The antimycobacterial activity of phytocannabinoids

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly and communicable disease that is caused by the bacterium, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb). M.tb is skilled at manipulating and evading hostdefense mechanisms by alveolar macrophages, allowing its survival and replication intracellularly. Since the current treatment regimen makes use of antibiotics, the everincreasing number of multi-drug resistant (MDR) M.tb strains has resulted in a need for research into alternative options. Although most anti-TB drug discovery strategies target the actual pathogen, slow pace in discovering new antimycobacterials is testament to the need to change strategies. Host directed therapy (HDT) is an intervention where the eradication of the intracellular pathogen is mediated by the host immune response modulated by small molecules. Cannabis sativa L. (C. sativa) is valued for its psychoactive potentials and varied ethnobotanical medicinal properties due to a plethora of bioactive constituents. In addition to the plant’s utility as a treasure trove for medicinal applications, this research study aims to present a case for the use of small molecules derived from C. sativa as an alternative HDT against TB. We aimed to evaluate the antimycobacterial effect of crude extracts of two C. sativa plants, one grown outdoor (C. sativa plant 1 or P1) and one grown under controlled indoor conditions (C. sativa plant 2 or P2) and evaluated their bioactive organic extracts activity in THP-1 macrophages infected with mycobacteria. In addition, we isolated endophytic fungi from C. sativa and evaluated their antimycobacterial activity and whether they produce similar compounds to the host plant. Herein, it was demonstrated that the dichloromethane (DCM) extract of C. sativa plant 1 (DP1) and the methanol and ethyl acetate extracts of C. sativa plant 2 (MP2 and EP2) stimulated THP-1 macrophages in the killing of Mycobacterium smegmatis (M. smegmatis) mc2155 compared to untreated macrophages. In addition, the methanol extract of C. sativa plant 2 (MP2) displayed the best activity with a percentage survival of 14.31% (p = 0.000009) at 6-hours post treatment; 2.63% at 12-hours post treatment (p = 0.0001) and 0% survival at 24-hours post treatment (p = 0.0005). The metabolite profile showed that these three extracts (DP1, MP2 and EP2) share three compounds, cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabielsoin (CBE), which could be the cause of macrophage stimulation. However, MP2, which showed the best activity, contains cannabidiol (CBD), which could be the cannabinoid causing the increased activity. Although the actual bioactivities of CBN, CBG, CBE and CBD remain speculative until further purification, characterization and reevaluations are carried out, a cautious judgement can be made that these compounds likely play a beneficial role. Fungal endophytes Alternaria alternata (A. alternata), Alternaria infectoria (A. infectoria), Fusarium incarnatum (F. incarnatum), and Fusarium chlamydosporum (F. chlamydosporum) were isolated from surface sterilized buds of C. sativa and identified using molecular and phylogenetic methods. A. alternata showed some compounds (via LC-QTOF-MS) which were previously isolated in C. sativa, with its extracts exhibiting immunomodulatory activity against THP-1 macrophages infected with M. smegmatis mc2155. The percentage survival for treated THP-1 cells was found to be 51.81% at 6 hours (p = 0.0003) compared to 81.91% untreated. Overall, these results establish that cannabinoids are able to influence THP-1 infected cells’ ability to clear mycobacterial infection albeit a low percentage cell survival. To develop specialized HDT strategies targeting macrophages, a deeper comprehension of the mutual interaction between cannabis and immunity is required. Future studies to isolate and characterize compound(s) from the endophytic fungi and plant extracts could result in lead development of naturally sourced drugs for host-directed TB treatment.