Die betroubaarheid en faktorstruktuur van die aangepaste meervoudige keuse-formaat van die miner sentence completion scale (MSCS)

Engelbrecht, A. S.
De Jager, L. C.
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AOSIS OpenJournal
The reliability and factor structure of the adapted multiple choice version of the Miner Sentence Completion Scale (MSCS). In this study the multiple choice MSCS was adapted as a result of several criticisms thereof. The internal consistency and factor structure of the adapted MSCS were determined to ascertain the reliability and construct validity of the questionnaire. Results show that the internal consistency is unsatisfactory and that the factor structure is so complex that interpretation becomes virtually impossible. In light of the results of this study and other research findings of the psychometric properties of the MSCS, it is recommended that a new measuring instrument for managerial motivation be developed that will enable a valid testing of the managerial rolemotivation theory.
Na aanleiding van verskeie punte van kritiek teen die MSCS is die meervoudige keuse-MSCS in hierdie studie aangepas. Ten einde 'n aanduiding van die betroubaarheid en konstrukgeldigheid van die aangepaste MSCS te verkry, is die interne konsekwentheid en faktorstruktuur daarvan bepaal. Die resultate dui daarop dat die interne konsekwentheid onbevredigend en die faktorstruktuur te kompleks vir interpretasie is. In die lig van die bevindinge van hierdie studie, en ander navorsingsbevindinge oor die psigometriese eienskappe van die MSCS, word aanbeveel dat 'n nuwe meetinstrument van bestuursmotivering ontwikkel word wat 'n geldige toetsing van die bestuursrol-motiveringsteorie moontlik sal maak.
The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.za
Executive ability -- Testing, Employee motivation -- Testing, Miner sentence completion scale (MSCS)
Engelbrecht, A.S. & De Jager, L.C. 1991. Die betroubaarheid en faktorstruktuur van die aangepaste meervoudige keuse-formaat van die miner sentence completion scale (MSCS). SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 17(2):18-22. doi:10.4102/sajip.v17i2.525.