Hierdie tesis stel ‘n argitektuur vir ’n digitale tweeling voor vir ’n water-distribusie-sisteem (WDS) gebaseer op die “Six Layer Architecture for Digital Twins” (SLADTA). Die voorgestelde digitale-tweeling-argitektuur mik om die unieke uitdagings en eienskappe teenwoordig in WDS’e te fasiliteer. Aspekte sluit in die kompleksiteit van heterogene moniteringstoestelle wat op die WDS’e geïnstalleer kan word en die potensiële fisiese en bestuur-verwante herkonfigurasies van WDS’e. Hierdie tesis evalueer of die digitale tweeling argitektuur wat ontwerp is volgens SLADTA die genoemde uitdagings kan oorkom en die raamwerk kan verskaf om 'n WDS digitale tweeling met die verlangde eienskappe te ontwikkel. Verskeie wysigings is gemaak in die proses om SLADTA (voorheen geïmplementeer in die vervaardigings- en hernubare-energie-infrastruktuur domeine) op 'n WDS-gefokusde digitale tweeling argitektuur af te beeld. Die tesis evalueer die WDS-digitale-tweeling-argitektuur deur gebruik van twee gevallestudies, elk met verskeie eksperimente, om te bepaal of die voorgestelde argitektuur aan die vasgestelde vereistes vir 'n WDS-digitale-tweeling kan voldoen. Hoe die samevoegingsfilosofie inherent aan SLADTA op WDS’e geïmplementeer kan word, word ook deur die gevallestudies ondersoek. Die eerste gevallestudie implementeer die digitale-tweeling-argitektuur vir 'n laboratoriumskaal WDS. Die laboratoriumskaal WDS bevat die werklike kompleksiteit van heterogene databronne deur 'n verskeidenheid moniteringstoestelle wat in die WDS-industrie gebruik word, in te sluit. Hierdie gevallestudie toon ook die vermoë van die WDS-digitale-tweeling om dienste te bied, soos anomalie-opsporing. In die tweede gevallestudie word 'n groot-skaal, gesimuleerde WDS gebruik om die WDS-digitale-tweeling-argitektuur se vermoë om herkonfigurasie te akkommodeer, te evalueer. WDS-verwante herkonfigurasie sluit in veranderings aan die WDS se moniteringskapasiteit, veranderings aan WDS-bestuursorganisasies se grense of sones en die byvoeging van nuwe WDS-infrastruktuur tot 'n bestaande digitale tweeling. Daarbenewens word die WDS-digitale-tweeling-argitektuur se vermoë om WDS-domeindienste te inkorporeer, soos modellering van die hidrouliese gedrag in 'n WDS, ondersoek. Die werkverrigting van die WDS-digitale-tweeling-argitektuur wat in hierdie tesis aangebied word, word daarom gedemonstreer in 'n werklike, maar laboratoriumskaal, gevallestudie en in 'n komplekse, maar gesimuleerde, gevallestudie. Die implementerings in die gevallestudies toon dat die voorgestelde argitektuur in staat is om die funksionele vereistes, wat afgelei is van WDS-operateurbehoeftes, te bevredig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 96 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWater -- Distribution -- Automationen_ZA
dc.subjectDigital twins (Computer simulation)en_ZA
dc.subjectWater-supply engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectSmart water gridsen_ZA
dc.subjectIndustry 4.0en_ZA
dc.titleA digital twin architecture for a water distribution system.en_ZA
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