Experiences of skilled birth attendants with informational continuity during the antenatal period within Primary Health Care settings in Lesotho

dc.contributor.advisorKaura, Doreenen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorRobertson, Annelineen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorZhangazha, Angelinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Informational continuity is the availability of all health and psychosocial information of the pregnant women at all encounters with healthcare providers. Continuity of care as described by the World Health Organisation (WHO), has four approaches which includes informational, interpersonal, longitudinal, and management continuity. Informational continuity is one of the measures that may assist in reduction of maternal mortality by reducing duplication of services and fragmentation of care. Informational continuity also helps in coordination of care of pregnant women. Care that is fragmented and not sufficiently coordinated between healthcare providers may not benefit clients due to conflicting care plans, poly pharmacy or duplication of services. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of skilled birth attendants (SBAs) with informational continuity during the antenatal period within primary health care (PHC) settings in Lesotho. Methods: A qualitative approach with a descriptive phenomenological design was used to explore the experiences of SBAs with informational continuity during the antenatal period within PHC settings in Lesotho. Purposive sampling was done to choose participants from three PHC centres within Maseru district. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, Lesotho, Ministry of Health National Research and Ethics Committee and Maseru District Health Management Team (DHMT). Nine individual semi-structured interviews were conducted, transcribed and analysed using Colaizzi’s framework. Results: Four themes emerged from the results, namely, 1) Skilled birth attendant–pregnant women communication, 2) Healthcare provider communication, 3) Documentation during ANC and 4) Protocols and guidelines in ANC. Through this study, it was observed that informational continuity can be obtained through several ways. The SBAs showed that they communicate with the pregnant women through history taking, examination and health education. They also communicate through her partner or companion. There is continued communication between the SBAs and other health care providers within the healthcare centre, within the community and with the referral hospital to promote the health of a pregnant women. During ANC, the SBA uses several documents to capture and communicate the information of the pregnant women, these include, the LOR, ANC register, e-register, and tally sheets. The SBAs are guided by protocols and guidelines in managing the pregnant women during ANC. Several challenges were identified during the antenatal period, which included challenges with communication between the SBAs and the pregnant women; communication among the healthcare providers; documentation and the use and dissemination of the protocols and guidelines. However, challenges were encountered during obtaining information from the pregnant women as some would not give accurate information. Multiple documentation and work overload caused prolonged waiting time for the pregnant women. Errors in documentation would cause errors in the transfer of information. Conclusion: The findings demonstrated that with no challenges, informational continuity is obtained through communication between SBAs, the pregnant women, other healthcare providers and the community through health education. Should the human resource be increased, it may assist to relieve the documentation challenges as well as reduce the workload.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Inligtingskontinuïteit behels die deel van pasiënte se gesondheidsinligting tussen gesondheidsorgverskaffers, die gemeenskap en swanger vroue tydens alle ontmoetings met gesondheidsorgverskaffers (WGO). Inligtingskontinuïteit is een van verskeie benaderings tot sorgkontinuïteit wat die Wêreldgesondheidsorganisasie ontwikkel het en dit omvat interpersoonlike kontinuïteit, longitudinale kontinuïteit, bestuurs-, en inligtingskontinuïteit. Oneffektiewe inligtingskontinuïteit mag beteken dat swanger vroue gefragmenteerde gesondheidsorg ontvang. Boonop lei gefragmenteerde sorg wat onvoldoende tussen gesondheidsorgverskaffers gekoördineer word, tot botsende sorgplanne, veelvuldige voorskrifmedikasie, of die duplisering van dienste, wat nie in die kliënte se belang is nie. Die oogmerk met hierdie studie is om opgeleide geboortebystandgewers (OGB’s) se ervarings rakende inligtingskontinuïteit in primêre gesondheidsorginstellings in Lesotho tydens die voorgeboortetydperk te ondersoek. Metodes: ’n Kwalitatiewe benadering met ’n beskrywende fenomenologiese ontwerp is gebruik om OGB’s se ervaring ten opsigte van inligtingskontinuïteit oor die voorgeboortelike tydperk aan primêre gesondheidsorginstellings in Lesotho te verken. Doelgerigte monster is by drie van die primêre gesondheidsorgsentrums in die Maseru-distrik uitgevoer. Toestemming om die studie uit te voer is van die Gesondheidsorgnavorsingsetiekkomitee van die Universiteit Stellenbosch, die navorsingsetiekkomitee van Lesotho se Ministerie van Gesondheid, en die Maseru-distriksgesondheidspan verkry. Nege individuele semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer, getranskribeer, en aan die hand van Colaizzi se raamwerk ontleed. Resultate: Vier temas het uit die resultate na vore gekom, naamlik 1) Kommunikasie tussen die opgeleide geboortebystandgewer en die swanger vrou); 2) Kommunikasie met die gesondheidsorgverskaffer; 3) Dokumentasie in verband met die voorgeboortesorg; en 4) Protokolle en riglyne in voorgeboortesorg. Met hierdie studie is daar vasgestel dat inligtingskontinuïteit op verskeie maniere verkry word. Die OGB’s het aangedui dat hulle met swanger vroue kommunikeer deur hul mediese geskiedenis te neem, hulle te ondersoek, en hulle op te voed. Verder kommunikeer die OGB’s deur middel van die swanger vrou se lewensmaat of metgesel. Daar is volgehoue kommunikasie tussen die OGB’s en ander gesondheidsorgverskaffers in die gesondheidsorgsentrum, in die gemeenskap, en met die verwysingshospitaal met die oog op die bevordering van swanger vroue se gesondheid. Tydens die voorgeboortesorg gebruik die OGB’s verskeie dokumente om die swanger vrou se inligting vas te lê en te kommunikeer, onder meer die Lesotho Verloskundige Geskiedenis, die Voorgeboortesorgregister, die e-register en kontroleblaaie. Die OGB’s word deur protokolle en riglyne vir die hantering van swanger vroue gelei gedurende voorgeboortesorg. Gevolgtrekking: Die bevindings het getoon dat inligtingskontinuïteit verkry word deur kommunikasie tussen OGB’s, swanger vroue, ander gesondheidsorgverskaffers, en die gemeenskap. Uitdagings is egter ondervind met die verkryging van swanger vroue se inligting en met dokumentasie, wat foute in inligtingskontinuïteit veroorsaak.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 120 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectMothers -- Mortality -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectPrenatal care -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectWomen's health services -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.titleExperiences of skilled birth attendants with informational continuity during the antenatal period within Primary Health Care settings in Lesothoen_ZA
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