'n Genealogiese en kultuurhistoriese studie van die Coreejes-familie in Suid-Afrika : 1800-2000

dc.contributor.advisorBurden, M.
dc.contributor.authorCoreejes Roberts, Anna Petronella
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of History.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherRoberts, Anna Petronella Coreejes
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description204 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages and numberd pages 1-123..Includes bibliography and list of symbols and abbreviation.Appendix A pages A1-A 22, Appendix B pages B1-B21, Appendix C family photo’s pages C1-C18, Appendix D inventory pages D1-D4, Appendix E question list pages E1-E2.Photo’s digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR),using ,KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner and the rest digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner.Digitized, Ivan Jacobs on request of Niel Hendriksz 1Augustus 2011.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with the Coreejes family over the past 200 years. Genealogical and cultural historical research methods were used to conduct this research. Anthonio(y) Coreejes, ancestor of the Coreejes family, came from Livomo, Tuscany (Italy) and settled in the district of Stellenbosch. He was a wine farmer and a cooper. On the 26th of October 1800 he married Anna Magdalena Delport, daughter of Gerhardus Ignatius De1port and Maria Susanna Odendaal. Four children were born out of this marriage: two daughters and two sons. The Coreejes family was a very small family, who in the 19th century made a living by cultivating agricultural products and trading with them. In the 20th century, various wars such as the Anglo-Boer War and the two world wars, had an influence on the day to day life of this family. After World War II life changed dramatically, a fact which was interalia reflected in name giving customs. The tradition of naming amongst Afrikaans speaking people, had become less important in this family and previous naming traditions gave way to more indirect name giving, thereby indicating people's creativity and adaptability. The social importance of names is discussed and this is merely one aspect of the philosophy ofa group ofpeople. People have been conducting genealogical research for many centuries. In South Africa it is a popular pastime, however the female line of descendants are seldom researched. The purpose of this research is to give a complete picture of the Coreejes family, including the male and female descendants since 1800.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is 'n familiegeskiedenis van die Coreejes-familie oor die afgelope 200 jaar wat deur middel van genealogiese en kultuurhistoriese navorsingsmetodes opgestel is. Die stamvader Anthonio(y) Coreejes het voor 1800 van Livomo, Toskane (Italie) gekom en hom in die distrik van Stellenbosch gevestig. Hy was 'n wynboer en kuipmaker. Op 26 Oktober 1800 is hy met Anna Magdalena Delport, 'n dogter van Gerhardus Ignatius Delport en Maria Susanna Odendaal, getroud. Uit die huwelik is vier kinders gebore: twee dogters en twee seuns. Die Coreejes-familie is 'n baie klein familie wat in die 19de eeu hoofsaaklik 'n lewe uit die verbouing van landbouprodukte gemaak het en handel met die produkte gedryfhet. In die 20ste eeu was daar verskeie oorloe, onder meer die Anglo-Boereoorlog en die twee wereldoorloe, wat 'n invloed op die familie gehad het. Na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het baie veranderinge in die samelewing ingetree, wat ondermeer weerspieel word in naamgewinggebruike. Vemoeming, soos dit deur baie jare heen gebruik was onder Afrikaanssprekers, het in die Coreejes-familie al minder belangrik geword. Ander vorme van vemoeming wat minder direk was, het die plek ingeneem van tradisionele gebruike. Dit dui op die mens se kreatiwiteit en aanpasbaarheid. Name as sosiale gegewe word hier bespreek. Dit is maar net een aspek waardeur 'n groep mense se lewensbeskouing tot uiting kom. Genealogiese navorsing word al baie eeue lank ondemeem. In Suid-Afrika is dit 'n populere studieveld, maar daar word seide navorsing oor die vroulike afstammelinge van 'n stamvader gedoen. Hierdie studie poog om as voorbeeld van genealogiese navorsing 'n meer volledige beeld van die Coreejes-familie daar te stel deur ook die vroulike lyne so ver as moontlik na te speur.af_ZA
dc.format.extent173 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectCoreejes familyen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth Africa -- Genealogyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Afrikaans cultureen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Afrikaans cultureen_ZA
dc.title'n Genealogiese en kultuurhistoriese studie van die Coreejes-familie in Suid-Afrika : 1800-2000af
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