Keith Blundell, on and off stage : the life of Keith Blundell, 1927-2002

dc.contributor.advisorLambrechts, Lizabeen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorEhlers, Antonen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorWebber, Marionen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of History.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This biographical study explores the life and career of Keith Blundell, with references to the South African Folk Music Association (SAFMA), and the careers of some of South Africa’s prominent English Folk Musicians, including Jeremy Taylor, Jill Kirkland, Andy Dillon, David Marks and Des Lindberg. Little academic work has been done on the English Folk Music movement in South Africa and on Keith Blundell’s contribution to this movement and his work as a musician. Keith Blundell, born in 1927, went from being a sports lover to being a performer and entertainer in South Africa in the 1960s and 1970s. He was one of the early proponents of original English Folk Music in South Africa, despite only learning to play the guitar when he was 30 years old. Blundell’s career highlights include opening one of the first folk clubs in South Africa, the Troubadour, with Des Lindberg in 1964. This club played an influential role in establishing and developing the folk music movement in South Africa. Relating to his role at the Troubadour, Keith Blundell played a leading role in the South African Folk Music Association (SAFMA). SAFMA, formed in 1966, was responsible for arranging events and fundraising shows for musicians and encouraging the composition of original South African folk songs through song-writing competitions. Apart from his involvement with SAFMA, Blundell organised a year-long tour with his family in 1970 and travelled all over South Africa and Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia), performing folk music concerts in small churches and city halls along their route. His wife and children, Caroline, Julie, Jonny and Teper, all performed with him during this tour. In 1976, shortly after the introduction of television, the Blundell family featured in one of the first family-friendly television shows to showcase local folk music. In the 1980s, Keith Blundell shifted his focus from folk music to country music and continued performing with his wife, Pamela, until 1989, when he became paralysed in a motorcycle accident. They eventually moved to Cape Town, where they stayed until his death in 2002. This biographical study recounts the life and career of Keith Blundell and also touches on the lives of the folk musicians who performed with him and the events that formed part of the South African English Folk Music movement.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie biografiese studie ondersoek die lewe en loopbaan van Keith Blundell met verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse Volksmusiekvereniging (SAFMA) en die loopbane van ʼn paar Suid-Afrikaanse volksmusikante soos Jeremy Taylor, Jill Kirkland, Andy Dillon, David Marks en Des Lindberg. Daar is weinig akademiese navorsing gedoen oor die Engelse Volksmusiekbeweging in Suid-Afrika of oor Keith Blundell se bydrae tot hierdie beweging en sy werk as ’n musikant. Keith Blundell is in 1927 gebore. Hy was aanvanklik ’n sportliefhebber voordat hy sy loopbaan in die 1960’s en 1970’s in Suid-Afrika verander het na kunstenaar en vermaaklikheidster. Hy was een van die vroeë voorstanders van oorspronklike Engelse volksmusiek in Suid-Afrika, ten spyte daarvan dat hy eers op 30-jarige ouderdom geleer het hoe om kitaar te speel. Blundell se loopbaanhoogtepunte sluit in die opening van een van die eerste volksmusiekklubs, die Troubadour, saam met Des Lindberg in 1964. Hierdie klub het ’n invloedryke rol gespeel in die vestiging en ontwikkeling van die volksmusiekbeweging in Suid-Afrika. Behalwe vir sy rol by die Troubadour, was Keith Blundell ’n prominente figuur in die Suid-Afrikaanse Volksmusiekvereniging (SAFMA). SAFMA, wat in 1966 gestig is, was verantwoordelik om geleenthede en fondsinsamelingsvertonings vir musikante te reël en die komposisie van oorspronklike Suid-Afrikaanse volksliedjies aan te moedig deur liedjieskryfkompetisies . Afgesien van sy betrokkenheid by SAFMA, het Blundell in 1970 ’n jaarlange toer saam met sy gesin gereël en regoor Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe (toe Rhodesië) gereis en al langs hul roete volksmusiekkonserte in klein kerke en stadsale gehou. Sy vrou en kinders, Caroline, Julie, Jonny en Teper, het almal saam met hom opgetree tydens hierdie toer. In 1976, kort na die bekendstelling van televisie, het die Blundell-gesin in een van die eerste gesinsvriendelike televisieprogramme verskyn om plaaslike volksmusiek bekend te stel. In die 1980’s het Keith Blundell sy fokus van volksmusiek na country-musiek verskuif en verder saam met sy vrou, Pamela, opgetree tot hy in 1989 in ’n motorfietsongeluk verlam is. Hulle het uiteindelik na Kaapstad verhuis waar hulle tot sy dood in 2002 gebly het. Hierdie biografiese studie vertel die verhaal van Keith Blundell se lewe en loopbaan en raak ook aan die lewens van die volksmusikante en gebeurtenisse wat deel gevorm het van die Engelse volksmusiekbeweging in Suid-Afrika.af_ZA
dc.format.extent187 pages : coloured illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBlundell, Keithen_ZA
dc.subjectSouth African Folk Music Associationen_ZA
dc.subjectMusicians -- South Africa -- Biographyen_ZA
dc.subjectFolk music -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectFolk singers -- South Africa -- Biographyen_ZA
dc.titleKeith Blundell, on and off stage : the life of Keith Blundell, 1927-2002en_ZA
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