The characteristics and sanctioning of tackles during the 2011-2015 under 18 Craven Week rugby tournament

dc.contributor.advisorKraak, Wilburen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorBrown, Jamesen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBoucher, Shannon Johnen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Sport Scienceen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2017en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : Rugby is one of the most popular team sports in the world, however, the high injury rate associated with it is an area of concern for coaches, players, parents and referees. The tackle is the most common contact event in the game and because of this accounts for the most injuries during training and matches. Due to the nature of the game the tackle event will always be present. Sport participation among children and adolescents is increasing globally, due to the many health related-benefits attributable to engaging in sport including enjoyment, social interaction and health. Research into schoolboy rugby tackle characteristics is limited and even less is known regarding the sanctioning of illegal tackles by the referees during match-play, particularly in South Africa. The primary aim of the study was to determine the number of illegal tackles and if they were sanctioned or not sanctioned by the refereeā€™s during the 2011- 2015 under 18 Craven Week tournaments. The secondary aim was to assess which factors were associated with sanctioning and non-sanctioning of illegal tackles. This thesis followed a research article format, with the specific aims being investigated in each article. Research article one assessed the legal and illegal tackles characteristics during the 2011-2015 under 18 Craven Week tournament. Research article two focused on the sanctioning and non-sanctioning of illegal rugby tackles during the 2011-2015 under 18 Craven Week tournament. Research article one revealed an average of 123 tackles per match. The tackles were spread evenly throughout the four quarters of the match. Most of the tackles occurred front-on (65%) which is consistent with other literature. Also in agreement with other literature was the finding that most tackle events involved one tackler (66%). The study revealed that 12103 (99%) tackles were deemed legal and only 113 (1%) tackles were found to be illegal, as judged by the coding of the match videos. Most of these occurred front-on (66%) and involved one tackler (91%). Most of the illegal tackles took place in quarter two (29%) and four (29%) of the match, which highlights the effect of fatigue, leading to poorer tackling technique and decision making by the tackler. The second research article revealed 113 illegal tackles, of which 46 tackles were sanctioned and 67 tackles were non-sanctioned by the referee. The high tackle (72%) being the most common type of illegal tackle. Most of the illegal tackles took place in quarter two (29%) and four (29%). Illegal tackles mainly took place front-on (66%) and involved one tackler (91%). Most illegal tackles (59%) were not sanctioned by the referees, especially in 2012 (84%). A high percentage of high tackles (65%) and dangerous charging tackles (67%) were not sanctioned by the referee. This is an area of concern for players, coaches and referees as illegal tackles have the highest propensity for injury in comparison to any other contact event. Full understanding of the characteristics surrounding the tackle and sanctioning of illegal tackles is the initial step in the injury prevention model. This information will guide the rugby education programmes into what law, technique and coaching changes need to be put in place in order to make rugby safer across all level of play. Strict enforcement of the laws by referees will help make the game safer for all involved.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Rugby is een van die mees populĆŖre spansportsoorte ter wĆŖreld, maar ʼn hoĆ« insidensie van beserings wat met rugby gepaardgaan, is vir afrigters, spelers, ouers en skeidsregters ʼn bron van kommer. Die duikslag is die mees algemene vorm van kontak in die spel en daarom is dit verantwoordelik vir die meeste beserings tydens inoefening en wedstryde. Die aard van die spel bepaal dat die duikslag altyd teenwoordig sal wees. Navorsing wat fokus op duikslag eienskappe in skole rugby is beperk en selfs minder is bekend aangaande die bekragtiging van onwettige duikslae deur skeidsregters tydens wedstryde veral in Suid-Afrika. Die primĆŖre doel van die huidige studie was om die aantal onwettige duikslae, en of hulle deur die skeidsregters tydens die 2011 tot 2015 onder 18 Craven Week toernooie, bekragtig is, te bepaal. Die sekondĆŖre doel was om vas te stel watter faktore met bekragtiging geassosieer was (in teenstelling met nie-bekragtiging) van onwettige duikslae. Hierdie tesis is geskoei op ʼn navorsing artikel formaat. In elke artikel word die spesifieke doelwitte nagevors en vergelyk. Artikel een het die duikslag eienskappe tydens die 2011 tot 2015 onder 18 Craven week toernooie assesseer. Die bekragtiging en nie-bekragtiging van onwettige duikslae tydens dieselfde toernooie was die fokus van artikel twee. Artikel een toon ʼn gemiddelde van 123 duikslae per wedstryd. Die duikslae was egalig versprei deur die vier kwarte van die wedstryd. Die meeste duikslae was reg van voor (65%) wat met die literatuur ooreenstem. Die bevinding dat die meeste duikslae deur slegs een speler (66%) uitgevoer is, is ook in ooreenstemming met die literatuur. Die studie het getoon dat 99% van die duikslae as wettig geag is en slegs 1% as onwettig soos bepaal deur die kodering van die wedstryd videoā€™s. Die meeste duikslae was reg van voor (66%) en het slegs een speler (91%) behels. Die meeste van die onwettige duikslae het in die tweede (29%) en vierde kwart (29%) plaasgevind wat daarop dui dat uitputting aanleiding gee tot swakker duik tegnieke en besluitneming. In die tweede artikel word getoon dat 113 onwettige duikslae uitgevoer is, met die hoogvat (72%) as die mees algemene onwettige duikslag. Die meeste onwettige duikslae het in die tweede (29%) en vierde kwart (29%) plaasgevind. Onwettige duikslae het hoofsaaklik direk van voor (66%) plaasgevind en slegs een speler (91%) betrek. Die meeste (59%) onwettige duikslae was nie deur die skeidsregters bekragtig nie, veral in 2012 (84%). ʼn HoĆ« persentasie van hoogvatte (65%) en gevaarlike instormende duikslae (67%) was nie bekragtig deur die wedstryd skeidsregter nie. Onwettige duikslae het die hoogste geneigdheid tot beserings in vergelyking met enige ander kontak en daarom is dit en bly dit ʼn probleem area. Die eerste stap in die besering-voorkomingsmodel is volle begrip van die kenmerke rakende die duikslag en bekragtiging van onwettige duikslae. Hierdie inligting sal leiding verskaf aan rugby opvoedingsprogramme na watter wet, tegniek en afrigting veranderinge in plek gesit moet word om die spel veiliger te maak. Indien ons die huidige openbare gesondheidsbeleid om fisieke aktiwiteite te bevorder (Albernethy et al., 2003) gaan implementeer, moet skoolsport veilig en genotvol wees. Streng toepassing van die wette deur skeidsregters sal help om die spel veiliger te maak vir almal betrokke.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 105 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour)en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSchoolboy rugbyen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football -- Tournaments -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football referees -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby tacklesen_ZA
dc.subjectCraven week rugbyen_ZA
dc.titleThe characteristics and sanctioning of tackles during the 2011-2015 under 18 Craven Week rugby tournamenten_ZA
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