Feedback in clinical settings: perceptions of nursing students at a small rural district hospital in the southern part of Namibia

dc.contributor.advisorLouw, A. J. N.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVan der Merwe, Charmaineen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNuuyoma, Vistolina Nenayishulaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch Universithy. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Health Professions Education.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Feedback is one of the basic elements that should be present in all clinical interventions used in clinical education. This is because it delivers the path by which assessment becomes a tool for teaching and learning. Learning in a clinical environment is critical to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of a health professional. Placement of students in clinical settings enables them to learn from clinical encounters with patients, families and communities. In addition, it affords students an opportunity to transfer theory into practice. Although feedback is widely acknowledged as an important element of clinical education, which is supposed to accompany all learning and teaching activities, it is a component in which educators continue to fall short. In Keetmanshoop District in Namibia, some nursing students are not confident and do not feel free to practise their nursing skills during their practical placements due to the nature of the feedback that they receive while in these placements. This study was conducted to explore nursing students’ perceptions of the feedback that they received during placements in clinical settings, with the objective to ultimately improve clinical nursing education. The study followed an explorative qualitative design with an interpretivist perspective. It was conducted at the Keetmanshoop district hospital. Twenty four nursing students from the University of Namibia and Keetmanshoop Regional Health Training Centre participated in the study. The two data gathering techniques used in this study were: one–on- one in-depth interviews with nursing students and the observation of feedback given to students in clinical settings. All interviews were audio recorded with a digital voice recorder followed by verbatim transcriptions, with the participants’ permission. Thereafter, data were analysed manually by coding, and then related codes were grouped to form themes. Emerging themes are presented as the findings of this study. The four themes that emerged from the results of this study are: positive perceptions of feedback, negative perceptions of feedback, the perception of students on the feedback process and recommendations of nursing students on feedback. The findings further revealed that no individual feedback was given to the students in clinical settings and that feedback was provided without having directly observed the skills performed by a student. The study exposed areas that need to be improved and this will ultimately benefit the students as their mentors’ skills in providing feedback will improve.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Terugvoer is een van die basiese elemente wat teenwoordig behoort te wees in all kliniese intervensies tydens kliniese opleiding. Die rede hiervoor is dat dit die weg baan vir evaluering om instrumenteel tot onderrig en leer te kan wees. Leer in ‘n kliniese omgewing is noodsaaklik vir die verkryging van die nodige kennis, vaardighede en houdings wat van ‘n gesondheidswerker vereis word. Die plasing van studente in kliniese omgewings bemagtig hulle om te kan leer uit die kliniese blootstelling aan pasiënte, gesinne en gemeenskappe. Dit bied verder ook die geleentheid om teorie in die praktyk toe te pas. Alhoewel terugvoer oor die algemeen herken word as ‘n belangrike element van kliniese onderrig – wat veronderstel is om deel te wees van alle onderrig- en leergeleenthede – is dit steeds ‘n komponent waarin vele opvoedkundiges kort skiet. In die Kettmanshoop Distrik in Namibië, is daar sekere verpleegstudente wat nie die self-vertroue het in, en nie vry voel om hul verpleegvaardighede toe te pas nie, as gevolg van die aard van terugvoer wat hulle ontvang gedurende hul kliniese plasings. Hierdie studie is onderneem om verpleegkunde studente se ervaringe van terugvoer ontvang tydens kliniese plasings te verken, met die uiteindelik doel om verpleegkunde opleiding te verbeter. Die studie het ‘n verkennende, kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp met ‘n vertolkende perspektief gebruik en is uitgevoer in die Keetmanshoop Distrik. Vier en twintig verpleegkunde studente van die Universiteit van Namibië en die Keetmanshoop Distriksgesondheidsopleiding Sentrum het aan die studie deelgeneem. Die twee data-invorderings tegnieke wat gebruik is was: een-tot-een in-diepte onderhoude met verpleegkunde studente; en die waarneming van terugvoer aan studente verskaf in kliniese omgewings. Alle onderhoude is op band opgeneem deur ‘n digitale bandopnemer, gevolg deur die verbatim transkribering waarvoor elke deelnemer toegestem het. Data is gekodeer, waarna verwante kodes saam gegroepeer is om temas te vorm. Die temas wat op die manier verkry is, word as die bevindinge van hierdie studie aangebied. Die vier temas wat deur hierdie studie gegenereer is, is die volgende: positiewe ervaringe van terugvoer, negatiewe ervaringe van terugvoer, student se ervaring van die terugvoer-proses en verpleegkunde studente se aanbevelings omtrent terugvoer. Die bevindinge het verder getoon dat geen individuele terugvoer aan studente in kliniese omgewings gegee was nie en soms gegee was sonder direkte waarneming van die vaardighede wat deur ‘n student uitgevoer is. Die studie het areas waarop verbeter moet word uitgelig en die verbetering van hierdie areas sal op die langduur tot voordeel van die student strek aangesien dit hul mentors se vermoë om terugvoer te gee, sal verbeter.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 71 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNursing students -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectNursing -- Study and teaching -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectPractical nursing -- Feedbacken_ZA
dc.titleFeedback in clinical settings: perceptions of nursing students at a small rural district hospital in the southern part of Namibiaen_ZA
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