Lived experiences of hidden racism of students of colour at an historically White University

dc.contributor.advisorNaidoo, Anthony V.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorGobodo-Madikizela, Pumlaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKamanga, Elinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hidden racism denotes the racialised interactions performed by White people towards people of colour (POC). It defines an unconsciously natural stance most White people take during racially charged situations. This phenomenon is particularly prominent in interracial spaces where whiteness is normalised and POC are ostensibly the minority, such as at Historically White Institutions (HWIs). This qualitative study thus examines the hidden racial experiences of students of colour (SOC) attending an HWI. The impetus of this study was to comprehend the types of hidden racisms encountered by SOC and the coping methods they use to shield themselves from such dehumanising indignities. Critical Race Theory was used as theoretical framework to analyse the findings. Twelve SOC were interviewed to share their counter-narratives of hidden racism. These interviews were subjected to interpretative phenomenological analysis. The findings show that hidden racism exists within lecture halls, residences and other social spaces surrounding the University. There were three major hidden racisms evident in this study: hidden racial insults, hidden racial invalidations, and alienation from opportunities. Besides these themes, two other themes emerged regarding the effects of hidden racism and the coping methods students use to deflect these effects. Ultimately, this study shows that hidden racial experiences are incredibly malignant for the academic and social development of SOC.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Versteekte rassisme dui op die rasse-uitstortings wat deur Wit mense teenoor mense van kleur (MVK) uitgevoer word. Dit omskryf 'n onbewustelike, natuurlike houding wat meeste Wit mense tydens ras-gelaaide situasies neem. Hierdie verskynsel is veral prominent in interrassiese ruimtes waar Witheid genormaliseer word en MVK oënskynlik die minderheid is, soos by oorwegend Wit-Afrikaanse instellings. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie ondersoek dus die versteekte rasse-ervarings van studente van kleur (SVK) wat 'n historiese Wit-Afrikaanse Universiteit bywoon. Die impetus vir hierdie studie was om die tipes versteekte rassismes wat deur SVK ondervind word, asook die hanteringsmetodes wat hulle gebruik om hulself te beskerm teen sulke onmenslike verontwaardiging, te begryp. Kritiese Rasteorie, as hierdie studie se teoretiese raamwerk, was gebruik om die bevindings te analiseer. Onderhoude was gevoer met 12 SVK om hul teenverhale van versteekte rassisme te deel. Hierdie onderhoude was onderworpe aan interpretatiewe fenomenologiese analise. Die bevindinge toon dat versteekte rassisme binne lesingsale, koshuise en ander sosiale ruimtes rondom die Universiteit bestaan. Drie hoof versteekte rassismes het in hierdie studie voorgekom: Versteekte rassistiese beledigings, versteekte ras-ongeldigverklarings, en vervreemding van geleenthede. Benewens hierdie drie temas, het twee ander temas na vore gekom ten opsigte van die gevolge van versteekte rassisme en die hanteringsmetodes wat studente gebruik om hierdie effekte af te lei. Per slot van rekening, toon hierdie studie dat versteekte rasse-ervarings ongelooflik kwaadwillig is vir die akademiese en sosiale ontwikkeling van SVK.af_ZA
dc.format.extent140 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPsychoanalysis and racismen_ZA
dc.subjectRacial -- Microaggressionsen_ZA
dc.subjectHistorically White Institutionsen_ZA
dc.subjectCritical Race Theoryen_ZA
dc.subjectRacism -- Coping skillsen_ZA
dc.subjectRacism in higher educationen_ZA
dc.titleLived experiences of hidden racism of students of colour at an historically White Universityen_ZA
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