Sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek Valley

dc.contributor.advisorClaassen, P. E.
dc.contributor.authorCalitz, Coenraad Werner
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography & Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MS en S)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Jonkershoek is a scenic valley situated on the south-eastern periphery of Stellenbosch in the Western Cape. The study area of around 62 square kilometres has a pleasant rural atmosphere that can be ascribed to a unique combination of cultural and natural elements. It is in the national interest that these characteristics be preserved for posterity. This study represents an investigation into the viability of the sustainable utilisation of the valley, for the benefit of current and future residents and visitors alike. Firstly, a study was made of different approaches in environmental ethics in an effort to find a frame of reference against which people make decision that impact on the environment. The regulatory and planning framework was assessed to establish whether it was sufficient to protect the environment and people. A population profile was compiled to form a picture of the socio-economic conditions in the valley. Finally, a survey was conducted by testing the needs and expectation of residents against several development and conservation issues. Practitioners from the planning field were also involved in this survey. Resource conservation and development seems to be the most appropriate ethical approach for sustainable development. However, sustainable utilisation will only be possible if a balance is found between economic efficiency, environmental integrity and human well-being. It has been established that sufficient measures are in place to protect people and the environment and that integrated development planning was instrumental in this regard. The biggest shortcoming was on economic level and this is reflected in the socio-economic gap between landowners and previously disadvantaged communities. The sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek valley is attainable, on condition that the identified shortcomings are addressed through the utilisation of existing and potential development and conservation opportunities. In this assignment a number of suggestions are made that could promote this process. The sustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek valley is an attainable ideal that requires the dedication of the entire community.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Jonkershoek is 'n skilderagtige vallei suidoos van Stellenbosch in die Wes-Kaap. Die studiegebied, wat ongeveer 62 vierkante kilometer beslaan, het 'n aangenarne landelike atmosfeer wat toegeskryf kan word aan 'n buitengewone kombinasie van kulturele en natuurlike elemente. Dit is in nasionale belang dat hierdie kenmerke vir die nageslag bewaar word. In hierdie studie word ondersoek ingestel na die lewensvatbaarheid van die volhoubare benutting van die Jonkershoekvallei, tot voordeel van huidige en toekomstige inwoners en besoekers. Daar is eerstens gekyk na verskillende benaderinge in orngewingsetiek, in 'n soeke na 'n verwysingsraamwerk waarteen die mens besluite neem wat die omgewing raak. 'n Bevolkingsprofiel van die inwoners is saamgestel om 'n beeld te form van sosio-ekonorniese toestande in die vallei. Verder is gekyk of die wetlike en beplanningsraamwerk voldoende is om die omgewing te beskerm. 'n Opname is gemaak deur die verwagtinge en behoeftes van inwoners te toets aan die hand van verskeie ontwikkelings- en bewaringsvraagstukke. Praktisyns uit die beplanningsveld is ook betrek by die opname. Hulpbron bewaring en ontwikkeling blyk die mees toepaslike etiese vertrekpunt te wees vir volhoubare ontwikkeling. Volhoubare benutting is egter slegs moonlik indien 'n balans gevind kan word tussen ekonomiese doeltreffendheid, omgewings-integriteit en menslike welstand. Daar is bevind dat voldoende maatreels in plek is om die mens en die omgewing te beskerm en dat geintegreerde ontwikkelingsbeplanning instrumenteel is in hiedie opsig. Die grootste tekortkoming Ie op ekonomiese vlak en word veral gemanifesteer in 'n sosio-ekonomiese gaping tussen grondeienaars en voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe. Die volhoubare benutting van die Ionkershoekvallei is wei haalbaar, op voorwaarde dat die ge"identifiseerde tekortkomige aangespreek word deur van bestaande en potensiele ontwikkelings- en bewaringsgeleenhede gebruik te maak. In hierdie werkstuk word 'n aantal voorstelle gemaak wat hierdie proses kan bevorder. Die volhoubare benutting van die Jonkershoekvallei is dus 'n haalbare ideaal maar vereis dat dit aktief nagesteef word deur die hele gerneenskap.af_ZA
dc.format.extent100 p. : ill., some col.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEnvironmental ethics -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectForest conservationen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectJonkershoek (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Town and regional planningen_ZA
dc.titleSustainable utilisation of the Jonkershoek Valleyen_ZA
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