Die potensiaal van die TRAC-program om verskillende rolspelers se behoeftes ten opsigte van natuur-en skeikunde-onderwys aan te spreek

dc.contributor.advisorJordaan, A. S.
dc.contributor.authorPhilander, Christa Jolene
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education . Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE POTENTIAL OF THE TRACPROGRAMME IN ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS IN PHYSICAL SCIENCE EDUCATION For South Africa to be competitive at international level, it is important to deliver learners that will meet the standards set by industry and tertiary institutions. Most of the current South African schoolleavers do not meet these needs. Learners, educators, education departments, tertiary institutions and industry are jointly responsible for the outcomes of the education process. However, each of these role players has specific needs regarding scientific knowledge and skills of learners. An integrated, interactive educational approach is therefore necessary to address the needs of all of these role players successfully. This study specifically focuses on identifying both the needs of the role players in physical science education in the Western Cape and how TRAC SA, a national, non-governmental organisation, can assist in addressing these needs, with the help of computer based technology. The following role players were included in this study: tertiary institutions, industry, education department, educators and learners. Information on the needs of these role players was mainly collected through interviews and questionnaires, while workshops were held to determine the needs of learners and educators. It is significant that the information derived from the empirical study (questionnaires and interviews) is in many ways in agreement with the literature findings. One of the most important conclusions of the empirical study is that the different role players have distinctive, as well as corresponding needs regarding the preparation of learners at school level. The industry expects learners to be sufficiently equipped with the necessary skills to facilitate integration into the workplace. Tertiary institutions emphasise the need for theoretical as well as practical basis of the science subject content. Learners expressed the need for extracurricular programmes, focusing on simplifying difficult concepts. Educators identified the need for adapting the syllabus and for regular refresher courses. The Department of Education needs funds for pilot education programmes, and also puts in a plea for the more structured involvement of tertiary institutions and non-governmental organisations as well as the support oftheir education initiatives, such as outcomes-based education. Data collected shows that there is a significant gap between the current state of identified skills of learners and of what is deemed important by the other role players. In addressing the needs identified, the contribution of non-governmental organisations (with specific reference to TRAC SA), the OBE approach as well as input from tertiary institutions and the industry are emphasised. The TRAC-programme focuses on the understanding of basic and complicated physical science concepts by using computer-supported experiments and worksheets. To enhance the development of skills at school level, the education approach as a whole will have to be revised, with the co-operation of all relevant role players. For an education system to be effective, mutual communication between the different role players is imperative.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir Suid-Afrika om op internasionale vlak mededingend te wees, is dit belangrik dat die Suid- Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel bekwame leerders aan die industrie en tersiêre inrigtings lewer. Die meeste leerders wat tans die formele Suid-Afrikaanse skoolopleidingsprogram voltooi, voldoen volgens kenners egter nie aan die standaarde wat dié genoemde inrigtings aan hulle stel nie. Leerders, onderwysers, die onderwysdepartement, tersiêre inrigtings en industrie is gesamentlik verantwoordelik vir die uitkomste van die onderwys. Elkeen van hierdie rolspelers het egter spesifieke behoeftes ten opsigte van wetenskaplike kennis en vaardighede van leerders. 'n Geïntegreerde, interaktiewe onderwysbenadering is dus nodig om elkeen van hierdie rolspelers se behoeftes suksesvol aan te spreek. Hierdie studie fokus spesifiek daarop om beide die behoeftes van die rolspelers in die Wes- Kaap ten opsigte van natuur- en skeikunde-onderwys, te identifiseer, en hoe TRAe SA, 'n nie-regeringsonderwysorganisasie wat van rekenaargesteunde aktiwiteite gebruik maak, aangewend kan word om hierdie behoeftes aan te spreek. Die verskillende rolspelers wat by die studie betrek is, sluit in die tersiêre inrigtings, industrie, onderwysdepartement, onderwysers en leerders. Inligting aangaande rolspelerbehoeftes is hoofsaaklik versamel deur onderhoude en vraelyste, terwyl werkswinkels ook gebruik is om vas te stel wat leerders en onderwysers se behoeftes is. Dit is opmerklik dat die inligting verkry uit die empiriese studie (vraelyste en onderhoude) in 'n groot mate ooreenstem met literatuurbevindinge. Een van die belangrikste gevolgtrekkings uit die empiriese studie is dat die verskillende rolspelers eiesoortige asook ooreenstemmende behoeftes ten opsigte van die voorbereiding van leerders op skoolvlak het. Die industrie verwag dat leerders voldoende met die nodige vaardighede toegerus sal wees om integrasie binne die werksfeer te vergemaklik. Tersiêre inrigtings beklemtoon die verkryging van die teoretiese sowel as praktiese grondslag van die wetenskapvakinhoud. Leerders verlang ondersteuning van ekstra-kurrikulêre programme wat fokus op vereenvoudiging van moeilike konsepte. 'n Vakkurrikulumaanpassing asook gereelde opknappingskursusse is deur onderwysers as belangrike behoeftes geïdentifiseer. Die onderwysdepartement benodig fondse om opleidingsprogramme te loods en pleit ook vir meer georganiseerde betrokkenheid van tersiêre inrigtings en nie-regeringsonderwysorganisasies. Verder verwag die onderwysdepartement dat hulonderwysstrategieë soos uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys ondersteun word. Die data toon ook verder aan dat daar In wesenlike gapmg tussen die verwagting van rolspelers ten opsigte van bepaalde vaardighede en die werklike stand van vaardighede by die leerders bestaan. As deel van die studie word voorstelle bespreek om die geïdentifiseerde behoeftes aan te spreek. Klem word gelê op die bydrae van nie-regeringsonderwysorganisasies (met spesifieke verwysing na TRAC SA), die UGO-benadering, asook die insette van tersiêre inrigtings en industrie tot die aanspreek van geïdentifiseerde behoeftes. Die TRAC-program fokus onder meer op die vereenvoudiging van basiese en moeilike natuurwetenskapbegrippe deur gebruik te maak van rekenaargesteunde eksperimente, aan die hand van werkkaarte. Om die ontwikkeling van vaardighede op skoolvlak te bevorder, sal die hele onderwysbenadering met die samewerking van alle relevante rolspelers hersien moet word. In dié verband is wedersydse kommunikasie tussen die verskillende rolspelers onontbeerlik.af_ZA
dc.format.extentvi, 248 p.: ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTransportation and Civil Engineering SAen_ZA
dc.subjectScience -- Education, Secondary -- Activity programsen_ZA
dc.subjectScience -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- South Africa -- Computer assisted instructionen_ZA
dc.subjectScience -- Education, Secondary -- Aims and objectives. -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleDie potensiaal van die TRAC-program om verskillende rolspelers se behoeftes ten opsigte van natuur-en skeikunde-onderwys aan te spreekaf_ZA
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