Strategic partnerships and sustainable investments : how can China support the African Mining Vision

Cristelle, Maurin
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Stellenbosch University, Centre for Chinese Studies
China’s appetite for resources is set to increase as the country pursue its development path with demand potentially shifting towards a range of minerals and metals that sustain the leadership’s ambition for a greener and high-tech economy. Chinese foreign direct investments (FDI) in the resource sector have soared since the mid-2000s in parallel to its increased dependency on overseas resources. As a result of booming resource markets, Africa, among other resource-rich regions, has benefitted from a surge in global FDI flows including from China. In this context, the African Union formalised its resource -based development and industrialisation strategy embodied in the African Mining Vision (2009). The initiative is supported by international and bilateral development agencies but thus far has not echoed into China’s Africa policy discourses and cooperation frameworks. While the conundrum of extractive industries and sustainable development has been highlighted in the FOCAC Declarations, China’s formal commitment to sustaining the objective of the continent’s mining reform agenda has not yet come explicitly engrained into official channels of cooperation. This policy briefing explores the opportunities for China to engage formally with its African counterparts, and endorse the ideal and objectives of the African Mining Vision by supporting its implementation.
CCS Policy Briefings are drawn from the published reports and other material produced by the Centre. They aim to highlight specific recommendations and outcomes from the larger reports and present them in a concise, easily consumable format.
The original publication is available at
Mineral industries -- Africa -- Chinese participation
Maurin, Cristelle. 2013. Strategic partnerships and sustainable investments : how can China support the African mining vision. Stellenbosch University: Centre for Chinese Studies. CCS Policy briefing, May.