Verkeersprobleme met verwysing na Stellenbosch
dc.contributor.advisor | Pienaar, W. P. | en_ZA | | De Villiers, Sarel Johannes | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences . Dept. of Town and Regional Planning. | | | 2012-08-27T11:34:33Z | | | 2012-08-27T11:34:33Z | | | 1999-12 | |
dc.description | Thesis (M. in Town and regional planning) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999. | |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH SUMMARY: With the development of the modem motorcar, lorry, bicycle, motorcycle and the railroad, huge amounts of goods and people can be transported relatively fast over great distances. Because of the rapid growth in the use of these modem means of transport, together with a rapid growth in population, pressure is being put on the capacity of the road and rail networks of towns and cities. Stellenbosch experiences problems with its transport network because the increase in population, coupled with the increase in the use of motor vehicles are too rapid which puts too much pressure on the capacity of the road network. Stellenbosch experiences problems with all the different means of transport namely pedestrian traffic, bicycle traffic, motor vehicle traffic and public transport, as well as with parking and traffic in the historic town centre. These problems include the following: not enough pedestrian routes and facilities; not enough cycle routes and facilities like bicycle racks; a lot of traffic accidents and infringements; insufficient north-south routes through the town; insufficient bridge crossings over the Eerste River; illegal taxis which are overloaded; and not enough street and off-street parking. Recommendations are made to solve or reduce the problems of all the different modes of transport. It is recommended that certain streets should be closed to motor vehicle traffic so that they may be used as pedestrian areas. It is also recommended that cycle routes should be identified and implemented to make travelling with bicycles easier. It is further recommended that alternative road networks should be created to relieve traffic pressure on certain routes and it is recommended that stops should be erected along identified activity streets or corridors for the loading and offloading of passengers. It is also recommended that alternative parking areas and garages should be erected to solve the parking problem. It is further recommended that the historical centre should be partially or completely closed to motor vehicle traffic. Real attempts should be made to solve the many problems to ensure that the carrying capacity of the traffic network of Stellenbosch is not exceeded. | |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die ontwikkeling van die moderne motor, vragmotor, fiets, motorfiets en die spoorweg kan groot hoeveelhede goedere en mense relatief vinnig oor groot afstande vervoer word. As gevolg van die snelle groei in die geruik van hierdie moderne vervoermiddele, tesame met 'n snelle bevolkingsgroei, word daar druk geplaas op die kapasiteit van die pad- en spoornetwerke van stede en dorpe. Stellenbosch ondervind probleme met sy vervoernetwerk omdat die bevolking en die gepaardgaande motorgebruik te vinnig toeneem en sodoende te veel druk plaas op die kapasiteit van die padnetwerk. Stellenbosch ondervind probleme met al die verskillende vervoermodusse, te wete voetgangerverkeer, fietsverkeer, motorverkeer en openbare vervoer, asook met parkering en verkeer in die historiese kern. Hierdie probleme sluit in: te min voetgangerroetes en - fasiliteite soos voetgangeroorgange; te min fietsroetes en -fasiliteite soos fietsrakke; baie verkeersongelukke en -oortredings; onvoldoende noord-suid roetes deut die dorp; onvoldoende brugkruisings oor die Eersterivier; onwettige taxi's ; taxi's wat oorlaai word; en te min straat- en afstraatse parkeerplekke. Ten einde hierdie probleme op te los of te verminder word aanbevelings gedoen vir elkeen van die verskillende vervoermodusse. Daar word aanbeveel dat sekere strate gesluit moet word vir motorverkeer om te dien as voetgangergebiede en dat fietsroetes in sekere gebiede aangele moet word om meer beweging per fiets moontlik te maak. Daar wordook voorgestel dat alternatiewe padnetwerke geskep word om die verkeersdruk op sekere roetes te verminder en dat terminusse vir die op- en aflaai van passasiers van busse of taxi's langs geidentifiseerde aktiwiteitstrate of -korridors opgerig moet word. Verder word daar aanbeveel dat daar alternatiewe parkeerterreine en/of -garages op sekere plekkeopgerig moet word om sodoende die parkeringsprobleem op te los. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat die historiese kern gedeeltelik of heeltemal vir motorverkeer gesluit moet word. Daar moet dus daadwerklike pogings aangewend word om die talle probleme op te los om te verseker dat die drakapasiteit van Stellenbosch se verkeersnetwerk nie oorskry word nie. | |
dc.description.version | Master | |
dc.format.extent | 110 pages : ill. | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | af_ZA | af_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | |
dc.subject | City planning -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Urban transportation -- South Africa | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Urban transportation -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Traffic congestion -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Urban transportation policy -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Dissertations -- Town and regional planning | en_ZA |
dc.title | Verkeersprobleme met verwysing na Stellenbosch | af_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |
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