The refugee event : negotiating European identity, sovereignty and democracy.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary focus of this thesis is the European Refugee Crisis of 2015, where one million refugees arrived on European shores to exercise their human right of asylum seeking. European nation-states displayed an overwhelming unwillingness to receive the refugees and fulfil the duties of international law. I question why the crisis was depicted as a “crisis of contamination” of Europeanness and European identity, and importantly, how identities are perceived to be contaminable in the first place. I argue that contaminable identities are premised upon the modernist epistemology that identities are centred, fixed, essential and pure. I situate the European Refugee Crisis of 2015 and the discourse of contaminable identities in the broader global political context of the modern nation-state, which is also premised upon the modernist epistemology of identity. This is evident in the way in which the modern nation-state forges and securitises us-them and friend-enemy political identities. I draw upon the French post-structural philosopher, Jacques Derrida, to unsettle the metaphysics of presence that the discourse of contaminable identities relies upon. Derrida argues that identities are the product of a contamination of traces of differences, which undermines the logic of exteriorisation and securitisation to protect Europeanness or the nation from contamination. Derrida’s reinterpretation allows us to reinterpret contaminable identities as hospitable identities and a politics of presence or power as an ethical and just politics to come.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre fokus van hierdie tesis is die Europese Vlugtelingkrisis van 2015, waar een miljoen vlugtelinge op Europese kuste opgedaag het om hul mensereg van asiel soek uit te oefen. Europese nasiestate het ’n oorweldigende onwilligheid vertoon om die vlugtelinge te ontvang en die pligte van internasionale reg na te kom. Ek vra hoekom die krisis as ’n “krisis van besoedeling” uitgebeeld is, en meer belangrik, hoe identiteite as besoedelbaar in die eerste plek verstaan word. Ek argumenteer dat besoedelbare identiteite gegrond is op die modernistiese epistemologie dat identiteite gesentreer, vasstaande, essensieel en suiwer is. Ek situeer die Europese Vlugtelingkrisis van 2015 en die diskoers van besoedelbare identiteite in die breër globale konteks van die moderne nasiestaat, wat ook gegrond is op die modernistiese epistemologie van identiteit. Dit is duidelik in die manier waarop die moderne nasiestaat ons-hulle en vriend-vyand politiese identiteite smee en beveilig. Ek gebruik die Franse post-strukturele filosoof, Jacques Derrida, om die metafisika van teenwoordigheid te ontwrig wat die diskoers van besoedelbare identiteite op staatmaak. Derrida argumenteer dat identiteite die produk van ’n besoedeling van spore van verskille is, wat die logika ondermyn van eksteriorisering en beveiliging om Europeesheid of die nasie te beskerm teen besoedeling. Derrida se herinterpretasie laat ons toe om besoedelbare identiteite as gasvrye identiteite te herinterpreteer, en ’n politiek van teenwoordigheid of mag as ’n etiese en regverdige politiek om te kom te herinterpreteer.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.