Music teaching and the integration of music education in the grade one curriculum

dc.contributor.advisorJansen, Jonathan D.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKriger, Samanthaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Curriculum Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This is a study about the practice of music education in the first grade (grade one) of different primary schools in the Western Cape. It begins with an inquiry into how teachers understand the value and importance of music education, then examines what music teachers actually do in classrooms that are diverse in terms of history and resources, and concludes by asking to what extent teachers integrate music into the Life Skills curriculum. The rationale for the study was the commonplace observation that while music education is indicated within the grade one curriculum, schools typically focused much of their attention on improving learner performance in Literacy and Numeracy. Schools would come under pressure from national and provincial government because of South Africa’s poor performance in reading and mathematics in both national tests (the so-called ANA’s or annual national assessments) as well as international evaluations such as the Progress in Reading and Literacy Studies (PIRLS). Given these curricular priorities, what has happened to music education in general and music integration in the grade one classroom? This research was conducted through the medium of seven qualitative case studies of grade one classrooms in schools drawn from different historical and resource contexts of the Western Cape. Each case was composed from semi-structured interviews, systematic observations, the analysis of classroom texts and, to a limited extent, photographic documentation. Using contingency theory as the conceptual framework, the study found that whether, how and to what extent music education transpired in grade one classrooms was largely contingent on factors such as the available resources for teaching and learning music, the utilisation of those resources when available, pre-service teacher preparation, the non-examination status of the subject, and the deployment of generalist teachers without professional or specialist teacher support. There was little evidence of music integration in the seven case study classrooms. It is recommended that policy interventions focus on adequate resourcing, appropriate pre-service training, in-service teacher support, and some assessment value for the subject (music) to be taken seriously in classroom teaching and learning.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie studie handel oor die musiekopvoedingspraktyk in die eerste jaar van aanvangsonderwys in geselekteerde Wes-Kaapse laerskole. Die studie is drieledig. Dit begin met ‘n ondersoek na onderwysers se begrip van die belangrikheid en waarde van musiekopvoeding; dit ondersoek hul praktyk in klaskamers wat divers is in terme van historisiteit en hulpbronne, en sluit af deur te kyk na die mate waartoe onderwysers daarin slaag om musiek in die leerplan vir Lewensvaardighede te integreer. Die rasionaal vir die studie was die algemene waarneming dat skole tipies fokus op die verbetering van leerderprestasie in geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid, ten spyte daarvan dat musiekopvoeding deel uitmaak van die Graad 1-leerplan. Suid-Afrika se swak prestasie in leesvaardigheid en wiskunde word telkens deur nasionale toetsing (die sogenaamde JNA’s of jaarlike nasionale assessering) en internasionale evaluerings soos die Progress in Reading and Literacy Studies (PIRLS) uitgewys. Skole word gevolglik deur nasionale en provinsiale owerhede onder druk geplaas om hulle aandag te wy aan die verbetering van leerderprestasie in geletterdheid en syfervaardigheid. In die lig van hierdie prioriteitsverskuwing kan daar tereg gevra word wat die stand van musiekopvoeding is, veral ten opsigte van musiekintegrasie in die graad een klaskamer. Die navorsing is uitgevoer deur middel van sewe kwalitatiewe gevallestudies in geselekteerde Wes-Kaapse Graad 1-klaskamers. Die skole is uiteenlopend ten opsigte van historiese en hulpbronkontekste. Data is ingesamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, sistematiese waarnemings, die ontleding van klaskamertekste en - tot 'n beperkte mate -fotografiese materiaal. Data-analise is gedoen binne die konseptuele raamwerk van diegebeurlikheidsteorie. Bevindinge dui daarop dat die geslaagdheid van musiekopvoeding in graad een klaskamers grootliks beïnvloed word deur die beskikbaarheid en benutting van hulpbronne vir die onderrig en leer van musiek, gepaste onderwyseropleiding, die nie-eksamenstatus van die vak, die versuim om spesialisonderwysers aan te stel asook gebrekkige onderwyserondersteuning in die algemeen. Daar was min bewyse van musiekintegrasie in die sewe gevallestudieklaskamers. Daar word aanbeveel dat beleidsveranderinge toegespits word op voldoende hulpbronne, toepaslike opleiding van voornemende onderwysers, onderwyserondersteuning en die instel van ‘n vorm van assessering om die status van musiekopvoeding, selfs in die junior klasse, te verhoog.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvii, 260 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMusic -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- Curriculum -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectHolistic education -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum planning -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleMusic teaching and the integration of music education in the grade one curriculumen_ZA
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