Fault tolerant flight control of a UAV with asymmetric damage to its primary lifting surface

dc.contributor.advisorEngelbrecht, J. A. A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBeeton, Wiaanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the design, analysis, implementation, and verification of a fault-tolerant unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight control system which is robust to structural damage causing the natural flight dynamics of the vehicle to become asymmetric, is presented. The main purpose of the robust control architecture is to maintain flight stability after damage has occurred. The control system must be able to handle an abrupt change from an undamaged to a damaged state, and must also not depend on explicit knowledge of the damage. A robust control approach is therefore preferred above an adaptive control approach. As a secondary objective, the system must provide robust flight performance to ensure adequate response times and acceptable transients’ behaviour, both in normal flight, and after damage has occurred. An asymmetric six degrees of freedom equations of motion model is derived. The model accounts for the changes in the aerodynamic model of the aircraft as well as changes in the centre of gravity location. Vortex lattice techniques are used to determine the aerodynamic coefficients of the aircraft for damage to the main wing resulting in 0% to 40% spanwise lifting surface loss. A sequential quadratic programming optimisation algorithm is applied to the force and moment equations to find the trim flight state and actuator deflections of the asymmetric aircraft for constant airspeed and altitude. The trim flight state can be further constrained to force zero bank angle, zero sideslip angle or a desired relative weighting of nonzero bank angle and nonzero sideslip angle. The calculated trim actuator deflections are compared to the physical deflection limits to determine the feasibility of maintaining trim flight for different percentages of wing loss. Assuming that a valid trim condition exists, the relative stability of the aircraft’s natural modes is analysed as a function of percentage wing loss by tracing the locus of the open-loop poles. An acceleration-based flight control architecture is designed and implemented, and the robustness of the flight control stability and performance is analysed as a function of percentage wing loss. The robustness and performance of the flight control system is verified with a nonlinear simulation for spanwise wing loss from 0 to 40%. Practical flight tests are performed to verify the robustness and performance of the flight control systems to in-flight damage. A detachable wing with release mechanism is designed and manufactured to simulate 20% wing loss. The flight control system is implemented on a practical UAV and a successful flight test shows that it performs fully autonomous flight control, and is able to accommodate an in-flight partial wing loss.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die ontwerp, analise, implementasie en verifikasie van ’n fout-verdraende onbemande vliegtuig beheerstelsel wat robuust is tot strukturele skade wat die natuurlike vlug dinamika van die voertuig asimmetries maak, voorgestel. Die hoofdoel van hierdie robuuste beheer argitektuur is om stabiliteit te verseker na die skade aangerig is. Die beheerstelsel moet die skielike verandering van normale na beskadigde vlug hanteer sonder enige eksplisiete kennis daarvan. Dus word ’n robuuste beheer aanslag verkies bo ’n aanpassende beheer struktuur. Tweedens moet die vlugbeheerstelsel robuust genoeg wees om steeds die gewenste reaksietyd en aanvaarbare oorgangsverskynsels te kan hanteer, tydens beide normale en beskadigde vlug. ’n Asimmetriese ses grade van vryheid beweginsvergelykings model word afgelei. Die model het die vermoë om veranderinge in die aerodinamiese model van die vliegtuig, sowel as massamiddelpunt verskuiwing, voor te stel. “Vortex Lattice” metodes is gebruik om die aerodinamiese koëffisiënte van die beskadigde vlerk voor te stel tussen 0% en 40% verlies. ’n Sekwensiële kwadratiese programmering optimiserings algorithme is aangewend op die krag en moment vergelykings om die ekwilibrium vlug toestand en aktueerder defleksies te vind vir ’n asimmetriese vliegtuig met konstante lugspoed en hoogte. Die ekwilibrium vlug toestand word verder beperk deur ’n nul rolhoek, ’n nul sygliphoek of ’n relatiewe weging van die twee. Die bepaalde ekwilibrium defleksies word dan vergelyk met die fisiese limiete om hulle geldigheid te bepaal vir ekwilibrium vlug. As ’n geldige ekwilibrium toestand bestaan, kan die relatiewe stabiliteit van die vliegtuig se natuurlike modusse ontleed word as ’n persentasie van vlerkverlies deur die wortellokusse van die ooplus pole na te gaan. ’n Versnellings-gebaseerde vlug beheerstelsel argitektuur is ontwerp en geïmplementeer. Daarna is die robuustheid ontleed as ’n funksie van die persentasie vlerkverlies. Die robuustheid en gedrag van hierdie vlugbeheerstelsel is geverifieer met ’n nie-linêre simulasie vir 0 tot 40% vlerkverlies. Praktiese vlugtoetse is onderneem om die robuustheid en gedrag tydens/na skade gedurende ’n vlug, te verifeer. ’n Vlerkverlies meganisme is ontwerp en vervaardig om 20% vlerkverlies te simuleer. Die vlugbeheerstelsel is geïmplementeer op ’n onbemande vliegtuig en die daaropvolgende suksesvolle vlug lewer bewys dat die vlugbeheerstelsel wel skade, in die vorm van gedeeltelike vlerkverlies, tydens vlug kan hanteer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxviii, 151 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAircraft controlen_ZA
dc.subjectFlight controlen_ZA
dc.subjectFault-tolerance (Engineering)en_ZA
dc.subjectInherent stabilityen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electrical and electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectRobust controlen_ZA
dc.subjectDrone aircraftsen_ZA
dc.subjectDrone aircrafts -- Aerodynamicsen_ZA
dc.subject.otherTheses -- Electrical and electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleFault tolerant flight control of a UAV with asymmetric damage to its primary lifting surfaceen_ZA
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