A mechanism for the early detection and management of physical asset management strategy execution failure

dc.contributor.authorStimie, Johannen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVlok, P. J.en_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Stimie, J. & Vlok, P. J. 2016. A mechanism for the early detection and management of physical asset management strategy execution failure. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(3):158-173, doi:10.7166/27-3-1651.
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at http://sajie.journals.ac.za
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to present a mechanism that can assist physical asset management (PAM) practitioners and academics with the early detection and management of PAM strategy execution failure. In the pursuit of this objective, case studies were applied to develop the theory related to this topic the methodologies involved in the development of theory through case studies was were applied. The paper commences with a brief literature review of the contemporary literature on general business strategy, strategy execution, and, more specifically, PAM strategy execution failure (PAMSEF). The physical asset management strategy execution enforcement mechanism (PAMSEEM) is presented next. Validation of each one of the components of the PAMSEEM takes place within the context of an organisation that is highly dependent on physical assets (PA) dependent organization. The conclusion reached is that the PAMSEEM, can indeed assist organisations with the early detection and management of PAMSEF.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die artikel word ‘n meganisme voorgestel wat deur fisiese batebestuur praktisyns sowel as akademici gebruik kan word tydens die vroeë identifikasie en bestuur van fisiese batebestuur strategie uitvoering faling (FBBSUF). In die strewe om hierdie doelwit te bereik word die navorsingsmetodologie wat gebruik word in die skep van teorie deur middel van gevalle studies, toegepas. Die artikel begin met ‘n oorsigtelike bespreking van intydse besigheidstrategie en strategie-uitvoerings literatuur en meer spesifiek fisiese batebestuur strategie faling. Die fisiese batebestuur strategie uitvoering afdwingingsmeganisme (FBBSUAM) word hierna voorgestel. Validasie van alle aspekte van die FBBSUAM vind plaas binne ‘n organisasie met baie groot investering in fisiese bates. Die gevolgtrekking aan die einde van die studie is dat die FBBSUAM wel organisasies kan help met die vroeë identifikasie en bestuur van FBBSUF.af_ZA
dc.description.versionPublisher's version
dc.format.extent16 pagesen_ZA
dc.identifier.citationStimie, J. & Vlok, P. J. 2016. A mechanism for the early detection and management of physical asset management strategy execution failure. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(3):158-173, doi:10.7166/27-3-1651
dc.identifier.issn2224-7890 (online)
dc.identifier.issn1012-277X (print)
dc.publisherSouthern African Institute for Industrial Engineeringen_ZA
dc.rights.holderAuthors retain copyrighten_ZA
dc.subjectMechanical engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical asset managementen_ZA
dc.subjectCorporate strategyen_ZA
dc.subjectAssets (Accounting) -- Managementen_ZA
dc.titleA mechanism for the early detection and management of physical asset management strategy execution failureen_ZA
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