The value of learning from failure in products and services : a case study of a South African bank

dc.contributor.advisorIske, Paulen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTsutsa, Nathaniel Lesibaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Information Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The thesis presents a case study of lessons learned from failed products and services in a South African bank. The inspiration for the case study comes from social psychological research by the Institute of Brilliant Failures (Iske, 2018) that focuses on the archetypical reasons for failure and how valuable lesson can be learned from those failures. The literature review provides a historical overview of failure as learning moment is presented that shows how undesirable results and involvement in failed innovation act as lessons that spurs on a fresh round of knowledge creation. Theoretically the thesis draws on the dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation to consider the opportunities presented by failing brilliantly or simply learning from failure within a broader innovation process. The archetypes of failing brilliantly are described followed by the necessary case context. Interviewees in the case organisation where selected using snowball sampling and unstructured interviews were conducted asking them about what they think they as individuals and the organisation as a whole learned from a number of failed initiatives previously undertaken. The answers in the interviews were then used to construct narratives according to the appropriate failure archetypes. The thesis concludes that learning from failure produced new insight for future project managers, it raised awareness of additional costs or contingency plans required, revealed human factors as important aspects of projects, and suggests that employing the same project manager or team that has failed in delivery previously could increase the chance for success, provided the learning loop is supported.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die tesis bied 'n gevallestudie van lesse wat geleer is uit mislukte produkte en dienste in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse bank. Die inspirasie vir die gevallestudie kom uit sosiaal-sielkundige navorsing deur die Instituut vir Briljante Mislukkings (Iske, 2018) wat fokus op die argetipiese redes vir mislukking en hoe waardevolle lesse daaruit geleer kan word. Die literatuuroorsig is 'n historiese blik op mislukkings wat blyk leermomente te wees. Die oorsig wys hoe ongewenste resultate en betrokkenheid by mislukte innovasies kan dien as lesse wat 'n nuwe rondte van kennisskepping aanspoor. Teoreties steun die tesis op die dinamiese teorie van organisatoriese kennisskepping om die geleenthede te herken wat as briljante mislukking tel, waaruit dan geleer kan word, binne 'n breër innovasieproses. Die argetipes om briljant te misluk word beskryf, gevolg deur ‘n beskrywing van die nodige konteks vir die gevallestudie. Respondente uit die gevallestudie organisasie is met ‘n sneeubalsteekproef geselekteer, waarna ongestruktureerde onderhoude met hulle gevoer is waarin hulle uitgevra is oor wat hulle as individue en die organisasie as geheel geleer het uit 'n aantal mislukte inisiatiewe wat voorheen in die organisasie onderneem is. Narratiewe volgens die toepaslike mislukking-argetipes is uit die antwoorde van die onderhoude gekonstrueer. Die tesis kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat leer uit mislukking nuwe insigte vir bestuurdsers van toekomstige projekte opgelewer het, dit het bewustheid van addisionele kostes of vereiste gebeurlikheidsplanne aangewakker, menslike faktore is as belangrike aspekte van projekte ontbloot, en die voorstel word gemaak dat dieselfde projekbestuurder of span wat voorheen misluk het, ‘n beter toekomstige kans op sukses het mits die leersiklus ondersteun word.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 102 pages ; illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectBanks and banking -- Case studies -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational learningen_ZA
dc.subjectKnowledge managementen_ZA
dc.subjectBanks and banking -- Technological innovationsen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness failuresen_ZA
dc.titleThe value of learning from failure in products and services : a case study of a South African banken_ZA
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