Rice straw hydrolysate to fuel and volatile fatty acid conversion by Clostridium sporogenes BE01 : bio-electrochemical analysis of the electron transport mediators involved

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Clostridium sporogenes BE01, a non-acetone forming butanol producer, can produce hydrogen and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) during butanol fermentation from rice straw hydrolysate. Bio-electrochemical analysis revealed the changes that occurred in the redox microenvironment and electron transport mediators during fermentation at different pH and CaCO3 concentrations. CaCO3 played a very important role in enhancing the production of hydrogen, volatile fatty acids and solvents by stimulating the changes in the electron transport system. The electron transport system mediated by NAD/NADH, flavins, Fe–S clusters, protein bound FAD, and cytochrome complex in C. sporogenes BE01 was analysed by cyclic voltammetry (CV). Electrokinetic analysis revealed that the favorability for redox reactions increased with an increase in pH, and the polarization resistance reduced significantly with CaCO3 supplementation.
CITATION: Gottumukkala, L. D. et al. 2015. Rice straw hydrolysate to fuel and volatile fatty acid conversion by Clostridium sporogenes BE01: bio-electrochemical analysis of the electron transport mediators involved. Green Chemistry, 17:3047-3058, doi:10.1039/C5GC00310E .
The original publication is available at http://pubs.rsc.org/en/journals/journalissues/gc
Rice straw hydrolysate, Volatile Fatty acids, Butanol -- Fermentation
Gottumukkala, L. D. et al. 2015. Rice straw hydrolysate to fuel and volatile fatty acid conversion by Clostridium sporogenes BE01: bio-electrochemical analysis of the electron transport mediators involved. Green Chemistry, 17:3047-3058, doi:10.1039/C5GC00310E .