The assessment of improvements made in the freight logistics costing methodology in South Africa from a macroeconomic perspective

dc.contributor.advisorHavenga, J. H.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDe Jager, Danielen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics.
dc.descriptionThesis (MComm (Logistics)) University Of Stellenbosch, 2008.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 2006 het F.J. Botes, C.G. Jacobs en W.J. Pienaar van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch artikel gepubliseer oor die Logistieke Koste Model getitel “A model to calculate the cost of logistics at a macro level: a case study for South Africa”. Die Logistieke Koste Model was op daardie stadium al baan breek werk gewees in Suid Afrika en het gelei na die publikasie van die eerste “State of Logistics Survey for South Africa” deur die Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidsnavorsingsraad (WNNR). Sedertdien is die metodologie in die Logistieke Koste Model oor die jare verbeter, veral in 2008 toe nuwe metodes van padvervoer koste berekening op baie gedetailleerde vlak toegepas is, asook nuwe metodes van voorraad drakoste. Dit is hierdie en ander verbeteringe in die Logistieke Koste Model sedertdien die vorige publikasie deur Botes et al wat in hierdie tesis uitgelig word. Tekortkominge en moontlike metodes om die model te verbeter word ook uitgewys. Dit is van mening dat hierdie dokumentasie belangrik van aard is aangesien die Logistieke Koste Model deur die Sentrum vir Voorsieningskettingbestuur (Universiteit van Stellenbosch) gebruik word om te konsulteer aan Transnet, die WNNR en ander vragvervoer diens leweransiers. Die “State of Logistics Survey for South Africa” publikasie deur die WNNR word ook deur publieke asook private ondernemings gebruik in die maak van makro-ekonomiese strategiese besluite. Hierdie navorsing lig ook die uitkomste van die 2008 Logistieke Koste Model opdatering uit. Maniere waarop hierdie uitkomste geïnterpreteer kan word deur industrie om wyse strategiese investeringsbesluite te neem van makro-ekonomiese aard word ook
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 2006 F.J. Botes, C.G. Jacobs and W.J. Pienaar from the University of Stellenbosch published an article on the Logistics Cost Model titled “A model to calculate the cost of logistics at a macro level: a case study for South Africa”. Back then already the model proved to be groundbreaking work in South Africa, and led to the publication of the first State of Logistics survey for South Africa through the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Since then the methodology of the Logistics Cost Model has been improving every year, especially during 2008 update when new ways of modelling the road transport costs of the country on a highly detailed level were applied, as well as new ways of modelling inventory carrying costs like never before. It is these and other improvements made in the Logistics Cost Model since the previous publication by Botes et al that is highlighted in this research, as well as the shortcomings in the current methodology, coupled with ways of possibly improving it in future. It is felt that this is important work to document since the Logistics Cost Model outcome is used by the Centre for Supply Chain Management (University of Stellenbosch) for consulting to Transnet, the CSIR, and other freight logistics service providers. The State of Logistics survey for South Africa publication is also read by public and private industry and is used in making strategic business decisions. This research also highlights the outcome of the 2008 Logistics Cost Model update, as well as how the outcome can be interpreted by industry in making key strategic decisions in future on a macroeconomic scale.en
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subject.lcshBusiness logistics -- South Africa -- Costsen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshFreight and freightage -- South Africa -- Costsen_ZA
dc.titleThe assessment of improvements made in the freight logistics costing methodology in South Africa from a macroeconomic perspectiveen_ZA
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