Sienings van laerskoolopvoeders en -skoolhoofde van leerders wat begaafd is

dc.contributor.advisorOswald, M. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDe Villiers, Jeanne-Marieen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.
dc.descriptionThesis (MEdPsych (Educational Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onderwys in Suid-Afrika het na die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 ‘n transformasieproses beleef. Beleidsveranderinge, rasionalisering, kurrikulumvernuwing en toenemende leerderdiversiteit in elke hoofstroomklaskamer was slegs ‘n paar van die uitdagings wat opvoeders en skoolhoofde in die laerskool moes hanteer. Resente publikasies toon dat die transformasie van die nuwe onderwysbedeling ‘n negatiewe uitwerking op begaafdheidsonderrig gehad het. Daar is minimale aandag aan begaafdheidsonderrig geskenk. Hoewel Onderwyswitskrif 6 (Departement van Onderwys, 2001) erkenning verleen aan alle leerderdiversiteite, word daar nie eksplisiet na begaafdheidsonderrig verwys nie. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om ‘n duidelike beeld te verkry oor die sienings van laerskoolopvoeders en -skoolhoofde van leerders wat begaafd is. Hierdie studie het spesifiek ten doel gehad om die deelnemers se beskouings onderliggend aan begaafdheid te identifiseer, asook om die leemtes vas te stel wat toepaslike begaafdheidsonderrig belemmer. Hierdie navorsing het bevind dat daar tans in die laerskole van ondersoek ‘n gaping bestaan tussen amptelike beleid en klaskamerpraktyk. In die lig hiervan erken opvoeders en skoolhoofde dat leerders wat begaafd is nie effektief en toepaslik ingesluit word in die huidige hoofstroomklaskamer nie. Dit blyk verder dat ‘n gebrekkige opleiding in begaafdheidsonderrig, die leemte aan ‘n werkbare nasionale definisie van begaafdheid, asook uiteenlopende sienings van inklusiewe onderwys, die volhoubare ondersteuning en toepaslike onderrig belemmer van leerders wat begaafd is. Deelnemers aan hierdie studie erken dat onvoldoende voorsiening in UGO vir die spesifieke eise van leerders wat begaafd is, asook baie ander hindernisse in die hoofstroomklaskamer, veroorsaak dat hierdie leerders nie na behore onderrig en ondersteun word nie. Die laerskoolopvoeders en -skoolhoofde is van mening dat suksesvolle implementering van beleid en toepaslike onderrig van leerders wat begaafd is, nie sonder volhoubare ondersteuning en kollaborasie van alle rolspelers kan geskied nie. Daarom word die belangrikheid van groter gemeenskapsbetrokkenheid en die iv volhoubare ondersteuning van distriksgebaseerde ondersteuningspanne veral beklemtoon. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het ook belangrike implikasies vir onderwysopleiding binne die huidige onderwyssisteem. Hierdie studie bevestig die noodsaaklikheid van toepaslike voor- en indiensopleiding in begaafdheidsonderrig vir alle opvoeders sodat ons land se spreekwoordelike ongeslypte diamante tot sierade vir die samelewing gevorm kan word. Sleutelwoorde: sienings, laerskoolopvoeders en -skoolhoofde, leerders wat begaafd is, inklusiewe onderwys, hoofstroomklaskamer, opleiding, kollaborasie, gemeenskap, identifisering, definiëring, onderrigaf_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education in South Africa experienced a process of transformation since the first democratic election in 1994. Policy changes, rationalisation, curriculum changes and increased learner diversity in each and every mainstream classroom are only a few of the challenges educators and principals have to face in primary schools. Recent publications confirm that the transformation of the new education system had a negative effect on gifted education. Only minimal attention was given to educating the gifted. Although Education White Paper 6 (Department Education, 2001) acknowledges learner diversity, gifted education is not explicitly mentioned. The main purpose of this qualitative study was to achieve a clear vision of the perceptions of educators and principals in primary schools regarding gifted learners. The beliefs of the participants were explored regarding gifted education, as well as present obstacles experienced in this field. An important research finding was that there is presently a serious gap in primary schools between official policy and teaching practice. Both educators and principals acknowledge the fact that gifted learners are not effectively included in the mainstream classroom. It is furthermore apparent that limited teacher training in gifted education, the lack of a generally workable definition of giftedness, as well as diverse perceptions of inclusive teaching, obstruct sustainable support and appropriate teaching of the gifted. Primary school educators and principals agree that successful implementation of policy and appropriate teaching of the gifted cannot succeed without adequate support and collaboration of all role players. Thus increased community involvement and sustainable assistance of district based support teams are also imperative. The findings of this study hold major implications for teacher training in the present education system. This study confirms the necessity of appropriate pre- and in-service training of all teachers in order to enhance the precious gems of giftedness in primary schools for the future benefit of South African society. Key words: perceptions, primary school educators and principals, gifted learners, inclusive education, mainstream classroom, training, collaboration, societyen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectTheses -- Educational psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educational psychologyen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshTeachers of gifted children -- Attitudesen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshMainstreaming in educationen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshInclusive educationen_ZA
dc.subject.otherEducational Psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleSienings van laerskoolopvoeders en -skoolhoofde van leerders wat begaafd isen_ZA
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