Understanding postharvest losses of pomegranate fruit in South Africa : magnitude, causes and impacts

dc.contributor.advisorOpara, Umezuruike Linusen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorFawole, Olaniyi Amosen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKelly, Candiceen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOpara, Ikechukwu Kingsleyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Fruit and vegetables losses contribute to a substantial amount of food losses, and this has remained a significant problem in the food system despite the technological innovations to prolong shelf life. The high water content (often >80%) and succulent nature of most fruit and vegetables make them susceptible to insect damage, bruises, superficial injuries, rots and spoilage. Pomegranate fruit is one of the commercially grown fruit in South Africa and is highly susceptible to losses due to environmental factors (such as sunburn, crack and splits) and mechanical damage in the form of superficial injuries and bruises. Despite the rapid growth of the pomegranate industry in South Africa, there is lack of data on the magnitude and impacts of postharvest fruit losses and waste along the value chain, and this inhibits management decision on the application of appropriate control measures to specific loss hotspots. Therefore, this research aims to determine the extent of postharvest losses and waste of pomegranate fruit in South Africa and to assess the economic, natural resource and environmental impacts. The study followed a mixed method using qualitative and quantitative data. Numerical data on fruit losses were collected by sorting and counting the discarded fruit to quantify the magnitude and identify the causes of loss at the farm and packhouse, respectively. Qualitative data such as method of fruit handling during harvesting and packhouse processes were collected by close inspection and physical examination of individual fruit. The results showed that about 15.3 to 20.1% of the harvested pomegranate fruit were lost at the farm and 6.74 to 7.69% at the packhouse in South Africa annually. Defects due to environmental factors including sunburn, crack and splits accounted for 43.93% of all on-farm losses and 49.44% of total packhouse fruit losses, while mechanical damage accounted for 17.99% and 37.84% of the on-farm and packhouse losses, respectively. The losses represent revenue loss of about R826,472,659.50 ($50,219,211.90) annually and contribute to wastage of natural resources and negative environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, strategies to reduce postharvest losses of pomegranate fruit should include target preharvest environmental control (such as temperature and sunlight) and orchard management (such as irrigation, crop load, pest and diseases) factors, and improvement of harvesting and handling.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vrugte en groente dra tot aansienlike hoeveelhede voedselverliese by en, ten spyte van die tegnologiese innovasies om raklewe te verleng, bly dit ’n wesenlike probleem in die voedselstelsel. Die hoe waterinhoud (dikwels > 80 %) en sukkulente aard van die meeste vrugte en groente maak hulle vatbaar vir insekskade, knesing, oppervlakkige beserings, verroting en bederf. Granaatvrugte is een van die vrugte wat kommersieel in Suid-Afrika gegroei word en is hoogs vatbaar tot verliese as gevolg van omgewingsfaktore (soos sonbrand, krake en splete) en meganiese skade in die vorm van oppervlakkige beserings en knesing. Ondanks die vinnige groei van die granaatbedryf in Suid-Afrika is daar ’n gebrek aan data oor die omvang en impak van die na-oesvrugte se verliese en afval in die waardeketting, en dit belemmer bestuursbesluite oor die toepassing van gepaste beheermaatreels op spesifieke verlies-brandpunte. Hierdie navorsing beoog dus om die omvang van na-oes verliese en afval van granaatvrugte in Suid-Afrika te bepaal, en die ekonomiese, hulpbron- en omgewingsimpakte te evalueer. Die studie het ’n gemengde metode gevolg deur kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data te gebruik. Numeriese data oor vrugteverliese is ingewin deur dit te sorteer en te tel om die omvang te kwantifiseer, en die oorsake van verlies by onderskeidelik die plaas en pakhuis te identifiseer. Kwalitatiewe data is ingewin deur die oes- en pakhuisprosesse noukeurig waar te neem, en die afsonderlike vrugte fisies te ondersoek. Die resultate het getoon dat daar jaarliks in Suid-Afrika ongeveer 15,3 tot 20,1 % van die geoesde granaatvrugte op die plaas verlore geraak het en 6,74 tot 7,69 % by die pakhuis. Omgewingsfaktore insluitend sonbrand, krake en splete was vir 43,93 % van alle verliese op die plaas verantwoordelik en vir 49,44 % van die totale verlies van pakhuisvrugte, terwyl meganiese skade onderskeidelik vir 17,99 % en 37,84 % van die plaas- en pakhuisverliese verantwoordelik was. Die verliese verteenwoordig jaarliks ’n inkomsteverlies van ongeveer R826,472,659.50 ($ 50,219,211,90) en dra by tot die vermorsing van natuurlike hulpbronne en negatiewe omgewingsimpakte soos die vrystelling van kweekhuisgasse. Strategiee om na-oes verliese van granaatvrugte te verminder, moet dus die die beheer van omgewingsfaktore voor die oes (soos temperatuur en sonlig) teiken, boordbestuur (soos besproeiing, gewaslading, peste en siektes), en verbetering van die oesproses en vrughantering.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 150 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPomegranate -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectPomegranate industry -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleUnderstanding postharvest losses of pomegranate fruit in South Africa : magnitude, causes and impactsen_ZA
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