Language assessment practices in the diagnosis of specific language impairment in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds : a scoping review

dc.contributor.advisorDawood, Gouwaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMoosa, Farzaanaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSL&HT)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: As cultural and linguistic diversity increases due to the rise of global migration, the emphasis on providing equitable speech therapy services intensifies. The diverse nature and complexity of each language makes it challenging for clinicians to accurately diagnose Specific Language Impairment (SLI) in children from diverse backgrounds. It has been an active topic in the literature for more than a decade, yet appropriate countrywide assessment practices have still not been clearly defined, due to the cultural and linguistic diversity (CLD) of South Africa. Speech language therapists (SLTs) face universal challenges regarding the lack of appropriate and comprehensive assessment measures that accurately represent the CLD population and are unbiased. The challenges further include navigating diagnostic procedures for use by clinicians who do not possess proficiency in their client's home language, as well as a shortage of explicit guidelines. Research aim: Given the limited clinical guidelines available to assess this population, the scoping review aimed to determine the extent of available research regarding language assessment practices for the diagnosis of SLI in CLD school-aged children. The study further aimed to investigate the perception of South African SLTs concerning the feasibility of the assessment practices identified in the review. Method: The scoping review consisted of two phases. Phase one comprised the literature review investigating language assessment practices for the diagnosis of SLI (steps one to five). Thereafter, Phase two, the consultation phase (step six), was conducted using questionnaires. Eight South African SLTs working within the private and state sectors with school-aged learners from CLD backgrounds participated in the stakeholder consultation phase. Findings: A total of 32 articles were reviewed and included in the scoping review. The following themes were identified based on the literature: criteria for the diagnosis of SLI, procedure of assessment, and language assessment tools for the diagnosis of SLI. Although the eight SLTs who were consulted shared standard criteria for diagnosis, there were differences in the procedures and materials used for assessments. Conclusion: This scoping review provides summarised evidence from existing literature about assessment practices and drawing together the experiences of South African SLTs, who have resorted to informal language assessment approaches by amending existing tests to be more culturally inclusive. The current review highlighted the need for CLD-appropriate language assessment resources and specific evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis of SLI in children from CLD backgrounds. These resources should optimally include contextually relevant norms in each language, which would ensure a more precise determination of diagnostic criteria cut-off points on language assessments.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Soos taal- en kultuurdiversiteit toeneem as gevolg van die toename in globale migrasie, neem die druk om billike spraakterapiedienste te verskaf ook toe. Die uiteenlopende aard en kompleksiteit van tale stel aan klinici die uitdaging om by kinders van uiteenlopende agtergronde Spesifieke Taalafwyking (STA) met akkuraatheid te diagnoseer. Vir meer as ‘n dekade is dit ‘n aktiewe besprekingspunt in die vakliteratuur en tog is toepaslike landswye assesseringspraktyke nog nie duidelik omskryf nie, heelwaarskynlik as gevolg van die taal- en kultuurdiversiteit (TKD) van Suid-Afrika. Spraak-taalterapeute (STT) het universele uitdagings ten opsigte van die gebrek aan toepaslike en omvattende assesseringsmateriaal wat verteenwoordigend is van die TKD bevolking en ook onbevooroordeeld is. Verdere uitdagings is die navigasie van diagnostiese prosedures in gevalle waar die klinikus nie vaardig is in die klient se huistaal nie, asook die tekort aan uitdruklike riglyne. Navorsingsdoelwit: Gegewe die beperkte riglyne vir assessering van die TKD bevolking, het hierdie verkennende oorsig ten doel gehad om te bepaal wat die omvang is van beskikbare navorsing ten opsigte die diagnose van STA in TKD kinders van skoolgaande ouderdom. ‘n Verdere mikpunt was om ondersoek in te stel na die persepsie van Suid-Afrikaanse STT ten opsigte van die bruikbaarheid van die assesseringspraktyke wat in die oorsig van die vakliteratuur geidentifiseer is. Metode: Die verkennende oorsig het uit twee fases bestaan. Fase een beslaan die literatuur-oorsig wat ondersoek instel na assesseringspraktyke vir die diagnose van STA (stappe een tot vyf). Vervolgens is Fase twee, die konsultasie-fase (stap ses) deur middel van vraelyste uitgevoer. Agt Suid-Afrikaanse STTs wat in sowel die private as die staat sektor werk met leerders van skoolgaande ouderdom uit TKD agtergrond het aan die studie deelgeneem. Bevindings: Altesaam 32 artikels is nagegaan en by die verkennende oorsig ingesluit. Die volgende temas is op grond van die literatuur geidentifiseer: kriteria vir die diagnose van STA, assesseringsprosedure, en taalassesserings hulpbronne vir die diagnose van STA. Daar was uiteenlopendheid ten opsigte van kriteria vir diagnose sowel as assesseringsmateriaal. Die studies het egter almal ‘n soortgelyke benadering tot die prosedure vir assessering getoon. Die agt STT het dieselfde diagnose ondervind gedurende hul diagnostiese kriteria maar die prosedure en materiaal vir assessering het verskil.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 128 pages : illustrations, annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshLanguage acquisitionen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshLanguage disorders in childrenen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSpecific language impairment in childrenen_ZA
dc.titleLanguage assessment practices in the diagnosis of specific language impairment in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds : a scoping reviewen_ZA
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