An integrated control system for the subsets of a mobile robot

dc.contributor.advisorFourie, C. J.
dc.contributor.authorGertenbach, L. M.
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This project, tided An Integrated Control System for the SubsetJ of a Mobile Robot, concerns the integration of subsets for a mobile robotic system developed in the past. It was found that these subsets would not integrate with ease and that integration was not taken into account when the subsets were developed. The complete problem statement is given in chapter one. Before trying to solve the problem the author did a literature review to eqwp her with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to solve the problem. The literature reviewed included topics like Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) and Mobile Robotic. A thorough study of the developed subsets was also completed. The proposed control system is software-based and developed in three programming languages: e TURBO PASCAL, e BORLAND DELPHI, and :> MA1LAB. The DELPHI and MATLAB programs run on the base station. This computer communicates with the MOBile ROBot used in this project (MOBROB) using RF communication hardware and software. This software is part of the DELPHI programs. The DELPHI program is the starting point. This program then calls the MATLAB programs or sends data to the robot. It is important to set the hardware as prompted. The process basically consists of creating path files on the base station. These files are then sent to the robot. The robot then drives to a destination, updates its position and sends the new position back to the base station. The onboard programs used by the robot were developed in TURBO PASCAL. These programs are responsible for the control of the robot's hardware. The control system is discussed in detail in chapters five, sUtand seven. The project was completed successfully and all the objectives set at the beginning of the project were met. These objectives are given in chapter one. This document consists of four sections. The first section is the introduction, the second section the literature review, the third section discusses the control system and the fourth section discusses the results and contains conclusions and recommendations.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die projek, getiteld 'n Geïntegreerde beheerstelselvir die subdek van 'n Mobiele Rabot, handel oor die integrasie van voorafontwikkelde dele vir 'n mobiele robotiese stelsel. Daar is gevind dat die dele nie maklik is om te integreer nie en dat integrasie glad nie in ag geneem is toe die dele ontwikkel is nie. Die volledige probleemstelling word in hoofstuk een gegee. Voordat die probleem aangepak is, is 'n literatuurstudie voltooi om die skrywer toe te rus met die kennis wat nodig is vir die oplos van die probleem. Die literatuurstudie het gehandel oor Rekenaar-geïntegreerde vervaardiging (CIM), mobiele robotte en die verskillende voorafontwikkelde dele van die stelsel. Die literatuurstudie vorm hoofstukke twee, drie en vier van hierdie dokument. Die voorgestelde beheerstelsel is sagteware gebaseer en is in drie rekenaar programmerings-tale ontwikkel: ~ TURBO PASCAL, e BORLAND DELPHI en ~ MA1LAB. Die DELPHI and MA1LAB programme loop op die beheerstasie rekenaar. Die rekenaar kommunikeer met die robot deur middel van RF kommunikasie hardeware en sagteware. Hierdie sagtware vorm deel van die DELPHI sagteware. Daar word begin by die Delphi program. Die program roep dan die MATLAB programme op of stuur data na die robot toe. Dit is belangrik om die apparatuur op te stel soos in die dokument aangeteken is, voor die programme geloop word. Die proses bestaan basies uit die skep van pad-lêers op die beheerstasie. Hierdie lêers word dan na die robot gestuur, wat van sy huidige posisie na 'n bestemming toe beweeg. Wanneer die taak voltooi is, word die nuwe posisie van die robot teruggestuur na die beheerstasie. Op die robot self, loop die PASCAL program, wat verantwoordelik is vir die beheer van die robot hardeware. Die beheerstelsel word deeglik bespreek in hoofstukke vyf, ses en sewe. Die projek is suksesvol afgehandel en daar word aan al die doelstellings wat aan die begin van die projek daar gestel is, voldoen. Hierdie doelstellings word in hoofstuk een gegee. Die verslag bestaan uit vier dele. Die eerste deel is 'n inleiding, die tweede deel 'n literatuurstudie, die derde deel bespreek die beheerstelsel en die vierde deel is 'n samevatting waar die resultate bespreek word en gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent1 v. (various pagings) : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectRobots -- Control systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectMobile robotsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleAn integrated control system for the subsets of a mobile roboten_ZA
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