Kurrikulumkonsultasie in Suid-Afrikaanse primere skole

dc.contributor.advisorCarl, Arend E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan der Merwe, C. R. (Christiaan Rudolph)en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Department of Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (D.Ed.)--Stellenbosch University, 1997.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid - Afrika is tans in 'n transformasiestadium, ook wat onderwysvoorsiening betref. Daar heers veral 'n strewe na die voorsiening van gelyke onderwysvoorsiening vir alle leerders. 'n Visie van lewenslange leer is onlangs op nasionale vlak geformuleer sodat alle belanghebbendes op 'n gesnoerde wyse kan bydra tot gelyke onderwysvoorsiening. Om hierdie visie te realiseer, word daar 'n uitkomsgerigte kurrikulumbenadering met behulp van 'n Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk beoog. Alle leerders sal in die toekoms erkenning kry vir vorige leerervaring, ongeag waar dit verwerf is. lndien leerders dus bewys kan lewer van hulle bekwaamheid, kan hulle aansoek doen om 'n kwalifikasie op 'n sekere vlak van die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk te verwerf. Alhoewel die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk eers vanaf graad 9 direkte implikasies vir skoolvlakkurrikulumontwikkeling inhou, behoort onderwysers van primere skole kennis te neem van uitkomsgerigte kurrikulumontwikkeling, aangesien die leerlinge gaandeweg voorberei moet word op uitkomsgerigte onderrigleer. Kurrikulurnkonsultasie. soos wat dit in hierdie studie voorgehou word, se hooffokus is dus op uitkomsgerigte kurrikulumontwikkeling op primere skoolvlak. Die proses is geldig en relevant aangesien dit gerig word deur die beginsels van die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk, asook sekere beginsels van kurrikulumontwikkeling. Om verdere geldigheid aan 'n proses van kurrikulumkonsultasie te verleen, is daar 'n ontleding gemaak van aanwysers van uitnemende primere skole. Indien kurrikulumkonsultasie hydra tot die ontwikkeling van die aanwysers sal daar verdere geloofwaardigheid aan die proses toegeeien kan word. Alhoewel kurrikulumkonsultasie beoog om onderwysers met 'n konsultasieproses tot 'n hoe vlak van kurrikulumbekwaamheid te ontwikkel, speel didaktiese kurrikulummateriaal as konsultasieproduk ook 'n dinamiese rol. Didaktiese kurrikulumateriaal sluit materiaal in wat kurrikuluminligting aan die implementeerders van uitkomsgerigte bied, sodat die proses van kurrikulumontwikkeling 'n volhoubare proses sal wees, selfs nadat kurrikulumkonsultasie gestaak het. Een vorm van didaktiese kurrikulummateriaal is onderrigrnodules wat gebruik word tydens kurrikulumkonsultasie vir mikrovlak-kurrikulurnontwikkeling. In 'n ernpiriese vraelysondersoek, is daar vasgestel dat onderrig- modules beduidend hydra tot die ontwikkeling van die rneeste aanwysers van uitnernende prirnere skole. Juis daarom rnaak 'n proses van kurrikulumkonsultasie gebruik van 'n modulere kurrikulumbenadering om die laasgenoernde aanwysers te help ontwikkel. Uitkomsgerigte onderrigleer op primere skoolvlak behoort egter kurrikulumreglynig ge"irnplementeer te word, sodat 'n proses van deurlopende evaluering op 'n geldige wyse voltrek kan word. Dit beteken dat daar 'n verband tussen die geskrewe, die onderrigte en die ontvangde kurrikulum rnoet wees. 'n Proses van kurrikulumkonsultasie bewerkstellig hierdie verband deur rniddel van ander tipes kurrikulummateriaal soos 'n kurrikulumvisie- en missie, 'n kurrikulumbeleid, vakvisies-en missies, vakrasionale, eenheidstandaarde, module-uitkomstes en sertifiseringsraamwerke. Hierdie materiaal hied aan onderwysers die nodige kurrikulurninligting om uitkomsgerigte kurrikulurnontwikkeling op 'n verantwoordelike wyse te irnplementeer. Hierdie studie is by uitstek op die primere skoal van toepassing en behoort van groot waarde te wees by diegene wat 'n ems het aan dinamiese kurrikulumontwikkeling. Die praktykgerigtheid rnaak van die srudie 'n bruikbare bron tydens onderrigleiding.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present (1996) South African process of transformation also involves the provision of education. In particular, there is a striving towards providing equal education to all learners . This aim is clearly made known by the National Department of Education through the vision of life-long learning set for the RSA. Curriculum restructuring aimed at facilitating the realisation of this vision is taking place, with aligned contribution towards equal provision of education by all interested parties. An exiting development that accompanies the restructuring of the curriculum involves the dissemination of curriculum information for the successful implementation of outcomes based curriculum development. The National Qualification framework will play a determining role in creating a broad curriculum structure within which this process is to be followed. Teachers teaching in primary schools need to take note of this , as pupils must gradually be prepared for outcomes based teaching and learning. It is clear that comprehensive curriculum challenges are in the offing and that teachers need to be capable of meeting these challenges. This might demand that they be empowered with the appropriate knowledge of the curriculum and curriculum skills. Curriculum consultation in South African primary schools can provide a particular contribution in this regard. That a paradigm shift should take place to ensure relevance and excellence, is also essential. Knowledge of the curriculum is the basis from which excellence can be achieved in curriculum consultation. Excellent primary schools measure up to particular determinants, namely excellent teaching and learning, ethos and partnerships, leadership and management and accountability. From these determinants particular essentials were identified, and an empirical investigation was undertaken by means of a questionnaire. The aim was to determine the extent to which didactic curriculum material as a component of curriculum consultation contributes towards achieving excellence. Although curriculum consultation envisages a developmental process by means of which teachers can achieve a high level of curriculum skill, didactic material plays a prominent role during the process. Teaching modules used for curriculum consultation at micro level represent one fonn of curriculum material . The results of the empirical research questionnaire showed that teaching modules can contribute significantly to the development of most of the indicators of excellence in primary schools. This is precisely why a process of curriculum consultation makes use of the modular approach to the curriculum to faci litate the development of these indicators. Outcomes based curriculum development implemented at primary school level should, however, be consistent with the curriculum, so that the process of continuous evaluation can be concluded relevantly. This requires that the relationship between the written, the taught and the received curriculum must be clear. A process of curriculum consultation can be accomplished through setting up a curriculum vision and mission, a curriculum policy, subject visions and missions, subject rationales, standards of unity, module outcomes, and certifying frameworks . This setting out provides teachers with the necessary curriculum infonnation to implement outcomes based curriculum development in a justifiable manner. This study is particularly relevant to the primary school and should be of great value to those who are seriously interested in dynamic curriculum development. In the end a framework within which a process of curriculum consultation in South African primary schools can contribute to the achievement of excellence may be postulated.en_ZA
dc.format.extent345 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum planning -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum change -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Primary -- South Africa -- Curriculaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleKurrikulumkonsultasie in Suid-Afrikaanse primere skoleaf_ZA
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