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Tuberkulose (TB) is 'n dodelike, aansteeklike respiratoriese siekte wat deur die bakteriële patogeen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) veroorsaak word. Mtb het die vermoë ontwikkel om gasheerimmuniteit te manipuleer en te ontduik deur alveolêre makrofage, die eerste verdedigingslinie teen ingeasemde patogene, te gebruik om sy oorlewing en intrasellulêr replisering moontlik te maak. Aangesien die huidige behandelings regime gebruik maak van antibiotika, is daar ‘n toename in die aantal multi-middel-weerstandige Mtb-stamme wat navorsers noodsaak om na alternatiewe navorsing opsies te kyk. Aangesien die meeste anti-TB-medikasie ontdekkings strategieë die patogeen teiken, is die pas waarmee dit gedoen word stadig en ‘n bewys van die behoefte om van strategie te verander. Gasheer gerigte terapie (HDT) is 'n intervensie waar die uitwissing van die intrasellulêre patogeen bemiddel word deur die klein molekule gemoduleerde gasheer immuunrespons. Cannabis sativa L. (C. sativa) word gewaardeer vir sy psigoaktiewe potensiaal en uiteenlopende etnobotaniese medisinale eienskappe as gevolg van 'n oorvloed bioaktiewe bestanddele. Benewens die plant se bruikbaarheid as 'n skatkis vir medisinale toepassings, poog hierdie navorsingstudie om 'n saak te bied vir die gebruik van klein molekules afkomstig van C. sativa as 'n alternatiewe HDT teen TB. Ons het ten doel gehad om die antimikobakteriese effek van ru-ekstrakte van twee C. sativa-plante, een wat buite gekweek is (C. sativa plant 1 of P1) en een gekweek onder beheerde binnenshuise toestande (C. sativa plant 2 of P2) te evalueer asook om hul bioaktiewe organiese aktiwiteit teen THP-1-makrofage wat met mikobakterieë geinfekteer is te evalueer. Daarbenewens het ons ook endofitiese swamme van C. sativa geïsoleer en hul antimikobakteriese aktiwiteit geëvalueer en of hulle soortgelyke verbindings as die gasheerplant produseer. Hierbenewens het ons gedemonstreer dat die dichloormetaan (DCM) ekstrak van C. sativa plant 1 (DP1), metanol en etielasetaat ekstrakte van C. sativa plant 2 (MP2 and EP2) THP-1 makrofage stimuleer om Mycobacterium smegmatis (M. smegmatis) mc2155 dood te maak wanneer vergelyk word met die onbehandelde kontrole makrofage. Ons het gevind dat die metanol ekstrak van C. sativa plant 2 (MP2) die beste persentasie oorlewing aktiwiteit getoon het 14.31% (p = 000009) 6 ure na behandeling, 2.63% (p = 0.0001) 12 ure na behandeling en 0% (p = 0.0005) oorlewing 24 ure na behandeling. Die metaboliet profiel wys dat die drie ekstrakte (DP1, MP2 and EP2) die volgende drie verbindings cannabinol (CBN), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabielsoin (CBE) wat dalk verantwoordelik deel vir die makrofaag stimulasie. Hoe dit ookal sy, MP2, wat die beste aktiwiteit getoon het, bevat ook cannabidiol (CBD), wat dalk die cannabinoid is wat vir die verhoogte aktiwiteit verantwoordelik is. Die werklike bioaktiwiteit van the CBN, CBG, CBE and CBD is tans net spekulatief totdat verdere suiwering, karaterisering en herevaluering gedoen word. Ons kan net op die stadium spekuleer dat die verbindings moontlik ‘n rol speel in die dood maak van die bakterië. Swam-endofiete Alternaria alternata (A. alternata), Alternaria infectoria (A. infectoria), Fusarium incarnatum (F. incarnatum) en Fusarium chlamydosporum (F. chlamydosporum) is geïsoleer uit oppervlak-gesteriliseerde knoppe van C. sativa en met behulp van molekulêre en filogene metodes geïdentifiseer. A. alternata het sommige verbindings (via LC-QTOF-MS) getoon wat voorheen in C. sativa geïsoleer was, met ekstrakte wat immunomodulerende aktiwiteit getoon teen THP-1 makrofage wat met M. smegmatis mc2155 geïnfekteer was. Die persentasie oorlewing vir behandelde THP-1- selle was 51.81% na 6 ure (p = 0.0003) in vergelyking met 81.91% onbehandeld kontrole. Ons resultate dui daarop dat cannabinoïden in staat is om THP-1-geïnfekteerde selle se vermoë om mikobakteriese infeksie te verwyder, te beïnvloed, al is dit 'n lae persentasie seloorlewing. ’n Beter begrip van die wedersydse verhouding tussen cannabinoïden en immuniteit is noodsaaklik om geteikende behandelingstrategieë te ontwerp. Toekomstige studies om verbinding(s) van die endofitiese swamme en plant ekstrakte te isoleer en te karakteriseer, kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van natuurlike medisyne vir gasheergerigte TBbehandeling.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.