The further development and evaluation of a generic individual non-managerial performance measure

dc.contributor.advisorTheron, Callie C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBotes, Philip Jacobusen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : If it can be assumed that the connotative meaning of performance (Kerlinger & Lee, 2000) is not unique to specific managerial and non-managerial jobs, this opens up the possibility of developing generic managerial and non-managerial competency models simply because it becomes easier to assemble a sufficiently large sample to convincingly empirically test the model. This in addition then also opens up the possibility of developing and validating generic managerial and non-managerial prediction models. The question is whether industry should be expected to develop and empirically test explanatory structural models that explain variance in managerial and non-managerial performance. Myburgh (2013) argued that they should not. Moreover, Myburgh (2013) argued that the inability of the discipline of industrial psychology to develop a generic non-managerial performance model has, let down the practice of industrial psychology. Myburgh (2013) consequently took the first step towards building a generic non-managerial structural competency model by proposing a performance structural model in which she mapped twelve generic non-managerial competencies on eight generic non-managerial outcomes. She, however, did not empirically test her proposed non-managerial performance model. She in addition developed and psychometrically evaluated the construct validity of the Generic Performance Questionnaire (GPQ). The GPQ attempts to assess the level of competence that employees in entry-level non-managerial position achieve on the competencies that comprise the generic non-managerial performance construct (Myburgh & Theron, 2014). The objective of the current study is to continue with the research where Myburgh (2013) left off towards the development of a valid comprehensive non-managerial individual employee competency model. The primary objective of the current study is to re-examine the performance structural model proposed by Myburgh (2013), to modify the model if this is deemed necessary and empirically test the fit of the model as well as the statistical significance of the paths in the model (provided adequate fit has been achieved). Re-examining the performance structural model proposed by Myburgh (2013) entails reflecting on the question whether any critical competencies have been excluded from the model and whether any redundant or inappropriate competencies have been included. It in addition entails reflecting on the question whether critical outcomes have been excluded from the model and whether any redundant or inappropriate outcomes have been included. It lastly entails reflecting on the question whether any structural linkages are lacking in the current model and whether any of the existing paths should be removed. The item analysis findings in the current study were compatible with the position that the subscales of the GCQ and the GOQ validly and reliably measured the latent performance dimensions they were designated to reflect. Only two subscales were able to pass the unidimensionality assumption in that the eigenvalue greater than one rule extracted only one factor and the percentage of large residual correlations were low enough to reflect an accurate representation of the observed inter-item correlation. For eight subscales the eigenvalue greater than one rule extracted a single factor, however the percentage of large residual correlations proved to be too high. The small sample size imposed certain limitations on the initial objectives of the study which meant that only the GOQ measurement model could be evaluated. The hypothesis of exact fit was not rejected (p>.05). Confidence in the measurement model was negatively impacted by five insignificant measurement error variances. In addition, two of the measurement error variances were negative. Fortunately, the negative estimates were statistically insignificant (p>.05). Recommendations for future research are made. Practical managerial implications are discussed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Geen opsomming beskikbaar.af_ZA
dc.format.extent[305] pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.provenanceStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPerformance -- Measurement -- Evaluationen_ZA
dc.subjectPerformance -- Measurement -- Statistical methodsen_ZA
dc.titleThe further development and evaluation of a generic individual non-managerial performance measureen_ZA
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