The effectiveness and impact of risk management training on supervisory level within a mining organisation

dc.contributor.advisorVan Dyk, Wynanden_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVon Leipzig, Konraden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorUys, Jakobus van Niekerken_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Industrial Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has seen many accidents within the mining sector, leading to damage of natural resources, equipment and loss of lives, due to incidents occurring. Incidents can however be better controlled by implementing better management strategies to reduce the level of likelihood and consequence of incidents occurring, thus the level of risk of a specific job on mining sites. Currently, risk management training (RMT) programmes are presented to Supervisory level management with the goal to improve planning and scheduling around risk related mining activities to decrease mining related incidents. Unplanned tasks and activities on Supervisory level increases operational risks, which raise the question on the effectiveness and impact of the Supervisory level training in the mining company being investigated. This study investigates the design and use of serious games (SGs) in RMT programmes to not only increase the impact of the training but also measure the effectiveness thereof. Based on a review from literature, a SG is designed and developed to be played at an actual training programme for Supervisory level management in the mining organisation. The SG is designed with characteristics associated with better learning and cognitive knowledge uptake with the aim to improve implementation of principles learnt. The game is developed on Excel VBA with a points system framework to be played on a laptop or tablet by delegates to the programme. The four level Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation is followed (Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results) with the aim to compare theory test results, SG results and real on-site work improvement to track a behavioural change in delegates after attendance of the programme, thus the effectiveness and impact. The SG was successfully designed, developed and implemented at an RMT programme for the collaborating mining organisation. A series of hypothesis tests were done to find statistical significance in the results obtained. From the delegates tested, all succeeded in improving their SG scores with a statistically significant increase within five rounds played of the game, proving that the SG game characteristics stimulates better learning, as found in literature. A statistically significant correlation was found between delegates’ respective score increase and results from a theoretical test on the course content, indicating a correlation between knowledge gain and implementation of the principles learnt. Lastly, a statistically significant increase was found in real-world KPI’s in the form of increase in work related outcomes of attendance of the programme, from before and after attendance. This indicates a positive behavioural change in delegates to the programme with the impact being an increase in planning and scheduling of work related to time and risk management. The results indicated a positive uptake of the use of SGs in training programme as it can improve learning ability and knowledge retention, making the RMT programme more effective. On this basis, it is recommended that SGs be implemented in RMT programmes to not only increase learning and application effectiveness, but also to use as possible effectiveness measurement tool on long- and short-term basis. The use of SGs have the possibility to improve the impact of training, and so creating a safer working environment in the mining sector.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is baie ongelukke in die mynbousektor in Suid-Afrika, wat lei tot skade aan natuurlike hulpbronne, toerusting en lewensverlies as gevolg van voorvalle. Die beheer van voorvalle kan egter verbeter word deur die implementering van beter bestuurstrategieë gemik om die waarskynlikheid en gevolg daarvan, dus die risikobestuur van spesifieke take op myne. Tans word risikobestuur-opleidingsprogramme (RMT) aangebied aan bestuur op Toesighoudende vlak, met die doel om die beplanning en skedulering van risikoverwante mynaktiwiteite te verbeter om mynbou-voorvalle te verminder. Onbeplande take en aktiwiteite op toesighoudende vlak verhoog die bedryfsrisiko's, wat die vraag laat ontstaan oor die doeltreffendheid en impak van die opleiding op Toesighoudende vlak in die mynmaatskappy wat ondersoek word. Hierdie studie ondersoek die ontwerp en gebruik van ernstige speletjies (SGs) in risikobestuur-opleidingsprogramme om nie net die impak van die opleiding te verhoog nie, maar ook om die effektiwiteit daarvan te meet. Op grond van 'n literatuuroorsig, is 'n SG ontwerp en ontwikkel om gespeel te word tydens 'n werklike opleidingsprogram vir Toesighoudende bestuursvlak personeel in ‘n mynorganisasie. Die SG is ontwerp met eienskappe wat verband hou met beter leer ervarings en die gebruik van kognitiewe kennis met die doel om die implementering van geleerde beginsels te verbeter. Die speletjie is ontwikkel op Excel VBA met 'n raamwerk vir die puntestelsel wat deur afgevaardigdes na die program op 'n skootrekenaar of tablet gespeel kan word. Die vier-vlak Kirkpatrick-model van opleidingsevaluering word gevolg (Reaksie, Leer, Gedrag, Resultate) met die doel om teorie-toetsuitslae, SG-resultate en werklike werkverbetering te vergelyk om 'n gedragsverandering by afgevaardigdes na die bywoning van die program op te meet, dus die effektiwiteit en impak daarvan. Die SG is suksesvol ontwerp, ontwikkel en geïmplementeer tydens 'n RMT-program vir die samewerkende mynbou-organisasie. ‘n Reeks hipotese-toetse is gedoen om statistiese betekenisvolheid in die resultate te vind. Van die afgevaardigdes wat getoets is, het almal daarin geslaag om hul SG-tellings te verbeter met 'n statisties beduidende toename na vyf rondes wat gespeel is, wat bewys het dat die SG-spelkenmerke beter leer vermoë stimuleer, soos gevind in die literatuur. ‘n Statisties beduidende korrelasie is gevind tussen afgevaardigdes se onderskeie SG tellingverhoging en resultate van 'n teoretiese toets oor die kursusinhoud, wat dui op 'n korrelasie tussen kennisverwerwing en implementering van die geleerde beginsels. Laastens is 'n statisties beduidende toename in werksbeginsels gevind in die vorm van toename in werkverwante uitkomste van die bywoning van die program, voor en na die bywoning. Dit dui op 'n positiewe gedragsverandering by afgevaardigdes na die program, met die impak op 'n toename in beplanning en skedulering van werk wat verband hou met die tyd-en risikobestuur. Die resultate dui daarop dat die gebruik van SGs in 'n opleidingsprogram positief is, aangesien dit leervermoë en kennisbehoud kan verbeter, wat die RMT-program meer effektief kan maak. Op grond hiervan word aanbeveel dat SGs in RMT-programme geïmplementeer word om nie net die leer- en toepassingseffektiwiteit te verhoog nie, maar ook om ‘n effektiwiteits maattinstrument te wees op lang- en korttermynbasis. Die gebruik van SG's het die moontlikheid om die impak van opleiding te verbeter, en sodoende 'n veiliger werksomgewing in die mynbousektor te skep.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 195 leaves : illustrations (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectRisk managementen_ZA
dc.subjectSupervisors -- Training ofen_ZA
dc.subjectMine safety -- South Africa -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectEducational gamesen_ZA
dc.titleThe effectiveness and impact of risk management training on supervisory level within a mining organisationen_ZA
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