The Star newspaper and the “state capture” debate: A critical discourse analysis on editorial positioning 2015-2018

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to analyse specific texts, in this case editorials published by The Star newspaper, over a specific period of time, in order to determine the role of this newspaper in relation to its positioning of then President Jacob Zuma in the state capture debate. While it is accepted that no single method exists for conducting CDA, the research is mainly guided by the CDA model of Van Dijk (1992:245) that recommends examining the data collected for argumentative structures, tacit assumptions, norms, and values, and by analysing the style and rhetoric used in discourse, in this case newspaper editorials. The review of the data is done to answer the specific research question: How did The Star newspaper position itself through its editorials in relation to the state capture debate from 2015 to February 2018? The CDA is conducted within three theoretical frameworks namely, public sphere theory, normative journalistic theory, and critical theory. Through these theories, the influence of the newspaper’s owner, Dr Iqbal Survé is gauged to determine if he exercised any control of the editorials. This CDA is conducted specifically on the newspaper’s editorials as it is through these opinions that newspapers position themselves in relation to specific issues. It was found that limited, if any, academic research has been done in South Africa on the role of editorials in the South African political context. The research concludes that while the newspaper initially did not take a strong stance against Jacob Zuma and his involvement in state capture, this position developed over time to the extent that it was highly critical of his leadership and presidency, and that it eventually called for his resignation. The research recommends future studies, specifically research related to news reporting at The Star, and not a focus on the positioning of the newspaper through its editorials only as this study does.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie gebruik kritiese diskoersanalise om spesifieke tekste te analiseer, in hierdie geval hoofartikels wat oor ʼn spesifieke tydperk deur The Star-koerant gepubliseer is, ten einde te bepaal wat die rol van hierdie koerant met betrekking tot die posisionering van die destydse President Zuma in die staatskapingsdebat was. Alhoewel daar aanvaar word dat daar nie slegs een enkele metode bestaan om ʼn kritiese diskoersanalise te doen nie, word die navorsing grootliks gelei deur die model van Van Dijk (1992:245), wat aanbeveel dat die data wat ingesamel is, ondersoek word vir argumentatiewe strukture, onuitgesproke aannames, norme en waardes, asook dat die styl en retoriek wat in die diskoers gebruik word, geanaliseer word – in hierdie geval die koerant se hoofartikels. Die oogmerk met die oorsig van die data is om die volgende spesifieke vraag te beantwoord: Hoe het die hoofartikels in The Star die koerant geposisioneer met betrekking tot die staatskapingdebat van 2015 tot Februarie 2018? Die kritiese diskoersanalise is met behulp van drie teoretiese raamwerke gedoen, naamlik openbare-sfeer-teorie, normatiewe joernalistieke teorie, en kritiese teorie. Deur die toepassing van hierdie teorieë word die invloed van die koeranteienaar, dr Iqbal Survé, gemeet om te bepaal of hy enige beheer oor die hoofartikels uitgeoefen het. Die analise fokus spesifiek op die koerant se hoofartikels, aangesien koerante hulself deur middel van hierdie opinies met betrekking tot sekere kwessies posisioneer. Die navorser het bevind dat daar min, indien enige navorsing in Suid-Afrika gedoen is oor die rol van hoofartikels in die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke konteks. Die navorser kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, alhoewel die koerant aanvanklik nie ʼnsterk standpunt teenoor Jacob Zuma en sy betrokkenheid by staatskaping ingeneem het nie, het hierdie standpunt mettertyd sodanig ontwikkel dat dit uiters krities teenoor sy leierskap en presidentskap geword het, en uiteindelik vir sy bedanking gevra het. Die navorsing beveel verdere studie aan, met spesifieke verwysing na nuusberiggewing by The Star, in aanvulling tot die fokus op die posisionering van die koerant op grond van sy hoofartikels soos in hierdie studie gedoen is.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.