Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science - a retrospection : 1958 to 2018
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In 2018, Koedoe celebrated an unbroken publication record of 60 years. From uncertain
beginnings in 1958, it is now a mature and important internationally recognised scientific
journal focussing on conservation and science in national parks in South Africa and beyond
into the African continent. After an overview of the emergence of national parks in the 20th
century, this retrospective essay reflects on Koedoe’s long and significant contribution to the
field of national parks research and management. We identify and make easily available
some of the seminal and influential articles that have appeared in the journal over this long
time span. Principally relating to matters in national parks in South Africa, these articles
(some coming from special issues of Koedoe) have been chosen for their variety as well as for
the broader perspectives they open into the longer trajectory of national park conservation and
management. Articles illustrate the evolution of paradigms from protectionist and species
centric, to ecosystem focus, to complex socio-ecological systems and adaptive management.
Conservationists, scientists and managers alike will benefit from an understanding of the
transformations in their field over six decades together with appreciating the importance
and usefulness of unpacking the intellectual journey of national park science in order to
contextualise and enrich – even encourage and direct – present and future research.
Conservation implications: The articles included in this essay produced important information
that informed and guided later research. Introducing these contributions to a fresh audience we
hope will also tempt readers to consult other back issues of this journal, which will benefit
conservation by providing an understanding of the long-term transformations in the field.
CITATION: Carruthers, J. & Foxcroft, L. C. 2019. Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science - a retrospection : 1958 to 2018. Koedoe, 61(1):a1556, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v61i1.1556.
The original publication is available at https://koedoe.co.za
The original publication is available at https://koedoe.co.za
National parks and reserves -- South Africa, Biodiversity conservation, Conservation biology -- Periodicals, Ecology, Ecology -- History
Carruthers, J. & Foxcroft, L. C. 2019. Koedoe : African Protected Area Conservation and Science - a retrospection : 1958 to 2018. Koedoe, 61(1):a1556, doi:10.4102/koedoe.v61i1.1556.