Developing a model to overcome the organisational communication deficiencies that exist in the PAM Industry

dc.contributor.advisorJooste, J. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Rooyen, Nina Louiseen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In a service providing industry such as Physical Asset Management (PAM), a strategic partnership is a business relationship that is established to reach organisational objectives and to obtain a competitive advantage amongst industry peers. For this relationship to be optimal, effective communication is essential. The diverse workforce, however, includes role players in the communication system that has diverse backgrounds, knowledge and experience and are not effective communicators by profession. The problem is that service delivery objectives are not being met due to communication deficiencies. Research on effective communication is conducted in other service providing industries, such as aviation and medicine. However, it remains a great challenge in the PAM industry. The research question investigated in this research is to identify the root causes of communication deficiencies and to investigate a model that could support PAM organisations in overcoming these deficiencies. The foundation of the research is based on Hegel's thesis-antithesis-synthesis philosophy and follows a qualitative research methodology. To understand the deficiencies and the context in which management identifies the problem, indepth interviews and discussions were conducted with research participants from the PAM industry. The data are analysed according to four inductive data analysis activities from the Hutter Hennink qualitative research cycle, each being more nuanced and conceptual than the foregoing activity. In accordance to the qualitative research cycle, the analysis resulted in a theory regarding the root causes of communication deficiencies in the PAM industry. Research found that communication deficiencies are rooted in three domains: cognitive issues, connective issues and strategic issues. The root causes are depicted by twelve codes that represent the core issues raised by research participants. The theory developed in the research is further developed into a concise solution, the COMMPAS model. The COMMPAS model describes three collaborating elements that should be in place to achieve effective communication: A communication culture and vision, training and the SBAR situational briefing technique. The model achieved highly positive validation feedback from research participants and has the potential to, if implemented and maintained correctly, significantly improve organisational communication in the PAM service providing industry.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies in die dienslewerings industrie, byvoorbeeld die Fisiese Batebestuurindustrie, maak gebruik van strategiese vennootskappe as besigheidsverhouding om organisatoriese doelwitte te bereik asook om die mededingende voordeel wat hul teenoor ander organisasies in hul industrie het, te behou. Hierdie besigheidsverhouding is optimaal mits doeltreffende kommunikasie gehandhaaf word. Die arbeidsmag diversiteit van hierdie industrie sluit rolspelers in die kommunikasie sisteem in wat beskik oor diverse agtergronde, kennis en ervaring en wat nie vanuit hul amp effektiewe kommunikeerders is nie. Die probleem is dat organisatoriese doelwitte, as gevolg van kommunikasie tekortkominge, nie bereik word nie. Doeltreffende kommunikasie word nagevors in dienslewerings industrië soos die lugvaartbedryf asook die mediese bedryf. Gegewe die laasgenoemde, is doeltreffende kommunikasie steeds 'n uitdaging in die bedryf van Fisiese batebestuur. Die navorsingsvraag wat ondersoek is die kern oorsake van kommunikasie tekortkominge asook om te ondersoek of 'n model ontwikkel kan word om Fisiese Batebstuur organisasies te ondersteun om hierdie tekortkominge te oorkom. Die navorsing is gebasseer op Hegel se tesis-antitesis-sintesis filosifie en volg 'n kwalitatiewe metodiek in benadering tot die probleem. In-diepte onderhoude en besprekings is met navorsingsdeelnemers uit die batebestuurgemeenskap gevoer om die tekortkominge en die konteks waarin bestuur die tekortkominge identifiseer, te verstaan. Die data wat deur hierdie interaksies ingesamel is is geanaliseer volgens vier induktiewe data analiese aktiwiteite, soos voorgestel in die Hutter Hennink kwalitatiewe navorsingsiklus. Elk van die aktiwiteite is meer genuanseerd as die vorige aktiwiteit. Die analise is uitgevoer in ooreenstemming met die kwalitatiewe navorsingsiklus en het 'n teorie oor die kern oorsake van kommunikasie tekortkominge in die batebestuurdienste tot gevolg. Die navorsing het gevind dat die oorsake van kommunikasie tekortkominge in drie domeine opgedeel kan word: kognitiewe probleme, konnektiewe probleme en strategiese probleme. Die kern probleme wat deur navorsingsdeelnemers genoem is word deur twaalf kodes verteenwoordig. Die teorie wat ontwikkel is verder ontwikkel tot 'n omvattende oplossing, die COMMPAS model. Die COMMPAS model bevat drie elemente wat in samewerking aangewend moet word om doeltreffende kommunikasie te bereik: 'n kommunikasie kultuur en visie, opleiding en die SBAR tegniek. Die model het hoogs positiewe terugvoer van navorsingsdeelnemers ontvang tydens die validasie proses en het die potensiaal om, indien dit reg geïmplimenteer en onderhou word, noemenswaardige bevorderings vir organisatoriese kommunikasie in die batebestuurdienste te lewer.af_ZA
dc.format.extent190 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAsset-liability managementen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness communicationen_ZA
dc.subjectStrategic alliances (Business)en_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a model to overcome the organisational communication deficiencies that exist in the PAM Industryen_ZA
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