Challenges faced by occupational therapists and teachers in the implementation of vocational programmes in selected special needs schools for learners with severe intellectual disability in the metro district within the City of Cape Town

dc.contributor.advisorNed, Lieketsengen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSolomon, Elana Tinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Rehabilitation Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MHumanRehabSt)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: Vocational programmes run by Occupational therapists (OTs) and/or vocational teachers in the special needs school context can play a significant role in the vocational development of learners with severe intellectual disability. They can also lead to positive postschool employment outcomes or opportunities in the open labour market. However, challenges such as limited resources in the implementation can have a direct impact on the post-school employment outcome of these learners. Aim: This study explored the challenges that Occupational Therapists and teachers faced in the implementation of vocational programmes in selected special needs schools for learners with Severe Intellectual Disability in the metro district within the City of Cape Town, South Africa. Methods:A qualitative descriptive design was used to allow the opportunity to gather in-depth information and to bring consciousness of the lived challenges. Eighteen Severe Intellectual Disability schools in the metro were contacted, 12 participants (six OTs and six teachers) from six special needs schools, volunteered and partook in the study. One-on-one semi-structured interviews with teachers and occupational therapists were done. An interview schedule was used as a tool and all interviews were transcribed and translated into English verbatim. Thematic analysis was applied to analyse data. Findings: The data showed that OTs and teachers encounter many challenges in the implementation of vocational programmes in special needs schools for learners with SID. Seven themes derived from the data included: (1) Poor to lack of proper facilities/resources, (2) Inadequate support systems, (3) Challenges with the DCAPS curriculum, differentiation and integrated learning areas, (4) Learner skills and limitations, behaviour and emotional challenges, (5) Lack of training, guidelines and support, (6) Accessing work-based learning (Job shadowing) and (7) Advising and facilitating opportunities for learners with SID. The overall ability of participants to successfully implement the vocational programmes at their respective special needs schools was hindered by inadequate support, resources and lack of relevant training. This study also highlights the issues of existing policy and the lack of a mandatory policy on vocational programmes for special need schools. Conclusion: The participants’ experiences provided knowledge on the challenges in the implementation and added value to the existing literature. To address the challenge, a multi-faceted policy framework is much needed in the South African context that includes a set of principles for effective implementation, procedures, responsibilities, and comprehensive support plans for vocational programmes for special needs schools for SID. The recommendations propose ideas that can be used by policy makers and educational institutions to better support OTs and teachers and improve post-school employment outcomes for learners with SID.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Beroepsprogramme wat deur Arbeidsterapeute (OT's) en/of beroepsonderwysers in die skoolkonteks vir spesiale behoeftes bestuur word, kan 'n belangrike rol speel in die beroepsfasering van kinders met ernstige intellektuele gestremdheid en kan lei tot positiewe naskoolse indiensnemingsuitkomste of geleenthede in die ope arbeidsmark. Uitdagings soos beperkte hulpbronne in die implementering kan egter 'n direkte impak he op die naskoolse indiensnemingsuitkoms van hierdie leerders. Doel: Die studie het gefokus op die uitdagings wat Arbeidsterapeute en onderwysers moet in die gesig staar in die implementering van beroepsprogramme in geselekteerde spesiale behoeftes skole vir leerders met Ernstige Intellektuele Gestremdheid in die metro-distrik van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika. Die doel van die studie was om 'n omvattende beeld van die uitdagings te gee en te bepaal waar die ondersteuning nodig was. Methodes: 'n Kwalitatiewe beskrywende ontwerp is gebruik om die geleentheid toe te laat om diepgaande inligting in te samel en om bewustheid van die geleefde uitdagings te bring. Agtien ernstige intellektuele gestremdheidskole in die metro is gekontak. Twaalf deelnemers (ses OTs en ses onderwysers) van ses skole met spesiale behoeftes, vrywillig aangebied en aan die studie deelgeneem. Een-tot-een semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met onderwysers en arbeidsterapeute is gedoen. Die onderhoudskedule is as 'n instrument gebruik en alle onderhoude is getranskribeer en in Engelse verbatim vertaal. Thematiese analise is toegepas om data te analiseer. Bevindinge: Die data het getoon dat OT's en onderwysers baie uitdagings ondervind in die implementering van beroepsprogramme in skole met spesiale behoeftes vir leerders met SID. Sewe temas is uit die data afgelei: (1) Swak na gebrek aan behoorlike fasiliteite/hulpbronne, (2) Onvoldoende ondersteuningstelsels, (3) Uitdagings en moeilikehede van die DCAPSkurrikulum, differentiasie en geintegreerde leerareas, (4) Leerdervaardighede en -beperkings; gedrag en emosionele uitdagings, (5) Gebrek aan opleiding, riglyne en ondersteuning, (6) Toegang tot werkgebaseerde leer (Werkskadu) en (7) Advies en fasilitering van plasing vir leerders met SID. Die algehele vermoe van deelnemers om die beroepsprogramme by hul onderskeie skole met spesiale behoeftes suksesvol te implementeer, is belemmer deur onvoldoende ondersteuning, hulpbronne en 'n gebrek aan relevante opleiding. Hierdie studie beklemtoon ook die kwessies van bestaande beleid en die gebrek aan 'n verpligte beleid oor beroepsprogramme vir skole met spesiale behoeftes. Gevolgtrekking: Die deelnemers se ervarings het kennis verskaf oor die uitdagings in die implementering en waarde tot die bestaande literatuur toegevoeg. Om die uitdaging die hoof te bied, is 'n veelsydige beleidsraamwerk broodnodig in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks wat 'n stel beginsels vir doeltreffende implementering, prosedures, verantwoordelikhede en omvattende ondersteuningsplanne vir beroepsprogramme vir spesialebehoefteskole vir SID insluit. Die aanbeveling stel idees voor wat deur beleidmakers en opvoedkundige instellings gebruik kan word om OT's en onderwysers beter te ondersteun en naskoolse indiensnemingsuitkomste vir leerders met SID te verbeter.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 137 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshChildren with disabilities -- Education -- City of Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSpecial education -- City of Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshOccupational therapy for children -- Education -- City of Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleChallenges faced by occupational therapists and teachers in the implementation of vocational programmes in selected special needs schools for learners with severe intellectual disability in the metro district within the City of Cape Townen_ZA
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