Novel implementation of a phase-only spatial light modulator for laser beam shaping

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : The phase-only spatial light modulator (SLM) has revolutionized the field of laser beam shaping. In this thesis we describe in detail the considerations necessary to build a “digital laser” which incorporates an SLM into a laser cavity as an intracavity element to dynamically generate a wide variety of custom beams. We then present a theoretical analysis of the healing of petal-like (or Laguerre-Gaussian) beams using rotational considerations, and using digital laser technology to demonstrate this healing experimentally. We extend our investigation into self-healing beams with the theoretical derivation of a new type of Bessellike beams, which retains a concentric ring structure on propagation, and which self-heal axially. These beams are generated using an SLM, and self-healing is demonstrated experimentally.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die fase-alleen ruimtelike ligmodulator (RLM) het die veld van laserbundelvorming revolusionêr verander. In hierdie tesis beskryf ons sorgvuldig wat die nodige oorwegings is om ’n “digitale laser” te bou, wat ’n RLM in die laserholte as in ’n intra-holte element bevat, sodat dit ’n wye verskeidenheid van laserbundel vorms dinamies kan genereer. Voorts verskaf ons ’n teoretiese analise van die korreksie van blom-patroon (of Laguerre-Gauss) bundels, met die hulp van rotasie beginsels, en ons gebruik die digitale laser tegnologie om hierdie korreksie eksperimenteel te demonstreer. Ons brei ons ondersoek na self-korregerende bundels uit met die teoretiese afleiding van ’n nuwe soort Bessel-tipe bundel wat ’n konsentriese ringstruktuur behou tydens voortplanting en wat aksiaal self-korregerend is. Hierdie bundels is met behulp van ’n RLM gegenereer en self-korreksie is eksperimenteel gedemonstreer.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016
Spatial light modulator (SLM), Phase modulation, Laser beam shaping, Novel beams, Self-healing beams, Liquid crystals, UCTD