Advantages associated with the implementation and integration of environmental management systems in small manufacturing businesses

dc.contributor.advisorLorenzen, L.
dc.contributor.authorBezuidenhout, Sol
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Process Engineering.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: TheSouthAfrican economy islargely dependant on small enterprisesas a valuable source of job creation, gross domestic product as well as product development and innovation, However, unfortunately there existsan extremeiy high failure rate among small businesswith 20%of startup businessesfailing within the firstyear of operation, and an almost 60% failure rate within the first6 years of existence, Thesestatisticshave initiated several research studies,and have been the focus of many businessbooks, in itseif, creating a vast industry of small businesssuccesstools and quick fix solutions, When considering the high failure rates of small businesses,the concepts surrounding sustainable development come into question by pure method of association, Sustainable development issueshave become a top priority globally and have moved up the corporate agenda in recent years. When trying to "marry" these two concepts, questions arise regarding the effect of integrating sustainability principles and management systems,with contemporary small businessstrategy. Theaim of thisstudy isto investigate existingcritical successmodels and to integrate some simple initial stages of sustainable development business strategy within these models. Expectantly, some of the principles contained in the formalisation of management systems that address sustainability issues,could be incorporated in traditional management models in an attempt to identify possible interventions and tools that might positivelyimpact on the successrate of small businessenterprises. These concepts would be tested by means of implementing a formal environmental management system (based on the ISO 14001standard) as an initial approach to addressingsustainabilitygoals, as a case study, The successful implementation of an ISO 14001 environmental management system at this small businessenterprise, realised several advantages for the company, and have been used to adapt traditional management models to include for some of the simple concepts of sustainable development.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid Afrikaanse ekonomie is in 'n groot mate afhanklik van klein besighede as 'n waardevolle bron van werkskepping, bruto binnelandse produk, asook van produk ontwikkeling en innovasie, Des nieteenstaande, bestaan daar ongelukkig 'n baie hoe faling syfer onder klein besighede, met 20%van aanvangsbesighede wat mislukbinne die eerste jaar van bedryf en ongeveer 60%van besighede wat mislukbinne die eerste 6jaar van bestaan. Hierdie statistieke het reeds verskeie navorsingstudiesgeinisieer en was reeds die tema van verskeie boeke, wat opsig self 'n reuse industrie genereer van sake sukseshandleidings en kits oplossings vir verskeie probleme, Wanneer hierdie hoe falings statistieke onder klein sake ondernemings oorweeg word, bevraagteken mens die konsepte rakende volhoubare ontwikkeiing, bloot as gevolg van assosiasie,Volhoubare ontwikkeling het in die laaste paar jaar baie aandag geniet op die prioriteitsagendas internationaal, asook van verskeie korporatiewe agendas. As gepoog word om hierdie twee konsepte met mekaar te vereenselwig, ontwikkel daar verskeievrae rakende die effek van die integrering van volhoubare ontwikkelingsbeginselsen verwante bestuurstelsels,met bestaande kiein sake onderneming strategie, Die doel van hierdie studie isom bestaande suksesmodelIe vir klein sake ondernemings te ondersoek, en om sommige van die begin fase beginselsvan volhoubare besigheids strategie, met mekaar te integreer. Daar sou verwag kon word dot sommige van .die konsepte bevat in die formaiisering van bestuurstelselsrakende volhoubare ontwikkeling, ook geinkorporeer kan word binne bestaande traditionele bestuursmodelle, in 'n poging om moontlike ingrypings en gereedskap te identifiseer wat 'n positiewe impak kan he op die suksessyfersvan kleinsake ondernemings. Hierdie konsepte is getoets aan die hand van 'n implimentering van 'n formele omgewingsbestuurstelsel(gebasseer op die ISO14001standaard) as 'ngevalle studie, wat die begin benadering vorm om die doelwitte van volhoubaarheid aan te spreek. Die suksesvolleimplimentering van 'n ISO 14001omgewingsbestuurselsel by 'n klein sake onderneming het verskeie voordele vir hierdie maatskappy tot gevolg gehad. en is gebruik om tradisionele suksesmodelleaan te pas, om voorsiening te maak vir sommige van die konsepte rakende volhoubare
dc.format.extent1 v. (various foliations)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSmall business -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectProduction management -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectISO 14000 Series Standardsen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Process engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Process engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleAdvantages associated with the implementation and integration of environmental management systems in small manufacturing businessesen_ZA
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