Development and validation of healthcare standards and criteria that contribute to the care of residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzania

dc.contributor.advisorStellenberg, Ethelwynnen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMathias, Victoren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Nursing & Midwifery.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: The problems experienced in homes for the elderly in Tanzania highlighted the need to develop healthcare standards to guide the provision of quality care to residents thus influencing healthcare outcomes. Study goal: Developing and validating healthcare standards and the associated criteria to contribute to quality care for residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzania. Objectives: i.To determine whether any healthcare standards are applied to ensure safe, qualitycare for residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzania. ii.To develop and validate quality healthcare standards to provide safe, quality careto residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzania based on the results of objective(i). iii.To develop validated measuring criteria to measure the validated healthcarestandards for safe, quality care for residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzania. Conceptual framework: The Donabedian quality model was applied to develop healthcare structure standards and the associated criteria. Methodology: The study was conducted in three phases: Phase 1: A situational analysis was conducted by applying a quantitative research approach with an exploratory research design aligned with objective (i). Validity Efforts were made to strengthen construct, content and face validity of all data collections tools. Reliability The alpha coefficient for the audit instrument was .983 and the Likert questionnaire was .928 indicating a high internal consistency. Phase 2: Drafted standards and associated criteria were developed based on the findings of phase one and the relevant literature aligned with objective (ii). Phase 3: The developed drafted standards and criteria were validated applying the Delphi technique which was applied quantitatively aligned with objective (iii). Ethical considerations: Approval was sought from Stellenbosch University (S19/02/048) and from Tanzania (NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol. IX/3191). Informed consent was obtained from managers of homes and participants. Results: Phase 1: All the homes for the elderly in the country N=32 (100%) were audited using an audit instrument which included seven fields, 26 drafted standards, four sub-standards and 262 associated criteria. All staff, N=65 (100%), from homes for the elderly completed a Likert scale questionnaire which was based on the items of the audit instrument which showed that all homes were non-compliant with all the standards and the criteria. Phase 2: Development of the drafted standards and associated criteria followed the COHSASA model. All 26 drafted standards and 257 (98%) of associated criteria were agreed upon by the experts, only 5 (2%) of the criteria underwent modifications which were then also accepted. Phase 3: Two rounds of the Delphi technique were conducted to validate the drafted standards and associated criteria. All 26(100%) healthcare standards reached consensus among the experts, including 258 (98.5%) criteria at a cut-off point of ≥ 80%. Four criteria were modified according to experts’ comments and included in round two, achieving consensus of 96%. Recommendation Based on the researcher’s observation and study findings, revealing poor care to residents in the homes for the elderly, the Government should respond to the plight of the elderly and urgently introduce the validated standards and criteria.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Die probleme wat in tehuise van bejaardes in Tanzanië ervaar word, het die behoefte laat ontstaan om gesondheidsorgstandaarde te ontwikkel om die voorsiening van kwaliteitsorg aan inwoners te fasiliteer en dus gesondheidsorg uitkomste te beïnvloed. Doelstelling van die studie: Die ontwikkeling en bekragtiging van gesondheidsorgstandaarde en die meegaande kriteria wat tot kwaliteitsorg aan inwoners in tehuise vir bejaardes in Tanzanië sal bydra. Doelwitte: i. Om te bepaal of daar enige gesondheidsorg standaarde toegepas word om veilige kwaliteitsorg vir die bejaarde inwoners van tehuise in Tanzanië te verseker. ii. Om kwaliteit gesondheidsorgstandaarde te ontwikkel en te bekragtig vir die voorsiening van veilige kwaliteitsorg aan inwoners van tehuise van bejaardes in Tanzanië, wat op die uitslae van doelwit i gebaseer is. iii Die ontwikkeling van geldige evaluasiekriteria vir die bekragtigde standaarde vir veilige, kwaliteitsorg van inwoners in tehuise vir bejaardes in Tanzanië, te meet. Konseptuele raamwerk: Die Donabedian kwaliteitsmodel was toegepas om gesondheidsorgstruktuur standaarde en meegaande kriteria te ontwikkel. Metodologie: Die studie is in drie fases uitgevoer: Fase 1: ‘n Situasionele analise was uitgevoer deur die toepassing van ‘n kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met ‘n ondersoekende navorsingsontwerp wat met doelstelling i in lyn is. Geldigheid: Pogings was aangewend om die konstruk, inhoud en gesigsgeldigheid van die dataversamelingsinstrumente te versterk Betroubaarheid Die alfa-koëffisiënt vir die ouditeringsinstrument is .983 en die Likertskaal vraelys is .928, wat ‘n hoë interne konsekwentheid aandui. Fase 2: Die ontwikkeling van opgestelde standaarde en meegaande kriteria was op die bevindings van fase 1 en relevante literatuur inlyn met doelwit 2, gebaseer. Fase 3: Die ontwikkelde opgestelde standaarde en kriteria was kwantitatief deur die toepassing van die Delphi-tegniek, inlyn met doelwit iii, bekragtig Etiese oorwegings: Goedkeuring was van Stellenbosch Universiteit (S19/02/048) en van Tanzanië (NIMR/HQ/R.8a/Vol. IX/3191) verkry. Ingeligte toestemming is van die bestuurders van tehuise en deelnemers verkry. Resultate Fase 1: Al die tehuise vir die bejaardes in die land N=32 (100%) is geoudit, deur gebruik te maak van ‘n oudit-instrument wat sewe velde, 26 ontwerpte standaarde, vier substandaarde en 262 meegaande kriteria ingesluit het. Al die personeellede N=65 (100%) van tehuise vir die bejaardes het ‘n Likertskaal vraelys voltooi gebaseer op die items van die oudit instrument wat bewys het dat nie een van die tehuise aan al die standaarde en die kriteria voldoen nie. Fase 2: Die COHSASA model is met die ontwikkeling van die opgestelde standaarde en meegaande kriteria gebruik. Deskundiges het saamgestem met die 26 opgestelde standaarde en 257 (98%) van die meegaande kriteria. Slegs 5 (2%) van die kriteria het veranderings benodig wat ook aanvaar is. Fase 3: Twee rondtes van die Delphi-tegniek is uitgevoer om die opgestelde standaarde en meegaande kriteria te bekragtig. Al 26(100%) gesondheidsorgstandaarde, insluitende 258 (98.5%) by ‘n afsnypunt van ≥ 80% is deur die deskundiges bereik. Vier kriteria is na aanleiding van die deskundiges se kommentaar aangepas en is ingesluit in rondte twee wat ʼn konsensus van 96% bereik het. Aanbeveling: Op grond van die navorser se waarnemings en die studiebevindinge wat swak sorg aan die inwoners van tehuise van bejaardes ontbloot het, moet die regering reageer op die lot van die bejaardes en die bekragtigde standaarde en kriteria dringend instel.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxviii, 264 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectOlder people -- Nursing home care -- Tanzaniaen_ZA
dc.subjectOlder people -- Long-term care -- Tanzaniaen_ZA
dc.subjectOlder people -- Institutional care -- Tanzaniaen_ZA
dc.subjectNursing home care -- Tanzaniaen_ZA
dc.titleDevelopment and validation of healthcare standards and criteria that contribute to the care of residents in homes for the elderly in Tanzaniaen_ZA
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