If you had been a man you would have gone a very long way… : the public and private politics of Emeline du Toit, 1898–c. 1948

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Born as the youngest child of two of the most prominent Afrikaners of the 19th and 20th centuries, Emeline du Toit lived an explicitly political life, embodying her beliefs through her actions during some of the most important periods of Afrikaner nationalist development. With an innate ability to marry the public and private aspects of her life, Emmie used her personal connections to her benefit while working in the uppermost rungs of the National Party in the 1930s and 40s as one of a handful of women who were part and parcel of the decision-making processes. She would later join the right-wing, fascist group, the Ossewabrandwag, when she felt that the party was being weighed down by personal politics as opposed to working toward a notion of volkseenheid [unity of the nation/people] and the republican ideal she held on to with particular fervour. This work contributes to the broader body of the nationalist Afrikaner historiography and while illustrating the life of an outspoken and politically driven Afrikaner woman, who may otherwise have been known only by the footnotes marking the pages of biographies of the men she regarded as her friends and colleagues.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Emeline du Toit is gebore as die jongste kind in een van die prominentste Afrikaner huishoudings van die 19de en 20ste eeu. Sy het haar oortuigings uitgeleef deur aktiewe politieke deelname tydens een van die belangrikste tydperke in die ontwikkeling van Afrikaner nasionalisme. Emmie se ingebore vermoë om haar private en openbare lewe te integreer, het haar in staat gestel om voordeel te trek uit persoonlike verhoudings, terwyl sy saam met etlike ander vroue in die hoogste kringe van die Nasionale Party se besluitnemingsprosesse betrokke was. Sy het later by die regse, fascistiese groep, die Ossewabrandwag betrokke geraak, aangesien sy van mening was dat die Nasionale Party verval het in persoonlike politiek en nie werklik meer die ideologie van volkseenheid (die eenheid van die volk) en die republikeinse ideaal wat sy nagestreef het, bevorder het nie. Hierdie tesis dra nie net by tot die breër historiografie oor Afrikaner nasionalisme nie, maar poog ook om die lewe van ’n uitgesproke, politiek-gedrewe Afrikanervrou uit te beeld, wat andersins slegs as ’n voetnota genoem in die biografieë van manne wat sy as haar vriende en kollegas beskou het, geken sou wees.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Du Toit, Emeline Johanna, 1898-1997, Ossewa-Brandwag (Organization : South Africa), Women -- Political activity -- South Africa, Afrikaners -- 20th century, National Party (South Africa), Afrikaners -- Ethnic identity, UCTD