The realisation of the solar chimney inlet guide vanes

dc.contributor.advisorVan Zijl, G. P. A. G.
dc.contributor.authorVan Dyk, Cobus
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Up to this point in time research on the South African solar chimney, proposed for a site in the Northern Cape, comprised of determining the structural integrity of the chimney structure, as well as airflow calculation, finding the optimal shape for the airflow channels. Not much work had been done on the realisation of the foundation of the global structure, i.e. how the cardinal parts are optimized in an integrated system. The inlet guide vanes (IGV's) should be central in such research efforts, being the main support of gravitational and lateral wind load on the chimney structure, as well as its important role in channelling air and creating pre-swirl of the airflow onto the turbine blades. However, little detailed research - research to actually determine and fix the many variables of the IGV's and integration with surrounding parts - had been performed! In this thesis as many of these variables as possible are investigated - ranging from structural integrity with regard to compressive and shear strength through optimizing structure eigenfrequency to economic feasibility. The outcome of this study is conceptual solutions regarding the geometry of the IGV structures in order for it to support the chimney while minimizing material volume. Finite element methods are used to create insight into the behaviour of the IGV's and force transferring structures, incorporating external factors such as lateral wind and gravitational loadsto determine the optimal shape of these structures. This study is valuable for researchers on the solar chimney, serving as a reference from where to design and secure the variables of the global structure, and eventually building the solar chimney. Keywords: Solar chimney, inlet guide vanes, solar power, massive concrete structures, structural realisation, finite element application, structure optimisation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tot op hede het die navorsing op die Suid Afrikaanse sonskoorsteen, wat beplan word vir konstruksie in die Noordkaap, bestaan uit die bepaling van die integriteit van die struktuur asook lugvloei berekeninge om die optimale vorm van die lugvloei kanale te lewer. Min werk is gedoen om die fondasies van die globale struktuur, dus hoe die kardinale dele geïntegreer is in die gesamentlike sisteem, te ondersoek. Die inlaat lei lemme behoort sentraal te lê in sulke navorsingspogings aangesien dit die hoof ondersteuner en verspreider van gravitasie en laterale windlaste op die skoorsteen struktuur is. Dit speelook 'n integrale rol in die kanalisering van invloeiende lug om dit vooraf 'n vorteks beweging te gee vir 'n optimale invalshoek op die turbine lemme. Min gedetaileerde navorsing - navorsing om die verskeie onbekende faktore rondom die inlaat lei lemme en die omliggende strukture te bepaal - is tot op hede gedoen. Hierdie tesis mik om soveel moontlik van hierdie veranderlikes - wat reik van struktuur integriteit met betrekking tot die samedrukkings- en skuifsterktes in die materiaal tot die eie-frekwensies en ekonomiese vatbaarheid van die struktuur - vas te stel. Die uitkoms van hierdie studie is konseptueie oplossings vir die geometrie van die inlaat lei lem strukture wat terselfdertyd die totale struktuur se materiaal volume minimiseer. Eindige element metodes word gebruik om insig in die gedrag van die inlaat lei lemme en ander strukture wat krag oordra, te genereer. Die metodes inkorporeer soveel as moontlik van die eksterne faktore soos gravitasie en laterale windlas om die optimale geometrie vir die betrokke struktuur te bepaal. Hierdie studie is waardevol vir navorsers oor die sonskoorsteen en dien as 'n bron waaruit verdere ontwerp en die vasstel van veranderlikes in die globale struktuur gedoen kan word met die oog op die uiteindelike daarstelling van 'n sonskoorsteen.af_ZA
dc.format.extent123 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSolar power plantsen_ZA
dc.subjectAir flowen_ZA
dc.subjectSolar power plants -- Construction and designen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Civil engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleThe realisation of the solar chimney inlet guide vanesen_ZA
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