Principles of task-based course design for a Zulu second language course on socialization for businesss people

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, M. W.
dc.contributor.authorGokool, Roshni
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of exploring principles for designing a Zulu language learning course for business people stemmed from the need that there is not enough course material available for learners wanting to learn a second language. The preliminary component of the thesis is based on the theoretical framework for language learning theory advanced by Naam Chomsky, which is theory-driven and derives from an in-depth analysis of the properties of languages in an effort to determine the highly abstract principles of grammar. This study reviews the different definitions of second language learning and teaching employed by various linguists, for example, Cook, Odlin and Sharwood-Smith. It presents the different kinds of grammar explored in the analysis of a second language. Following the discussion of principles of grammar, a broad definition of the term 'universal grammar' (UG), is explored and how this UG model relates to views on teaching of Zulu, is identified. The thesis demonstrates the relation between second language learning and language teaching and the influence that UG has on language teaching. It will be argued that the theory of Chomsky and the knowledge of second language acquisition is suitable as a framework for language teaching because it incorporates the essence of second language learning that may be useful to a second language educator. Finally, this study will present the principles of task-based course design which will be followed by a discussion of the types of syllabuses required for the construction of communicative Zulu tasks. It is hoped that the conclusions arising from this study will assist in the development of research material and teaching aids for second language Zulu task-based courses, thus providing the field of second language teaching with efficient and successful language teachers and researchers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van die ondersoek van beginsels vir die ontwerp van 'n Zulu taalvaardigheidskursus vir sakemense het ontstaan uit die behoefte aan gepaste onderrigmateriaal vir Zulu-tweedetaal onderrig aan die sakemense. Die aanvangskomponent van hierdie tesis is gegrond op die teoretiese raamwerk vir taalaanleer soos voorgestaan deur Chomsky. Die Chomskiaanse teorie van taalkennis is ontwikkel uit 'n in-diepte analise van die eienskappe van taalkennis ten einde die hoogsabstrakte beginsels van taal te bepaal. Die studie bied eers 'n oorsig van verskillende definisies van tweedetaalleer en -onderrig soos aangewend deur verskillende taalkundiges soos Cook, Odlin en Sharwood-Smith. Daar word 'n bespreking gegee van die verskillende sieninge van die aard van grammatika in tweedetaalonderrig. Na die bespreking van die beginsels van grammatika-onderrig in tweedetaalleer en -onderrig word die implikasies van die Chomsky se Universele Grammatika benadering beskou vir die tweedetaalonderrig van Zulu. Die tesis ondersoek ook die verband tussen tweedetaalleer en -onderrig en die invloed wat Universele Grammatika op taalonderrig het. Daar sal aangevoer word dat die UG teorie van Chomsky en die verband daarvan tot tweedetaalonderrig gepas is as 'n raamwerk vir tweedetaalonderrig omdat die essensiële beginsels van tweedetaalleer wat bruikbaar kan wees vir die taalonderrigpraktisyn. Die studie sal, laastens, die beginsels van taakgebaseerde kursusontwerp ondersoek, wat gevolg sal word deur 'n bespreking van die tipes sillabusse benodig vir die konstruksie van kommunikatiewe take in Zulu. Die gevolgtrekkings wat voortspruit uit hierdie studie kan bydra tot die navorsing van tweedetaalonderrig vir Zulu en die ontwerp van taalonderrigmateriale vir taakgebaseerde kursusse vir Zulu. Hierdeur kan 'n bydrae gemaak word tot die lewering van bekwame navorsers en taalonderrigpraktisyns vir Zulu tweedetaalonderrig.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractIQOQA ZULU: Umqondo wokuhlela izifundo zesiZulu zomabhizinisi wavezwa isidingo esikhombisayo ukuthi akukho obekulotshiwe maqondana nabafundi bolimi Iwesibili. Ingxenye yokuqala yophando igxile esakhiweni senqubo Iwazi yokufunda nokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili eyaqhutshwa nguNoam Chomsky, eqhutshwa yinqubolwazi futhi isukela ocwanigweni olunzulu zezilimi emizameni yokuthola imigomo enzulu yohlelo lolimi. Lolu cwaningo luhlola izincazelo ezehlukene zokufunda nokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili ezisetshenziswa abahlaziyilulimi esingabala kubona, uVivian Cook, Terence Odlin kanye noSharwood Smith. Lwethula izinhlobo ezehlukene zohlelo lolimi ezihlolwa ekucwaningweni kolimi Iwesibili. Kulandela izingxoxo ngemigomo yohlelo lolimi, incazelo ebanzi yetemu 'Universal Grammar' (UG) iyahlolisiswa nokuthi lemodeli ye-UG isetshenziswa kanjani esiZulwini. Loluphando lukhombisa ubudlelwano phakathi kokufundwa nokufundiswa kolimi Iwesibili nomthelela omuhle kumbe omubi we-UG ekufundiseni ulimi. Kuzobhekisiswa ukuthi inqubolwazi kaChomsky nolwazi lokufunda ulimi Iwesibili kulungile yini ukuba yisakhiwo senqubo yokufundisa njengoba luhlanganisa ingqikithi yokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili okungenzeka ukuthi ayijwayelekile kumfundisi wolimi Iwesibili. Okukugcina, lolu cwaningo luzokwethula imigomo yezifundo ezihlelelwe phezu komsebenzi othile kuyolandelwa ukuxoxisana ngezinhlobo zamasilabhasi ezidingekayo ukuhlanganisa imisebenzi yesiZulu yokuxhumana. Kuyathembakala ukuthi iziphetho eziyovuka kulolucwaningo ziyosiza ekuthuthukisweni kwezinto eziwusizo ophandweni kanye nezinsiza kufundisa zolimi Iwesibili zezifundo ezihlelelwe phezu komsebenzi othile wesiZulu, kanjalo bese ziletha kulendima yokufundisa ulimi Iwesibili othisha nabacwaningi abawenza ngempumelelo umsebenzi wabo.zu_ZA
dc.format.extent69 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectZulu language -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subjectGrammar, Comparative and generalen_ZA
dc.subjectZulu language -- Grammar, Comparativeen_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum planningen_ZA
dc.titlePrinciples of task-based course design for a Zulu second language course on socialization for businesss peopleen_ZA
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