Die kulturele aktiwiteite van D.I.C. (Dirkie) de Villiers

dc.contributor.advisorLudemann, Winfrieden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAitchison, Edward
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M. Mus.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1991.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: THE CULTURAL ACTIVITIES OF D.I.C. (DIRKIE) DE VILLIERS - Edward Aitchison In this thesis the varied cultural activities of D.I.C. (Dirkie) de Villiers are discussed. This Afrikaner cultural leader is known principally for his work as inspector of music, and later as Head of Music of the Department of Education of the Orange Free State. An outline of the history of music education in the Free State (1850-1980) is provided, highlighting De Villiers' contribution to music instruction in general and the founding and establishment of the Free State Youth Choir and orchestral training programme in particular. De Villiers' activities as a creative and performing musician, a music critic and journalist, his association with South African broadcasting and his membership of a considerable number of committees and societies, inter alia the Syncdic Commission for Church Music of the Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa and the Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Societies, are discussed within a cultural - historical context. The thesis concludes that De Villiers made a meaningful contribution to especially the Afrikaans music culture in South Africa. This is confirmed in part by various prestige awards he received, two of the most important being the Order of Merit, Class 1: Gold for outstanding public service from the State President in 1987, and the Medal of honour for his sustained contribution to Afrikaans music from the F.A.K. in 1988.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE KULTURELE AKTIWITEITE VAN D. I. C. ( DIRl<IE) DE VILLIERS - Euward Aitchison In hierdie tesis word die veelsoortige kulturele aktiwiteite van D.I.C. (Dirkie) de Villiers bespreek. Hierdie Afrikaner kultuurleier is veral bekend vanwe sy werksaamhede as inspekteur van musiek, later Hoof van Musiek van die Onderwysdepartement van die Vrystaat (1956-1980). In 'n oorsig van die geskiedenis van musiekonderrig in die Vrystaat (1850-1980), word De Villiers se bydrae tot musiekopvoeding in die algemeen en die vestiging en uitbouiing van die vrystaatse Jeugkoor en orkesopleidingprogram in die besonder aangestip. Daar word ook, in kultuurhistoriese konteks, aandag gegee aan De Villiers se aktiwiteite as skeppende en uitvoerende kunstenaar, musiekkritikus en -joernalis, sy verbintenis met die Suid-Afrikaanse uitsaaiwese en sy lidmaatskap van 'n aansienlike aantal komitees en verenigings onder andere die Sinodale Kommissie vir kerssang en -musiek van die Nederduits-Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika en die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurverenigings. Die tesis toon aan dat De Villiers 'n beduidende bydrae veral tot die Afrikaanse musiekkultuur gelewer het. Dit word onder meer bevestig deur verskeie prestige toekennings wat hy in hierdie verband ontvang het. Hiervan is veral van belang Die Orde vir Voortreflike Diens, Klas 1: Goud, vir die lewering van besondere diens in die algemene openbare belang, wat hy in 1987 van die Staatspresident ontvang, asook die F.A.K.Erepenning vir volgehoue bevordering van die Afrikaanse Musiekkuns wat in 1988 deur die Federasie van Afrikaanse Kultuurverenigings aan hom toegeken word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent360 pages : illustrations, music
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectDe Villiers, Dirkie, -- 1920-1993e
dc.subjectConductors (Music) -- South Africa -- Biographye
dc.subjectComposers -- South Africa -- Biographye
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musice
dc.titleDie kulturele aktiwiteite van D.I.C. (Dirkie) de Villiersaf_ZA
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