The design of CAN nodes for minimising cables on the SUNSAT's TCMD system

dc.contributor.advisorBakkes, P. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMusetha, Rendani D.en
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this thesis is to investigate a design of a microcontroller based embedded system that will be used to minimise cable harness on the SUNSAT micro-satellite. The system is called CAN node. The CAN node(s) implements CAN (Controller Area Network) serial bus architecture protocol. The protocol is implemented on the two nodes to transport data from the TCMD tot he 0 ther trays 0 f SUNSAT. CAN node( s) design proj ect focuses on the TCMD tray, because it is the central point for data communication in SUNSAT and it acts as the eyes and hands of the satellite's operator. As a result most of the communication cables are located at this tray. The two nodes are called TX-node and RX-nodes. The TX-node is used to collect data from the TCMD tray and transmits them serially to RX-node. The RX-nodes receives the TCMD data from TX-node and transmits these data to their respective nodes. In application RX-nodes need to be ten, but only one is used for testing purpose. The design had its shortcomings, of which they are discussed in this thesis. The recommendations of an ideal system are also given to elaborate how the system should behave in the real situation. Despite its shortcomings, the CAN node(s) project has successfully proven that cable harness on the TCMD tray of SUNSAT can be minimised by using CAN technology.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die ontwerp van 'n mikro-beheerder gebaseerde stelsel wat die SUNSA T mikro-satelliet kabel harnas sal verklein, te ondersoek. Die stelsel word die CAN nodus genoem. Die CAN nodus implementeer die CAN (Controller Area Network) bus argitektuur protokol. Die protokol is op twee nodusse geïmplementeer om data vanaf die TCMD na ander laaie van SUNSAT te voer. Die CAN nodus ontwerp fokus op die TCMD laai, want dit is die sentrale punt vir data kommunikasie in SUNSA T en dit tree soos die oog en hande van die satelliet operateur op. As 'n gevolg, is die meeste van die kommunikasie kabels in hierdie laai. Die twee nodusse is genoem TXnodus en RX-nodus. TX-nodus word gebruik om die data van die TCMD af te kollekteer en dan versprei hulle tot hulle onderskeie nodusse. In die toepaslik moet daar tien RX-nodusse wees, maar net een is gebruik terwille van die toets. Die ontwerp het sy eie tekortkomings, wat in hierdie tesis bespreek word. Die rekommendasie van 'n ideale stelsel is ook gemaak om te bewys hoe die stelsel dit in 'n ware situasie moet gedra. Ongeag die tekortkomings daarvan, het die CAN-nodus projek suksesvol bewys dat die kabel harnas in die TCMD laai van SUNSAT kan verminder word deur die gebruik van die CAN tegnologie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent71 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen
dc.subjectController Area Network (Computer network)en
dc.subjectData transmission systemsen
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electronic engineeringen
dc.titleThe design of CAN nodes for minimising cables on the SUNSAT's TCMD systemen
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