Understanding Cape Town’s food system through grassroots innovations and social-technical transitions theory

dc.contributor.advisorKelly, Candiceen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBuenting de Almeida Rego, Camillaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : The current food system has a negative impact on human wellbeing and on environmental boundaries. Within this context, it is understood that technological fixes will not be enough to address social and environmental inequalities in the food system. Civil society offers context-based innovations to address local inequalities usually overlooked by policy. However, this niche remains understudied, especially in the Global South. This study aims to contribute to the understanding Cape Town’s grassroots efforts to trigger transitions towards greater sustainability in the food system. The study has been structured around the research question of how grassroots actors are developing and adopting technologies to trigger such transitions in the food system. This research was informed by a narrative literature review on socio-technical transitions, food systems transitions and grassroots innovations. This was followed by a case study, where seven grassroots actors were interviewed, and a thematic data analysis was conducted. Four themes were developed in the thematic analysis: i) support of small-scale farmers, ii) networking and relationships, iii) financial model and viability and iv) innovations and technology. The four themes help us understand the research question, of how grassroots actors are developing and adopting innovations and technologies for a more sustainable food system in Cape Town. The support and development of small-scale urban farming is identified by the grassroots actors as central to triggering greater sustainability in Cape Town’s food system. Relationships are key for these grassroots innovations to further develop and establish themselves and are formed with both niche and regime actors. All the grassroots actors are aligned with a progressive food justice agenda. Financial viability is a key challenge, further complicated by the enmeshing of grassroots projects with the need to establish livelihoods for the community involved. The results show points of resonance and of discrepancy between the literature and the case study. The results agree with the characteristics and challenges typical of grassroots innovations, as well as the centrality of partnerships to the success of innovations. The Cape Town context adds the urgency of creating and supporting livelihoods for grassroots actors. However, the definition of grassroots innovation includes a strong element of community participation. This case study did not show a strong community element to grassroots innovations. The alignment of the case study with progressive food movements as per the literature might have been caused by the sampling strategy and the COVID-19 lockdown measures. It created a bias towards grassroots actors with a higher degree with institutionalisation, and perhaps left out more radical movements. Further research directions could include an in-depth study with a bigger sample and in-person interviews.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die huidige voedselstelsel het 'n negatiewe impak op die welstand van die mens en op omgewingsgrense. Binne hierdie konteks word dit verstaan dat tegnologiese oplossings nie genoeg sal wees om sosiale en omgewingsongelykhede in die voedselstelsel aan te spreek nie. Die burgerlike samelewing bied kontekstgebaseerde innovasies om plaaslike ongelykhede aan te spreek, dit word egter gewoonlik deur beleid oor die hoof gesien. Hierdie “niche” word steeds onderskat, veral in die Globale Suide. Die doel van hierdie studie is om by te drae tot die begrip van Kaapstad se voetsoolvlakpogings om oorgange na beter volhoubaarheid in die voedselstelsel te veroorsaak. Die studie is gestruktureer rondom die navorsingsvraag oor hoe grondvlak partye tegnologieë ontwikkel en gebruik om sulke oorgange in die voedselstelsel te veroorsaak. Hierdie navorsing is ingelig deur 'n narratiewe oorsig oor sosio-tegniese oorgange, voedselsisteem oorgange en innovasies op grondvlak. Dis gevolg deur 'n gevallestudie waar onderhoude gevoer is met sewe partye op grondvlak en 'n tematiese data-analise was gedoen. Vier temas word deur hierdie tematiese ontleding ontwikkel: i) ondersteuning van kleinskaalse boere, ii) netwerk en verhoudings, iii) finansiële model en lewensvatbaarheid en iv) innovasie en tegnologie. Hierdie vier temas help om die navorsingsvraag te verstaan; hoe ontwikkel grasvlak partye innovasies en tegnologieë vir 'n meer volhoubare voedselstelsel in Kaapstad? Die ondersteuning en ontwikkeling van kleinskaalse stedelike boerderye word deur die voetsoolvlak geïdentifiseer, dit is belangrik om groter volhoubaarheid in Kaapstad se voedselstelsel te bewerkstellig. Verhoudings is die sleutel vir hierdie grondvlak innovasies, om hulself verder te ontwikkel en te vestig, dit word ook gevorm deur beide “niche” en regimepartye. Die voetsoolvlak is in lyn met 'n progressiewe agenda vir voedselgeregtigheid. Finansiële lewensvatbaarheid is 'n belangrike uitdaging, wat verder bemoeilik word met die integrasie van voetsoolprojekte met die behoefte om lewensonderhoud vir die betrokke gemeenskap te vestig. Die resultate toon punte van resonansie en teenstrydigheid tussen die literatuur en die gevallestudie. Die resultate stem ooreen met die kenmerke en uitdagings wat tipies is van innovasies op grondvlak, sowel as die kern van vennootskappe tot die sukses van innovasies. In die Kaapstad-konteks, voeg dit dringendheid by om lewensonderhoud vir voetsoolvlak te skep en te ondersteun. Alhoewel die definisie van voetsoolvlakinnovasie ’n sterk element van gemeenskapsdeelname bevat, het hierdie gevallestudie nie ’n sterk gemeenskapselement getoon vir innovasies op grondvlak nie. Die belyning van die gevallestudie met progressiewe voedselbewegings, volgens die literatuur, was moontlik veroorsaak deur die steekproefnemingstrategie en COVID-19- sluitmaatreëls. Dit het 'n vooroordeel geskep teenoor voetsoolvlak partye met organisasies op ’n hoër vlak, en het miskien inisiatiewe met 'n meer radikale oriëntasie uitgelaat. Verdere navorsingsaanwysings kan 'n in-diepte studie met 'n groter steekproef en persoonlike onderhoude insluit.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 117 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectFood supply -- Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectNutrition -- Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Cape Town (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectSociotechnical systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectGrassroots initiativesen_ZA
dc.titleUnderstanding Cape Town’s food system through grassroots innovations and social-technical transitions theoryen_ZA
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