Improving the response time for the corrective maintenance of rail infrastructure : a case study of the Western Cape passenger rail network

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Response time for repairing rail infrastructure failures remains a challenge in the South African rail industry. The ‘mean time to return’ metric consists of mean time to respond and mean time to repair. This article investigates the mean time to respond for signalling infrastructure at the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) in the Western Cape, and introduces a strategy to reduce downtime. The results show that the time of occurrence, the location, and the nature of incidents, as well as the location of maintenance personnel, influence the time to respond. A model is developed to assist with improved decision-making.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reageertyd vir die herstel van onvoorsiene falings bly ’n realiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse spoorwegindustrie. Die ‘gemiddelde tyd tot terugkeer’ meting bestaan uit die gemiddelde tyd om te reageer en die gemiddelde tyd om te herstel. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die gemiddelde tyd om te reageer vir sinjaalinfrastruktuur by die Passasierspooragentskap van Suid-Afrika (PRASA) in die Wes-Kaap, en stel ’n reaksiestrategie voor om staantyd te verminder. Die resultate toon dat die tyd van voorkoms, die ligging en die aard van voorvalle, asook die ligging van instandhoudingspersoneel, die tyd om te reageer beïnvloed. ’n Model is ontwikkel om te help met verbeterde besluitneming.
CITATION: Du Toit, A., Jooste, J., & Conradie, P. 2019. Improving the response time for the corrective maintenance of rail infrastructure : a case study of the Western Cape passenger rail network. The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 30(1):235-247. doi:10.7166/30-1-1909
The original publication is available at
Railway networks, Maintenance, Railroads -- Maintenance and repair, Service life (Engineering)
Du Toit, A., Jooste, J., & Conradie, P. 2019. Improving the response time for the corrective maintenance of rail infrastructure : a case study of the Western Cape passenger rail network. The South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 30(1):235-247. doi:10.7166/30-1-1909