Die bewegingsopvoedkundige, H. Isabelle Nel : 'n histories-filosofiese studie

dc.contributor.advisorSteyn, J. C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAnthonissen, I. (Ilse)en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Department of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University 1997.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bydrae van H. Isabelle Nel tot die vakterrein Menslike Bewegingskunde (MBK) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (US) met spesifieke verwysing na haar akademiese bydrae en die bydrae wat sy as leier in die professie gelewer het (1950-1985), is ondersoek. Die studie is vanuit 'n histories-filosofiese perspektief benader om die wetenskapsonderbou, soos sy dit gesien het, te dokumenteer. Inligting is ingesamel deur van primere en sekondere geskrewe bronne (verslae, notules, artikels, korrespondensie) gebruik te maak, aangevul deur onderhoude en oop-gestruktureerde vraelyste. Die inligting is hermeneuties gemterpreteer. Nel se biografiese besonderhede is verskaf. Perspektiewe oor vakontwikkeling is vanuit haar denkontwikkeling gedoen. Beleidsaspekte wat sy aangespreek bet, is die aard en die omvang van die studieterrein, konsepvorming onderliggend aan die vakbenaming en die implikasies vir tersiere opleiding. Nel begrond die sinergie van praktyk en teorie in haar konsep van bewegingsopvoeding. In haar doktorale studie, vorm kinesiologie die uitgangspunt wat die verband tussen liggaamlike opvoedkunde en ergonomie aantoon. Met haar benadering tot die bewegingsarea, opvoedkundige dans, het sy hierdie teoretiese aspekte toegepas en pionierswerk gedoen in die totstandkoming van 'n unieke benadering, gebaseer op 'n teoreties-gefundeerde rasionaal. In 197 5 is rekreasie op haar inisiatief as 'n praktiese kursus ingestel. Behoeftes van die gemeenskap en die gebrek aan nie-kompeterende sportsoorte, is hierdeur aangespreek. Nel se denkontwikkeling is weerspieel in die kursus-ontwikkeling wat by die US tot stand gekom het. Die teoretiese onderbou vir skool liggaamlike opvoeding is verryk met haar navorsing oor neuromuskulereontwikkeling, wat die grondslag van die nasionale kemsillabus (1972) vir liggaamlike opvoeding vir meisies gevorm het. Sy is mede-outeur van enkele publikasies en skryf verskeie artikels. Met die fokus op beplanning, reflekteer sy die geheelbeeld van die studieterrein in haar teoretiese raamwerk vir kurrikulering. Nel was instrumenteel in die vestiging van erkenning vir die professie. Haar rol in die stigting (1952) van die Vroue-Afdeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Rekreasie (SA VSLOR) is gedokumenteer. Sy is vereer met meriete toekennings van die Vereniging (1986, 1988) en die Staatspresident (1981) vir uitmuntende dliens gelewer en haar vir rol in die erkenning van die vrou en meisie in die professie. As Vise-President (vanaf 1965) van die Jnternatonal Association of Sport and Physical Education for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), versterk sy binne- en buitelandse kontak. Haar toewyding is bekroon met die toekenning van die 8ste IAPESGW-kongres in Kaapstad (1977), en by die 1997-kongres in Finland word sy vereer met die toekenning van erelidmaatskap. Haar volgehoue lidmaatskap van ICHPER (International Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation) en ICSSPE (International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education), ten spyte van politieke druk, verseker dat buitelandse kundigheid in Suid-Afrika beskikbaar gestel kon word. H. Isabelle Nel het as bewegingsopvoedkundige op akademiese en professionele gebied met begaafde visie "Die oop gesprek" binne die studieterrein van Menslike Bewegingskunde en die onderafdelings verseker.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: H. Isabelle Nel's contribution to Human Movement Science (HMS) at the University of Stellenbosch, with specific reference to her academic contribution and in the profession (1950-1985), was researched. The research was approached from a historic-philosophical perspective in order to document her perception of the scientific body of knowledge of HMS. Information was assembled from primary and secondary sources, which included written material (reports, minutes of meetings, articles, letters) amplified by interviews and openstructured questionnaires. Nel's biographical details were documented. Perspectives on the development of subjects are based on her view and vision. The policy aspects she addressed are the scope of the field of study, the conceptualization of the name of the subject, and implications for training at tertiary institutions. Nel promoted the synergy of practice and theory within her concept of movement education. In her doctoral study, kinesiology formed the basis of the relationship between physical education and ergonomics. She also applied these theoretical aspects in her approach to the movement area, educational dance. Nel pioneered the establishment of a unique approach to educational dance based on a sound theoretical rationale. With the establishment of recreation in 1975 as a practical course at the University of Stellenbosch, community needs and the lack of non-competitive sports were addressed. The development of courses at the University of Stellenbosch was a reflection of Nel's conceptualization. The theoretical foundation of physical education was enriched by her research in the area of neuromuscular development which formed the basis for the national core syllabus(1972) · for school physical education for girls. She co-authored a few publications and wrote several articles. With the focus on planning, the total field of-study was reflected in her theoretical framework for curriculum planning. -Nel was instrumental in establishing recognition for the profession. The founding in 1952 of the Women's Section of the South African Association of Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation was documented. She was honoured with merit awards from this Association (1986, 1988) and from the State President (1981) for excellent services rendered and for her role in the recognition of women and girls in the profession. As Vice-President (from 1965) of the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), she strengthened contacts at home and abroad. Her commitment to IAPESGW was given recognition when she won the bid for hosting the 8th IAPESGW Congress in Cape Town in 1977 and this association honoured her with honorary membership at the 1997 Congress in Finland. Her continuing membership of ICHPER (International Council of Health, Physical Education and Recreation) and ICSSPE (International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education), in spite of political pressure, assured that knowledge from abroad could continue to be made available in South Africa. As a movement educator with talent and vision, H. Isabelle Nel ensured an open dialogue ("Die oop gesprek") in the field of Human Movement Science and its subsections, both academically and professionally.en_ZA
dc.format.extentv, 165 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNel, H. Ien_ZA
dc.subjectLecturers -- South Africa -- Biographyen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical education and training -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hopeen_ZA
dc.subjectCurriculum planning -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hopeen_ZA
dc.subjectSports sciences -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hopeen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysical education and training -- Historyen_ZA
dc.titleDie bewegingsopvoedkundige, H. Isabelle Nel : 'n histories-filosofiese studieaf_ZA
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